ł. MłftArwsw" l Goraorwiki*. K- Mańkowska1, o. Occhalskł'. A Midewarf. » tetfwwc1. A ło»»sO*cs. M. Sjymjorta1. H Sobolewska1 & M Gut*
Alm: Wc uscd ihc imrinsic signa! optical imacini
cmotional sensory stimulation causcd by classica thciail.
Mcihnd: We uscd iwcnty juyenile małe C5TBJ6 r
siimulus), was couplcd with clcctric shock ap (unconditioncd slimulus) (Bckisz cl. aL. 2017). Twer training Ihe ISOl cxpcrimcnts werc perforroed onestłicsia (B). Intrinsic signals wcrc recordcd usinj sci nbosc ihc sisual cortcx and focuscd undcrcortex\s Imaging was performed under the control of the Irr (Optical Imaging Inc.). Visual stimuli wcrcpresented (C) wilh the following protocol: squarc-ssase black-of optimal spatinl and tcmporal frcuucocy. and of fo 45°. 90". 135-*. dtiDing in wo dircetions, back ar presented. Data wcrc analyzed ustng Matlab, C software.
Kcsulis: Using the dcscribcd protocol of sisual st colleetion wc coutd sucecsMully map cortical n stimuli of dillcrent orientatioos for both groups naf rcsults show that monocular associatisc s isual tran actisation nrca dimensioo and preferred typc ofoncc ihc lcvcl of light absorption and the ratc ofactisatior d*c control group(D-H).