Logic Design Laboralory Manuał
4) Wliat is nicant by canonical rcprcscntatiou?
5) Wliat is K-uiap? Why is it tiscd?
6) Wliat aro univcrsal gatcs?
A EV1: To rcalizo
i; lialf Adder and I'uli Adder
ii) I lalfSublraclor and l uli Subtraelor by using Hasie gales and NANI) gales LEARMNG OBJECTIYE:
* To rcalizo tlić adder and subtractor circuits using basie gatcs and univcrsal gatcs ■ To rcalizo luli adder using two lialf adders
* To rcalizo a fuli subtractor using two lialf subtractors
IC 7400, IC 740,S. IC 7486. IC 74.12, Patch Cords & IC Trainer Kil.
Ualf-Adder: A combinaiional logie Circuit Ihal performs Ihe addilion of Iwo data biLs, A and K, is called a half-adder. Addilion will residl in two oulpul biLs; one of which is Ibe sum bil,
S. and llie olher is Ihe carrv bit. C. The lloolean funclions describing ihe half-adder are: S=A®B " C = AB
Full-Atlder: Tlio half-adder docs not tako tlio carry bit from its prcvious stage into account. Tliis carry bit troni its prcvious stage is called carry-in bit. A combinational logie Circuit tliat adds two data bits, A and B, and a carry-in bit, Cin, is callod a liill-addcr. Tlio Booloan functions describing tlić full-addor arc:
S = (x ® y) ® Cin C = xy + Cin l x ® y)
llatf Suhtractor: Sublracling a single-bit binary value II from another A (i.e. A -II) produces a differenee bil I) and a bonrow out bil Ił-oul. 'I his operation is called half sublraelion and Ihe circuil to realize it is called a half subtractor. The lloolean funclions describing Ihe half-Sublractor are:
S=A © II C = A’ II
Fuli Subtractor: Subtracting rwo single-bit binary valtios, B, Cin from a single-bit valuo A produces a differenee bit D and a borrow out Br bit. Tliis is called fuli subtracrion. Tlio Boolean functions describing tlio fnll-subtractcr are:
D = (x ® y) ® Cin Br= A'B + ATCin) + B(Cin)