World History Spring Semester Exam Review (1750-Present)
l sin” your textbook, notes, and assignnients you have completed for this semester, complete the following review. You will need to define or discuss in detail any Information regarding each topie.
Completed (all or nothing) reviews will be worth 10 EXTRA CREDU' POINTS on the
semester exam.
Write your answers on a SEPARATE sheet of paper. Answers must be handwritten, so begin working now.
Agę of Ręyolutions
1. Scientific Rcvolution
2. Enlightcnment/Agc of Reason
3. Great Britain*s risc to global power
4. Principles of Constitution
5. U.S. Constitution
6. Frcnch Revolution
7. Dcclaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
8. Setbacks for women
9. Napoleonie Codę
10. Creoles
1. R. and Kconomic Systems
11. Industrial Revolution
12. Capitalism
13. Communism
14. Socialism
Imperialism, WAM & RR
15. Major Characteristics of Imperialism
16. Cause of Imperialism
17. Panama Canal
18. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
19. Military Technology
20. Role of Women
21. Casualty Rates and Impact
22. Trcaty of Versaillcs
23. Lcague of Nations
24. Impact of WWI on Russia
25. Rise of Lcnin/Communism
Gl). WWI I, Cold War. & CR
26. Impact and Rcsponse to Global Depression in Germany
27. Fascism
28. Nazism
29. Adolf Hitler
30. Appeasement
31. Japanese Imperialism
32. Pearl Harbor
33. Holocaust
34. New military technologies
35. Women in WWII
36. United Nations
37. Truman Doctrinc
38. Cold War
39. Coinpare Sovict and Chinesc Communism
Decoloni/.ation, Cenocide, & Glohali/.ation
40. Algeria
41. Ghana
42. Kenya
43. Rwanda
44. Domino Theory
45. Burma
46. Cambodia
47. Palestinc (Arab-Israeli Conflict)
48. Iraq
49. Importance of the Middlc East
50. Globalization
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