Lecture: dr Aneta Jastrzębska Seminar: dr Aneta Jastrzębska
Lecture 20 godz. waga: 60 % ZAL semestr: IV
Seminar 20 godz. waga: 40 % ZAL semestr: IV
Waga przedmiotu 3 ECTS Short description:
The goal of this course is presentation of problems concerning aroma compounds in food products (structures and prevalence) and selected flavouring agents.
Lecture: The process of flavour creation. Biological aspects of flavour perception and structure-activity relationships. Genomics and biotechnology. Flavours generated by enzymes and biological Systems. Key aroma and taste components. Volatile compounds of selected food products. Essential oils. Flavour and health-promoting compounds. Flavours generated by thermal processes. Selected flavouring agents - isolation methods, terminology, synthetic Chemicals. Advanced instrumental analyses.
Seminar: Students presentation about: selected flavour substances; examples of flavour substances biosynthesis, flavour changes in food production and storage, methods of aroma compounds determination.
1. red. Z. E. Sikorski, Chemia Żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2000.
2. red. U. Swietlikowska, Surowce spożywcze, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 1995.
3. red. E. Pijanowski, Ogólna technologia żywności, WNT, Warszawa, 2004.
4. W. Szczepaniak, Metody instrumentalne w analizie żywności, PWN, Warszawa 2007.
5. Z. Witkiewicz, Podstawy chromatografii. WNT, Warszawa, 2005.
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