Breakdcrwn of organ isations participating in build UPON in Bułgaria
Over the pastyear, the build upon proJect has brought together a uniquely dtverse com mu nlty of nearly 2,000 organ Isatlons at over 100 events across Europę, to co-create the natlonal bulldlng renovatlon strategles that are due by the 30 April 2017 EU deadline. These strategles are crltical to reduclng the Impacts of dl matę change from energy use In bulldlngs, and creating bulldlngs that deltver a high q ual tty of Itfe for eve ryo ne.
As partofthis, the Bulgarian Green Bulldlng Councll and Its partners have brought together a a co mm u nlty of 180 organ Isatlons at7 events across Bułgaria and created cross-sector consensus over the foliowi ng set of key recommendatlons for Bulgarla's renovatlon strategy.
1. Better Policies and Strat eg ies Better dialogu a between tha institutions respcnsible for the strategy is cruciaL Ambitiousgoals can be achiwed by epgagingstakeholders in the design and implementation of the strategy, and a stakehdder-led approach can help achiwea long-term continuity in strategy implementation. Sulgariashould lookto successful strategies in other European ccuntries, and develop a elear regulatory defmition and standard for'deep' renovation, with elear and precise rules on targeted levels of energy savings and how to achieve these.
2. Predictabi lity and Confidence Regulation is key — Bułgaria should introduce better energy effidercy regulationsfor renovation projeets. There should be mandatory requirements for buildings owners to renovate their buildings and strict quality control for construction works. There should also be mandatery requirementsfor registering all building materiale used as well as improving quality control of administrative processes on site.
3. HighQuality Building Specialists An educational programme for highly qualified construction professionals should be implemented, and strict requirementsfor quality control should be introduced on site. Acredits system to register the up-to-date qualifications of all architects should be implemented.
4. Professional Education for Students and BuildingWorkers
The development of a long-term national program me for upskilling vocaticnal students, building workers and professional trainers is critical and will be key to successful implementation
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Otsclatmar: Tha seta respondblltyfortheccrtentcfthIsimtortaUlesMtththe authors. ItOoas rotnocaisartlyrsprasentthsytewscttho Etxcf>*an Unton, and nalthsr EASME nor the European Ccirmbslon ara rospcnsbla for anyuseoftHs materiał.