Sęrmg lAtcrrez*>no\    Cc*tcr. Ort krew av3 Ott*cr. Cekroto

Mcy Z010

Spring Alums Reach Goal: University Graduation

KWU Al Zęer* 9JC to 20U. VtX rrjry *Ja araCLJ*

ajotft ** to (fetor er mjc w%. and oe\o morw x

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r»jncr tarjccr. 3 vaos*& Deycc n Oyręay Cofc-c* nr-

r»* ur**«) a cccoao c*rto«r

A»    x N Cę*t-g T-cr- ępcuttn n U*y. -hfj

r«x>rw w rre^xcroi n*xrts *r- ao*x c* •cox* 7X om oaro Ter f«M rxz *0* tc i*cia*c* ~no truty «V3303 P«»H» *W-J roo to. arc ccrtnjK 'T* w r TO jixo yjobi tm '•M) rot i kto* nor t*o «z^Q IV* <łuvnj* yx» jrd Sjrity * w?* Cnra-«    >M7 C* T* LMP C«f.

-ir*; i- YY+ws ’.:> x y-: » r\jny er o.r    *

iU *K*m**C    to h* ruieurd tł    ?•< to

**** nef Tfri Cr* au «rrue r ev»<r at* K«a 7>nro r -cr roc xc pr* » w t<*w

Alum Grndantr-; from NYU

‘we Cyxax.    w:? gr>xa« *r r

UCc to Ujrjyori /ruj T*<tox*5ę> jc ^a rat

<jr*roef. m i*y happy » oc 3 Cęn-»j xmx mcxa4 cr r* wxavw sertoj w* *•* r* mj* 1

ItAf to* to ^no» n>    ar»*r jrd rr%

mxxct 1 «n jvi3j4 w fraiu* a«t« :o>2 j ycu


We Remember You. Do You Remember Us?


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