Anatomy & Physiology 34A Labs 5A - Celi Transport Mechanisms

Lab Objectives

A.    Deflne differential permeability, solute, solvent, solution, diffusion, osmosis, isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.

B.    Describe the processes that allow movement across the plasma membranę.

C.    Determine which way substances will move passively through a plasma membranę (given information on concentration differences), and which require active transport.

Activity 1: Observing Diffusion of Dye through agar gel (work in groups of 4)

-    Follow the dircctions in the lab manuał to determine the rclativc diffusion rates of potassium permanganate (KMnO.») and methylene bluc in agar gel.

-    Answcr the questions in the excrcisc.

Activity 2: Observing Diffusion of Dye Through Water - follow directions in the lab manuał and answer the questions in the exercise.

Activity 3: Observing diffusion (osmosis) through nonliving membranes (dialysis tubing)

-    Work in groups of four students, with each student doing one of the experiments in the activity.

-    Whcn the experiments are complete, share your data with your lab partners, and answer the questions posed.

Activitv 4: Observing Osmometer Results (demonstration) - follow directions in the lab manuał and answer the qucstion.

Activity 5: Observing diffusion through living membranes (eggs and blood cells in Solutions)

Experiment 1 - Class Demonstration (substitution) - Compare each of the 3 eggs in different Solutions. Name which Container contains an isotonic solution, which egg is in a hypotonic solution, and which is in a hypertonic solution. Describe how you know which Solutions are present by the condition of the eggs in the Solutions.

Egg 1 in distilled water:_

Egg 2 in 30% sucrosc solution:_

Egg 3 in physiological salinę solution:_

Experinient 2 - Blood Cells in Different Solutions

-    Prepare slide 1 of sheep’s blood in physiological salinę solution and observe under microscope.

-    Prepare slide 2 of sheep’s blood and a morę concentrated salinę solution and observe.

-    Prepare slide 3 of sheep’s blood and distilled water and observe.


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