2.35 The first volume of abstracts was published in accordance with the concensus opinion as to scope, format, etc. in November 1975. The contents were as follows:
Seąuence Number |
Program Name |
Short Description |
001 |
Stress redistribution in soils and jointed rocks by finite element |
002 |
Static analysis program for three-dimensional solid structures |
003 |
Structural analysis program for static and dynamie response of linear Systems |
004 |
Structural analysis program for static and dynamie response of non-linear systems |
005 |
FOCALS Version 2 |
Soil foundation (and/or structure) interaction on layered soil system |
006 |
Multiple strip loads on ortho-rhombic half space |
007 |
Slope stability package |
008 |
3-dimensional wedge stability program |
009 |
Simple retaining wali design program |
010 |
Calcul des efforts et deformations de long d'un pieu traversant des sols a comportement irreversible en ćtat ćlasto-plastiąue Calculations of stresses and deformations along a pile driven through soils with irreversible behaviour in elasto-plastic State |
2.36 It was planned to continue publication on a twice-yearly basis. However, the problems outlined in Section 2.2 above intervened leaving the role
of IPEGCP ill-defined. Publication was therefore discontinued for the time being.
2.37 A second volume of abstracts has been compiled for publication early in 1977.
2.4 Activities relating to the further definition of the functions of an Institute (or an equivalent body) and to the reguirement for the endorsement of new terms of reference by the Executive Committee
2.41 A considerable volume of correspondence has passed between all members concerning the functions and modus operandi of the Institute (or equivalent body).
2.41.1 A concensus viewpoint was reached early as the basis for original action but a strong notę of dissent was recorded from one committee member (Professor Schiffman).
2.41.11 The reąuirements of an alternative Institute to perform the functions desired by the dissenting committee member are of a totally different scalę to those which are presently available (in CSIRO, Australia) or which are believed to be available elsewhere.
2.41.12 The dissenting viewpoint is therefore pre-sented briefly as a minority recommendation on
the understanding that, given adeąuate sponsor-ship on a scalę far exceeding that currently available, the Executive Committee may wish to debate the advantages and disadvantages of both proposals.
2.41.13 It should be emphasised that there is a necessary link between the level of ambition of the proposal and the resources availabie to a sponsoring organization.
2.42 The Australian National Committee of ISSMFE (which committee also serves as the Australian National Committee of the International Society of Rock Mechanics and the International Association of Engineering Geology), in an endeavour to widen the rangę of contacts available for the gathering of information concerning geomechanics Computer programs, madę formal submission to the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG) inviting affil-iation with the Institute.
2.42.1 Although ISRM reacted favourably to this invitation and appointed several representatives, this course of action by the Australian National Committee was criticised by the Secretary General of ISSMFE.
2.42.11 It appears that the Australian National Committee placed undue reliance upon the office of Coordinating Secretary of the abovementioned three Societies in expecting that parallel action as proposed, would be welcomed.
As a result of some misinterpretation (by the undersigned) of the functions of the coordinating Secretariat, some unfortunate gaps in communication ensued. Any apparent but unintentional inter-society discourtesies are regretted.
2.42.2 It remains the belief of the Australian National Society and of the present IPEGCP that the Institute should serve the reąuirements of members of ISRM and well as of ISSMFE to whatever extent may be possible without conflict of controlling interests.
3.1 IT IS RECOMMENDED that a continuing attempt should be madę to operate an Institute for Publicity and Exchange of Geomechanics Computer Programs.
3.11 As an essential prereąuisite to any decision for the continuing operation of such an Institute (in present or revised form) IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that the functions of the Institute, the responsibilities of the operating agency, the functions of an advisory committee and the responsibilities of its members and the functions and responsibilities of any other appointed person or committee should be clarified.
3.12 IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that,,if approval is given by the Executive Committee to any continuing operations of such an Institute and if a Sub-committee is appointed to fulfil relevant functions an attempt should be madę to convene a meeting of all Sub-committee members during the IXth Conference.