Seat No.:
Enrolment No.
Datę: 10-05-2019
Total Marks: 70
Subject Codę: 3360603
Subject Name: Construction Project Management
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
1. Attcmpt all questions.
2. Make Suitahle assuniptions \vherever necessary.
3. Figur es to the right i nil ic a te fuli marks.
4. Usc uf prograniniable & Communieation aids arestrictly prohibited.
5. Use uf only sinipie calculatur is permitted in Matheniatics.
6. English versiun is authentie.
Q.l Answer any seven out of ten. WLHltfl ilÓHPL dlddl WLH M.IUL 14
1. Explain importanceof Construction Project Management.
't • Id WMhZ Hd^HSd Hdcd ddWL
A ii
2. Define Organization.
o. MlddlÓŚUlddl M ML Midi
3. Enlist the Items to be kept ready by division Office before inviting tenders.
3. HdLHrlL i R<Hldk fcdŚlM dHl* MMHldl dlddl WllHl.
4. Differentiate between CPM and PERT.
V. tfbflSlH MdH^ddl dóldd MlHl.
5. Explain Cost slope.
H. t&Z ^CdlHdHWL
6. Enlist the objectives of Inspection.
HM SdMI. Wilii.
ii ii
7. Explain owning and operating cost of Ecjuipments.
0. Hdlddl MŚlfc.Hldl Md mIdHldl Md pi3. dd^ldL
8. Write importance of Humań resource development.
ć. HldH dldd feldd HdM WU
9. Write the limitations of MS project.
C. MS HIWS dl HM.lfc.lMl Wilii.
10. List out the steps of implementation of MIS system.
"to. MIS dl MHdtald HlZdl 5-SH Wilii.
Q.2 (a) Enlist types of management and explain any one. 03
HAd. ł (M) Hdwfedl Wlldl ddl Mi fi3. mi 03
(a) Write the resjx)nsibilities of the site supervisor in co struction project. 03
(m) dfi*iH ydćtez his miz wudfc.i&Mi wilii. 03
(b) Explain administrative approval and technical approval. 03
(d) Hcild.fl d«LL dife HWl dHWL 03
(b) Draw Construction Team chart. 03
(c) Explain factors affecting planning of construction activity. 04
(i) dfetólH MdfdMldl Mlildfd dR M.Wł ttdidfcddl dHWL o Y