738 Andrzej Paulo
Three ficlds of economic gcology are evolving:
1) resourcc management within the region, geological unit or certain commodity; it compriscs geological, land-use planning and economic concerted actions ovcr all deposits;
2) individual deposit rcsource/reservc management from exploration and geological report stage to prcfeasibility, feasibility studies and mining geology survey; mining, geological and economic actions are dccisive;
3) management of minerał raw materials and cncrgy; it encompasses multidisci-plinary approach with dominatcd dressing and cxtracting technologies.
The main target of economic geology within a country/region is ensuring dura-ble supply of mincrals for present and futurę generations. It needs both promotion and conscrvation of minerał resources. Environmental management plays impor-tant role, especially in denscly populatcd and well dcveloped regions. Corporate mining strategy including geological studies and planning for closure is presented in table 1.
The main body of the paper presents resource management problems cncoun-tered in Poland during transition from centralizcd into market cconomy.
As the cxamples are rcviewed:
- govemment policy,
- methodology of geological prognosis and prospcction,
- criteria of minerał resource delineation (Figs 1 and 2) and creation of national balance sheet,
- economic evaluation (Figs 3 and 4),
- economic sectorial and land-use planning,
- geoenvironmental maps for resource management as a new tools for local govemmcnts,
- minerał waste susceptibility for reclamation,
- geological constraints of rcdevelopmcnt of post-mining areas.
Tasks to administration and rescarch units which follow from identification of the problems are presented also.
Individual deposit cxploration, reporting and mining geology survey has good traditions and doesn’t change much in market economy conditions. Accompanying rocks in ovcrburden attract morę attention both as possiblc resource or inconve-nient waste. DcFining economic targets within mines and protccting resources in unstable transitional economy is a new challenge.