^ Przeczytaj tekst I zakreśl formy czasowników, które prawidłowo go uzupełniają.

tóeuHukd ?aofe hmrM JJŁ-

$ Zakrcil idank. które oddaje znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wyjaśnij swój wybór.

1 When w goc to the cinenu. the film lud itarted.

I    a We watched the beginning of thr Mm.

1$ We nsised che bejpnning of tlw Wnv 2 Shc used co irnokt when shc was younger.

(a) She docvu tmolte now, b She smofcei now. too 3 I swiułwd ofl thc Ughtt and went borne.

I    a I iwMched otf the lighti at home.

© l iwitched olT the hghti In ww other place * Ipalntcd a picturc winie Ute was rradlng a newspaper.

a Paintlng a pkturr coc* mmc dme than rcading a newspaper

^bj Reading a newipaper ttx>k morę tlme than paktting apkcurr

5 rhey had been on thc planr for iwo hour* when the lun set.

a Thrir piane took off after sunset.

Q>y Their piane took off before wiosce.

6 When you called. Tom was taldng a shower,

Q) Tom itarted his lhower before you called. b You called before Tom started his shower,

My bl00 : )

On Wcdnesday, May 23.1 at 4:30 a.m. after fivr bourt of slecp arxi 3^_ my 8-year-old ton who JJL beiide mc. Hc 'Jb. no idea that I ’A. bim to Atheni to tee the Chimpions League Finał - thit *XL supposed to be lais birthday surprise.

'Ihc nigh: before I him that we ‘Jj, somewhere to get hii birthday prescnc, to he 'iL to being woken up in the middle of the night.

Howesrr, probierni '*CL. when we "X. at the . aizport-Jutt when we were boarding the piane I uthat I u£_ thc tickett for the match. I quickly ujL my wife on my mobile but thc tkketa were opparently not where IUT, chcm in the momlng. I “cL on the phone (not to spoił the surprise for Mark) when the flight artendant ttcmly* ”12. me to switch my mobile ofF.

What could I do? The piane "Jl at that very momenr and we were on it flying to Atheni without the tickett. At rhi» point I n C that I *±L tt aU the troublc of otganbing our trip. Just when 131JL how to break thc news to Maik I njQ. somerhing under my thighs. I aÓ for it and there were the rkkets! They U(L on the seat and I had been sitting on them all that timel

'sternly- surowo

1    a wai gettlngup


2    (a) wakcup

c uiedtowakeup J a ilcpt

l£) was sleeping ■1 a bid had c his

5    a took

c hadtaken

6    (aj was

i had been

7    (Sjibadtold

c wai telling

8    a went

e hadgone

9    (a hadn-t objected

( didntusetoobject

10    (aj itarted

e used to start

11    a had arrived (C arrised

12    a had realised c was rcaliiing

13    a forgot

(ej1 łud forgotten U (a) called

c was calling

15    a left ©hidWi

16    a Kill whispered

c had still whispered

b used to get up b had woken up b used to deep


ę&jw»\ taSmg b is

b used to tell b weregoing b didnYobject b had starced b were arrhring (fejreaksed

b haye loigouen b had called b was lcaving

was still whrtperlng

17 (ajasked c wasasking

b ludasked

18 a hadcakenoff c tookoff

(b1 was taking off

19 a usedtoregret (£) regretted

b had regretted

20(a) had gone c used to go

b went

21 a thought c had thought


22 a wasfeding

b hadfdc

23 ©.^reachcd c hadreached

b wasrcachlng

24 (J) were lying c lay

b hadlain



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