Ntun di Science kctwccn both appłoaebo: w lut langtngc b the donor bnguage ofthe loanwonb in Getnuiuc.
The firM gn>up teave* thlł quo(km 0|xo: Al- (abo Notih Bałkan. Emoprao oi the bnguagc of bud nanvt) and A2-bnguage (also Noithetn Europę or the bngtuge ofgemiuałe*).
V«anemann: 2 |utncular langmges (Adamie, belongtog to the Semltle bnguagc group. at*l Uiwonlc. thtt cx«|X fot Ba«|ue wat rcpiaccd in Europę by the Wet tent Indo-Europcan bnguagc*. *> al*> by the Getmatuc Languige* )i
Theory o( Venncnuno will be igootcd <cp H. Shcynln: Reitrw ofEumpa iaseoaica ■ Europa Semiku, LłngoUt Lht 15.1878, Mon lua 21,2001.
• Rising agreentent thal [uiticulaily the (jernunic languages show a sery high numbcr of loanwordt. A major pait of Oetnnuic leuoon uouU trust a souod etynulogicalanalysb and tberefore not be inhentcd bom Proto-Indo-European.
• Thn poution isespecially found in:
• etymafogtral studio on gnu o ng In the Nethctlands (cp. amongtt othets tbe 'Lclden In do-Euro pean Eiynological Dietronary Senes ), in the followtng called the 'Leadcn group'.
- tbe wołtof Ycnncnnnnand rcscntehcts rclatcd k> łuna.
In the folbsnng: substtateofthe 'Leiden group'.as itiscxpo*ed in tbe worfcs of Boulkan Siebinju. OUi Frisraa Et}moloj(t:al Dicltoaary, Leiden Boston 2005 aod Philippa ei al. (ed.k Etymo/ogttdt woo/rfcufcoe* nut ki Nderbuds. Amsterdam. 2005-2009. assumpńon of an unknown subutate language as do notlanguage.
Fina of all ii secn* impotnnt to clanfy wlut Is ntrant by the word suUtratc. In tlie prcfaoc of BoutŁinSiebtngr the follouing dcfinilion is giuen: "The lemi 'subsltatuni' ts used for any douor linguige. sstthout implying sociologieal diffcrences In Its status”.
This is troi in confornunce with the stindatd defmition of the term substnte.