FRANK LIN—22.8.19 - 16.10.44

Licut Charles Searlc Stuart franklin rcccivcd hn orły education at (ircar Brak Rivcr, thcn went to Kingsuo**! Schmd, Orahamstown, from wherc hc matriculatcd in 1938. Ile tonie c<»urvn in l-aw and Commcrcc at U.C.T. and joinetl the S.A.A.f. as a pupil pilot in Febmary,

1941.    On gaining his commission in April,

1942,    hc was madc a Staff pilot and latcr tpialilicd as an instructor. In March, 1944, hc went North and łKcamc a mcml>cr of the 34th Hcavy Borober Squadron S.A.A.F. Operation Hightt t«x>k him to France, (ireecc, Austria, Kumania,

Yugotlavia, Italy and Polami. It was on a mhtion to Polami on the night of October 16 17,

1944, dropping supplics, that his 'piane was shot down by an enemy niuht-fiehtcr and lic    . , lht

|*as Lllcd. Onlv i»ne mcmhcr of the crcw of cight minagcd *•* lwic •*** ,r ' ourning aireraft heforc it got out of ront roi.


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