Opcnmons Mecting Notes. Fńday Problems Cosi ovemins. too much duphcation of cftorts, unclear roles and respons Solutions:
Clarify w ho owns which projects Eliminalc unnccessary meetings Evaluatc huilgct and reallocate hours Ncxt steps:
Sandy Mcci w uh Ed to discuss ncw software
Jordan Find redundancics and creatc ncw policics and proccdurcs
Kcvin Talk to team leads. put follow-up mcctings on calcndars
Be surę to sharc plan with senior managcmcnl at next agcncy mecting.
Rcmcw with Boh firsl for his feedback.
- Comparc last ycar's budget from this timc last year
- Chcck out other supply companics
- Ask Sara who she sources from
- Revisit snack situation
- Consider reducing number of status mectmgs
- Talk to committec hcads
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nk yoo tor ustng Xorox® Noto Convertcr
flc(s) woro succcsslutty oOftWKted lo text Your coovcdoO
tao it aKiactHA
10 dcbl979b-mc^633-9b65-c2049a«4980a
is an unnxjr.itcxo<5 E-marf a<K3ioM Pleaso ćo not to
E-mo>l Seiect tho t-nk bołow tor ass*tanco

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