Teaching staff: Lecturer:
Credit points
dr Aneta Jastrzębska 10 h : 60 % ZAL 15 h : 40 % ZAL 1 ECTS
semestr: I
semestr: I
Short description:
The course give knowledge on the main issues on human nutrition. Student acąuire skills evaluation of food.
The main issues on human nutrition will be presented. Problems of rational nutrition. Necessary ingredients of food, sources and bioavailability will be discussed. The rules of rational diet. Calorific value of food, application in human diet, antioxidants in food and their role in healthy diet will be presented. Functional food (specialized, dedicated, ready to use). Diet supplements. GMO food. Food contamination, types and sources.
Short presentations of main ingredients of food, basics of rational diet.
Bibliography: (max 1000 characters)
1. F. Świderski, Żywność funkcjonalna i żywność wygodna, WNT, Warszawa, 2003
2. A. McHughen, Żywność genetycznie modyfikowana, WNT, Warszawa, 2004
3. Z.S. Sikorski, Chemia żywności. WNT, Warszawa, 2002
4. S. Ziemiański. Normy żywienia człowieka. Fizjologiczne podstawy. PWN, Warszawa 2001
5. D. Kolożyn-Krajewska, Higiena produkcji żywności, SGGW, Warszawa, 2003
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