The first and greatest of llie Yalors of Hendrik Septem. In llie Caldron. the firmament is held static umil combined witli the Basics and sung into a world willi the incantation of creation. The Caldron. most prized possession of the Pair Daldeni.1
It is said that they used it a rebirth cradle -reconstituting their Silicon bodies from the spun firmament and fraaments of their world.

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1/ - 77;<? /V?ir Dal cieni: a peculiar Lifeform. Silicon basecł life is hardly rare, but it is rare to jind a species that only has rwo indMdttals. The being named Llasar corered most of the dark-side of their world. Cymdei, the female of the species, most of the light-side. Their bodies, multi-part hive minds. Llasar fragmented through many sparkling ery stal linę forms. Cymdei, shifting anomorphic sand, soaking up lieat from the sun. The erosion caused by the billion year ttse of the Caldron threatened to destabilize their planet before its time.
« C liapter 2
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