Laboratory Classes

The Laboratory classes are mandatory.

Laboratory performance is judged by the knowledge of the physical basis of the experimental methods and phenom-ena as well as written reports from performed experiments.

A student may obtain grade points that rangę from 0 to 6 for each laboratory class. Therefore a maximum number of the grade points is 84 (14x6=84).

The knowledge of physical basis and applied methods is judged by a 6-question quiz. During the quiz a student may get from 0 to 4 grade points. The successive grade points (from 0 to 2) may be gained from the report. A student who fails the quiz (lessthan three grade points) failsa laboratory class (does not obtain the grade points).

Students who have attended all laboratory classes receive credit for the laboratory part of the course if the sum of the collected grade points is at least 34 (40% of the maximum number of grade points).

If the number of the collected grade points is less than 40% of the total, students take an integrative test covering the materiał of all the laboratory classes. The test can be taken two times; tests are prepared by the examination board of the Department and taken together by all the students. The threshold for passing the test is the score of 60% of the possible maximum score.

Makine up for missed laboratory classes.

Student can make up for the missed class on consent of the course coordinator. The absence should be explained in one week after the missed class. Student who makes up for the missed class is obliged to be well prepared. If the student fails the admission test preceding the class, the attempt to make up must be repeated.

Students who have collected at least 60% of the total number of grade points receive the examination bonus points. The examination bonus points are aliotted as follows:

15% of the examination result if the sum of the collected grade points during laboratory classes equals 80% or morę of the total number,

10% of the examination result if the sum of the collected grade points during laboratory classes is at least 70% and less than 80%,

5% of the examination result if the sum of the collected grade points during laboratory classes is at least 60% and less than 70%.

Getting a credit in the laboratory classes in the fali semester is essential to take the finał examination.

A student who either misses morę than one laboratory class or fails all the integrative tests does not obtain the credit in the laboratory classes and is not allowed to take the finał examination!

Students who failed all the integrative tests on laboratory classes have an opportunity to take the commission test be-fore the finał examination.


A written examination (multiple choice test) concludes the course. The test covers the materiał given during lectures and laboratories. The examination can be repeated twice.

The finał examination dates:

04.03.2015,    time 8:30 -11:00 - The Computer Center, Parkowa Str. 2

11.03.2015,    time 8:30 -11:00 - The Computer Center, Parkowa Str. 2

18.03.2015,    time 8:30 - 11:00 - Dept. of Biophysics, Fredry Str. 10


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