PIĄTE 10. Tilting the head
PLw« help u* lo maintain conitruction ihroughoul thc face and head. within the comtruction lincs or divbiom of the batic bali and piane. T1>e idumIc bccomcs eaiicr to draw in all łorti of tiltcd podtion*. Tłvc siani of the ehcek* and the roundcd łcctanglc of the forehead fali into place within the thice divisions of the face. By thut reprewnting the head in błock fonn, we dctennine thc angla throughout thc head. Thit ń our fint %tcp toward thc pcnpcctive of tłie head.
The handling of pcr»pcctivc maik* thc diffcrcncc bttwttn ihc amateur and the piofcuional. Evctv objcct drawn ha* to have an cyc lcvel of lioii/on. fclt if not actnally rcprcicnlcd. On thc lcft we *cc thc piane* of thc head a* iccn from abovc or below thc cyc lcvcl. If a head wctc at big a* a building it woold l>c alfcctcd by pcr*pec<ivc in thc Mmc way as a building ii.