people iighting in Po land 'a underground aray hć.ve lost-ali
7B5F Iłttlc—valuu lor tlmi*.fhoy o liturPr iej<r paliam.
±-eh tfaoy
-tiu»y oyyrthreatenea with the loss o! the^last hope otruli had.with the pro spec t of *e«r olqteyafe^TEóy fc
•tt?**-3 ' pUvi
youfLIr.Preuiden.t. 1 am convincod that you wil-l-not
oyal to i±s 'ćauBevir5mains faithf
Its attiutfió towarda the waj^Way oe summed up^as 1‘oIIoyi_
Z?.U c^v»m t\ łiji~£Z^ ) ~~~~s**'*~~ "
f&d^sLiiiioltHMi ^ttfo strugało against the tfermans and
asha^inr supplies oi' arna and equipment for that purpoae’ * d , nM£-° r
2/ ŁKdecided, iny&tjreement w i tli the Po.lian ^oyernnent .and uiidojr-
tA" ItCcd Oxi &A-y»w
iUi iilK-ŁrilC Li :.)ilH,
^ j^- — -
C rŹjy' l AaTS /*£y>-U
żni.sasz id aiplomatic relation^/with Bu aaifi, no o 'resume d
co Hat o rsTt ib"3>fai-&fl the Joviet :''orc^i
ilhe Polish Underground deoided on this step.although it is naware
od the^angerVyji.ich i <j .-*»«■-*■?■*»«» ..*» ł*akŁ«^ its
organiaation <to Uul ffrtSyjJZ / - -< > ____
Preyent "by all means^TEe car^ing out in Brfland od political
"faits accomplis’rat the critieatl moment od l^beration ; salaguard
the eovereignty oi' the Poli^ah Republic,/md the lile and property
f jąeotWBoi: the
oi i ta citizens ; doat /bX allow tłup^oTI sh civli and mi li tary authorities.wliich /.ave been ca/rying on in secrecy the atruggle
/ bAA. VM^r t\^rXC^tc^ Co towf
against the J-erpdn3 einoe/T^S^ftopay v?Tth the Ir li fes for the ' &(+ loyalty withywhich they J^ave been defonding Poland and the ideale^
oi the Unrted JHationa* nv y1*
m conymced^ta^Y^oalising that the sansa oi Po land na a direot bearing on the futurę peace *V the. v>orl4-tyou will