Teaching Staff:
Lecture: prof. dr hab. Edward Szłyk
Laboratory: dr A. Jastrzębska, dr M. Kurzawa, dr Aleksandra Szydłowska Czerniak
Lecture Laboratory Laboratory head Credit points
15h : 60 %EGZ semestr: I
90h. : 40 % ZAL semestr: II
dr Marzanna Kurzawa 7ECTS
Short description: (max 1000 characters)
Lecture is focused on contemporary instrumental analytical methods in food analysis. Spectroscopic, electrochemical and chromatographic methods and their applications in food analyses will be presented. Student acąuire knowledge on: quantitative and qualitative aspects of instrumental methods and understanding of instruments performance. In this błock students acquire skills of food sample preparation, calibration rules, running analyses, methods of results preparation using statistical analysis.
Description: (max 4000 characters)
Instrumental methods applied in food analysis - spectroscopic (electronic, absorption, fluorescence, AAS), usage of analyticalsensors. Electrochemical and chromatographic methods for determination of food ingredients, additives and dietary supplements. Validation of analyses, quality parameters of food, chemometry in food analysis.
Sampling and sample preparation - mineralization, extraction, sample preconcentration, SPE. Determination of micro and macroelements in food by electrochemical methods, UV-VIS and Fluorescence spectroscopy, AAS, ICP AES. Investigation of malfunctions in food (IR, NIR). Determination of preservatives in food. Laboratory case studies of the chosen food products, chemommetry in data preparation.
Bibliography: (max 1000 characters)
1. red. Z. E. Sikorski, Chemia Żywności, WNT 2000
2. red. U. Świetlikowska, Surowce spożywcze, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 1995,
3. Z. Marzenko, M. Balcerzak, Spektrofotometryczne metody w analizie nieorganicznej, PWN, Warszawa, 1998
4. Jankiewicz M. Kędzior Z (red ). Metody pomiarów i kontroli jakości w przemyśle spożywczym i biotechnologii. Wydawnictwo AR. Poznań 2001.
5. Red. A. Klepacka, Analiza żywności, SGGW, Warszawa, 2005
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