Classes - the contents:
• Seminars - the contents:
• Laboratory - the contents:
• Project - the contents:
• Basic literaturę:
1. Nowoczesne techniki analityczne, Praca zbiorowa pod red. M. Jarosz , Wyd. Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2006
2. Spektrometria atomowa - możliwości analityczne. Praca zbiorowa pod red. E. Bulskiej i K. Pyrzyńskiej, Wydawnictwo Malamut, 2007 Warszawa
3. Determination of Tracę Elements, Ed. By Zeev B. Alfami, VCH, 1994
4. W. Szczepaniak, Metody Instrumentalne w analizie chemicznej, Wyd. PWN, Warszawa 2008
5. A. Hulanicki, Współczesna chemia analityczna. Wybrane zagadnienia, Wyd. PWN.
• Additional literaturę:
Joumals: Analytical Chemistry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, The Analyst, Analytical Chimica Acta, Environmental Science and Technology, Fresnius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, JAAS
• Conditions of the course acceptance/credition: credit
* - depending on a system of studies
Podobne podstrony:
• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: • Laborator• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: • Laborator• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: •• Seminars - the contents: • Laboratory - the contents: •• Classes - the contents: • Seminars - the contents: •CONTENTS STUDIES Thierry de Montbrial, On the roleof“idea laboratories” orthinktanks in theTHE EN/ALUATION SCHEMELaboratory Classes The Laboratory classes are mandatory. Laboratory performancimage002 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY JUNE 1973 •ACt TTTU AUTHO* KJM1 I f.image003 The Analytical Laboratory/October 1973 Pt_AC£ TfTtf &nbsimage003 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY/APRIL 1972 Place Titleimage004 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY/JULY 1966 STORY AUTHOR POINTS r i. . . . . The Ancicnl Gods (image004 The Anafytical Laboratory June 1971 PLACEimage006 The Analytical Laboratory/October 1973 PLACE TITUE AU I HOP PdWTB 1 .... The Far Gan (Coimage007 The Anafytical Laboratory June 1971 PLACUimage009 The Analytical Laboratory July 1973 PLACE TITLE AUTHOfl POINTS 1. ... The City ol Ulimage009 THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY / MAY 1974 place title aut mor PO*NTS 1 .......image015 THE ANALYT1CAL LABORATORY/FEBRU ARY 1974 Pł«KC nu* Author Kołat* 1 . Wetimage021 The Analytical LaboratoryAugust 1973 place TTTLE AUTHOfl POłNtS 1..... .The Far Cali (Ptimage021 THE ANALYT1CAL LABORATORY / MAY 1974 place title aut mor PO*NTS 1 .......więcej podobnych podstron