„I wish you utilised the time you spend at this university profitably to learn as much as possi-ble. I cannot help but there is just one option: le-arning, learning or learning", said Mr. Vaclav Klaus to student audience. Then, the later mentioned were interested in president's attitude to Czech troops' performance in the overseas missions, what is his estimation regarding Korea affairs or his viewpoint of armed forces priorities, particularly in terms of budget, or in his judgement concer-ning EU security and defence policy.

President Vaclav Klaus' visit culminated in presenting a gift - a copy of University of Defence rector's chain followed by the signature in Uni-versity guest book. After saying good by to the rec-tor who saw him out on departure the Czech president left the University of Defence to conti-nue in his Brno visit at Romany Culture Museum.

Text and photo: Mgr. Zdeńka Dubovś

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