i athv Smith, secretary. sho^a far a tree far the offlce
Br CM? Mkkaetsoe Staff Wrttcr
Nołhmg ts sacred when it comes to inflation. not even Christ mas trees
Accordintf to Paul L. Roth. Haocii* profcssor of forestry. consumers will be paymg eight to nme percent morę for Chmtrvi* trees th»s year
*1 Jibor and freight costs are thr maj<*r factars They have gnne up in relauoo lo inflation. The incrcasing cost to grov wi of herbicides. pesticides and fertilizrrs ha* also ca'jsea the pnce of a tree to go up." Hoth noted
Kolb and John Burdę, assisiant professor of forestry . helpcoordmate the SIC Forestry Clubs annual Omstmss tree sale
Burdę said they had no trouble getung the usual supply of tree* !his year and added that a shoirtage of suppty for olher distributors might occur orły because of increased demand
•Along with the back to naturę mmtmrnt. prople are leavmg their artificial trees pa* ked away and going to Iive or cut trees again." Burdę claimrd
Hoth suggested that demand will be higher this year because morę familie* are putting up two trees
Robert Stevenson. owner of HilLside Nursery m Carhondale. said last wanter‘s werr weather condiUons did not affect this year s crop of Chnstmas trees
“Ir Michigan and Minnesota, where most of the country * supply comes from. they did not expenence drought conditions The ground stayed sufficiently wet throughoul the winter." Steven*nn expla‘ned
He agrred that inflation u* the big factor in the cost oł trees going up. but addrd that cost is iarg?ly afftCced by the qualit> of the tree
Słevenson s *d be is selling morę Iive
trees than ever as the pnce on cut trees goes up
“1 think peopi* are realizm* that it make* infimtely m eesense to huy a live tree if their yard could use another tree
He cautioned that a live tr*r should not hr kept indoors for kwtgrt than 10 days and that coce it ia plantcd outside. it should not be dug up agam unless it is done by a professional
Stevenson offered some tips on keeping a cut tree fresh and green krep it away from iieat sources like fireplaces and radiator*. use a tree stand that has its own water reservoir. make a fresh cut on the butt of the tree when it is hrought in. preferaWy s diagonal cut and water it every day.
Hunting for and cutting down your owi; tree can be dooe but restnctions are placed on some areas Ben W>att of the l .S. Fa^t Serv»ce said it « • >gal tn cut trees without a perm., in areas desir*.ated as natural forest.
“We plant mosttv wbite pine and southem pme and they ar- used primarily for soft wood. timber productioń They are not availab)e for Chnstmas trees." Wyatt explained
He also said morę Information on where to cut trees could be obtamrd from the Department of Conservation
Nina Jtnkins. who run* Jeńkin s Chnstmas Tree Farm with her hushand in G reville. said their trees would be selling for ahout 10 centa morę per fooi than Ust year.
“Out btggest problem every year i* findmg help to shape the trees It has to be <k.ne durmg the se< ond week in Jur* when it rr -Siu: 90 degrees in the shade of a trje grove So these days. it ts juki ro?*.r4S us r.Tore to frnd h*!p "
Dnrr. • maatln. skop* early
Amaaaod BiU Weberg.gradaalestodeats.checkatreefar fałlaesa..^
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/ii ł/ieil/mi(tonaże an</ fri±/ie±y<*u łłte fffły /fd/ </uun<j //te •'f/oftc/aif •/eaS fsH.
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