Agri-Food Fairs in Po land 2008


14-15 June

Wielkopolska Region Agricultural Fair 14th Exhibition of Breeding Animals

Wielkopolska Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Poznań Exhibition and Training Centre in Sielinko Sielinko, ul. Parkowa 2 64-330 Opalenica, Poland tel. +48 61) 447-36-58 fax +48 61 447-36-57 e-mail: sielinko@wodr.poznan.pl www.wodr.poznan.pl

Location of event: Exhibition area in Sielinko

14-15 June

Pomorze and Kujawy Region Field Days Grubno 2008 Regional Fair

Pomorze and Kujawy Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Minikowo, Przysiek Department

87-134 Ztawieś Wielka, Poland tel. +48 56 611-09-00 fax +48 56 611-09-05 e-mail: przysiek@kpodr.pl Location of event: Grubno near Chełmno

Collection of crops (cereals, rape, corn, leguminous and energetic plants- about 200 varieties), presentation of plant protection products and fertilisers, exhibitions and demonstration of the operation of cultivation machinery, advice and consultancy.

21-22 June

Summer Agricultural and Horticultural Fair Marszew Field Days

Regional Exhibition of Horses for Breeding

Wielkopolska Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Poznań Exhibition and Education Centre in Marszew Marszew, 63-300 Pleszew, Poland tel. +48 62 742-73-59 fax +48 62 742-72-37 e-mail: marszew@wodr.poznan.pl w ww. wod r. pozna n. pl

Location of event: Wielkopolska Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Marszew

22 June

Open Door Day

Lublin Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Końskowola, Rejowiec Department ul. Parkowa 1 22-360 Rejowiec, Poland tel. /fax +48 82 568-88-27 www.wodr.konskowola.pl e-mail: rejowiec@wodr.konskowola.pl

Location of event: Lublin Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Końskowola - Rejowiec Department

Plant protection products, fertilisers, fodder, agricultural machinery, equipmentfor farm buildings, handicraft, market.


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