Who was Socrates?

What book written by Plato created a "perfectly governed society?" Who is Aristotle?

Which city-state won the Peloponnesian War?

Who is Alexander the Great?

Who is Euclid?

What is a republic?

Who was Hannibal?

What role did a dictator play in the Roman Republic?

What is the Pax Romana?

What event destroyed the town of Pompeii?

Why did Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?

Why was Romę divided into Eastern and Western empires?

What is a mercenary?

Who was Attila?

What role did the Huns have in Rome's fali?

Middle Age. Renaissance. and Reformation

What were Charlemagne’s achievements?

What is a vassal?

What is a lord?

What is a fief?

What is a manor?

Who did knights fight for under the Codę of Chivalry?

What is a monastery?

What are sacraments?

What is excommunication?

What was the chief goal of the Crusades?

Who was Saladin?

Who was Richard the Lion-Hearted?

What did the Crusades do to Christian-Muslim relations?

Who is William the Conąueror?

Who signed the Magna Carta?

What did the Magna Carta guarantee?


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