• Classes - the contents:
• Seminars - the contents:
• Laboratory - the contents: Introduction to technical drawing (types of drawing, drawing size, types and thickness of lines, fonts). Projection of 2D and 3D objects (axonometric and ortographic methods). Basics of Computer Aided Design (introduction to CAD-systems - working space, drawing modus, modus of edition). Setting of desired parameters of CAD program (layer management, setting of attributes, co-ordinate systems). Presentation of object’s appearance (types of sections). Graphical representation of intersecting 3D objects. Dimensioning of objects (dimensioning signs and notations, rules of dimensioning). Tolerance of dimensions, fitting of elements, deviations of shape, position and surface roughness. Types of joints. Design drawing (assembly and working drawings). Drawing of Chemical eąuipment.
• Basic literaturę:
1. Tadeusz Dobrzański - Rysunek Techniczny, WNT, Warszawa 1997
2. A.Pikoń: AutoCAD 2007PL- pierwsze kroki, Helion, Gliwice 2006
3. Joanna Matelkin, Andrzej Setman, Paweł Zdrojewski - MegaCad 1.5, Helion, Gliwice 1999
• Additional literaturę:
• Conditions of the course acceptance/credition:
To get credits student has to pass two tests and finish his/her drawing projects
* - depending on a system of studies
Podobne podstrony:
• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: • LaboratorClasses - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: • Laboratory• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: •• Seminars - the contents: • Laboratory - the contents: •• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: •CONTENTS STUDIES Thierry de Montbrial, On the roleof“idea laboratories” orthinktanks in theTHE EN/ALUATION SCHEMELaboratory Classes The Laboratory classes are mandatory. Laboratory performancimage002 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY JUNE 1973 •ACt TTTU AUTHO* KJM1 I f.image003 The Analytical Laboratory/October 1973 Pt_AC£ TfTtf &nbsimage003 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY/APRIL 1972 Place Titleimage004 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY/JULY 1966 STORY AUTHOR POINTS r i. . . . . The Ancicnl Gods (image004 The Anafytical Laboratory June 1971 PLACEimage006 The Analytical Laboratory/October 1973 PLACE TITUE AU I HOP PdWTB 1 .... The Far Gan (Coimage007 The Anafytical Laboratory June 1971 PLACUimage009 The Analytical Laboratory July 1973 PLACE TITLE AUTHOfl POINTS 1. ... The City ol Ulimage009 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY / MAY 1974 place title aut mor PO*NTS 1 .......image015 THE ANALYT1CAL LABORATORY/FEBRU ARY 1974 Pł«KC nu* Author Kołat* 1 . Wetimage021 The Analytical LaboratoryAugust 1973 place TTTLE AUTHOfl POłNtS 1..... .The Far Cali (Ptimage021 THE ANALYT1CAL LABORATORY / MAY 1974 place title aut mor PO*NTS 1 .......więcej podobnych podstron