Great Basin NaturalistMemoirs

No. 11

__I942c. Zur palaarktischen Borkenkaferfauna (Coleoptera: Ipidae), VIII. Borkenkafer aus dem asi-atischen Russland. Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie 9.27-36. (tx).

__1942d. Zur palaarktischen Borkenkaferfauna, IX.

Scolytus pyri Ratz. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie 9:280-283. (tx).

__ 1943a. Borkenkafer (Col. Ipidae) aus Sudamerika,

X. Bolivia. Mitteilungen der Munehner Entomol-ogische Cesellschaft 33:344-389. (tx).

__J943b. Ein neuer Bla.stophagus.ius Ostasien (Col.

Scolytidae). Entomologische Blatter 39:50-51. (tx).

__ 1943c. Ipidae (Scolytidae) (Coleoptera Phy-

topbaga). Parć National Albert, 1. Mission C. F. De Witte 1933-1935, 43(10):63-68. (tx).

__ 1943d. Neue Borkenkafer aus dem Deutschen En-

tomologiscben lnstitut. Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie 10:241-248. (tx).

__ 1943e. Neue Borkenkafer (Ipidae) aus Afrika,

Nachtrag VIII. Entomologische Blatter 39:70-76. <tx).

__ 1944a. Ein neuer Borkenkafer (Ipidae) aus China

11 ylurgops major n. sp.. Entomologische Blatter 40:67. (tx).

__ 1944b. Neue Borkenkafer (Col. Scolytidae) aus

Afrika, Nachtrag XI. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 3S:92-9S. (tx).

__ 1944c. Zur palaarktischen Borkenkaferfauna (Coleoptera, Ipidae), X. Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomolgie 40:140-143. (tx).

__1951. Borkenkafer (Ipidae, Col.) aus Sudamęrika,

XII. Entomologische Blatter 45-46:144-154. (tx).

•ECCERS. Heinrich 1902. Verzeichnis der in der Umge-bung von Eislebcn bcobachteten Kafer. Leipzig. ().

*EGLi ris. Andris. I980a. Aspects of host selection behav-ior in two populations of the Douglas-fir beetle, Dcndroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Unpublished dissertation, Uni-versity of Washington, Seattle. 208 p. ().

-- 1980b. Aspects of host selection behavior in two

populations of the Douglas-fir beetle, Dcndroc-tonus pseudotsugae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Dissertation Abstracts 41/07-B:2409. (bv).

--1981. Spruce beetle: Takn River, Tongass National Forest. United States Department of Agri-eulture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestrv, Alaska Region, Biological Evaluation R-10-81-2. 17 p. (cn).

--J982a. lncidence of bark and ambrosia beetles in

blowdown, Yakutt, Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Alaska Region, Biological Evalu-ation R-l0-82-5. 14 p. ().

-- 1982b. Spruce beetle: Glacier Bay National Park.

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Alaska Region, Biological Evaluation R10-82-1. 22 p. (cn).

--19S4a. Permanent plots for monitoring population

trends of the spruce beetle in the Taku River drainage. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Alaska Region. Biological Evaluation R10-84-1. 16 p. (cn hb).

__ 1984h. Survey of ambrosia beetles in blowdown:

finał report, Yakutat, Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, States and Private Forestry, Alaska Region, Biological Evaluation R-10-84-2. II p. (cn hb).

Eclitis. Andris. and Thomas H Laurent 1983. Fol-lowup survev of ambrosia beetles and deteriora-tion in blowdown, Yakutat, Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Alaska Region, Biological Evaluation R-10-83-1. 15 p. (cn hb).

Ecorow N N 1958. Vrednve nasekomye lentochnykh borov Zapadnoi Sibiri [lnsect pests of pine forests of western Siberia]. Zoologischeskii Zhurnal 37(10): 1488-1499. ().

•Eiilers. Lawrence J. William H Hoffard. and Spencer C Jarrett. 1978. Evaluation of carbo-furan against the wbite pine cone beetle in north-west Ohio. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest $ervice, Northeast Area, State and Private Forestry, Broomall, Pennsylvania. 2 p. (cn).

Eunstrom. RengT 1963a. Jakttagelser over granskalbag-gar i Vasterdalarna. Entomologisk Tidskrift 84: 69-72. (ec).

__I963b. Zur Kalteempfindlichkeit der uppen von

Blastophagus piniperda L. (Col. Ipidae). Ento-mologisk Tidskrift 84:257-259. (ec).

__ 1975. Skydda skogen och virket! Angrepp i mas-

savedsvaitor. Skogen 62:727. (bv).

__19S3. Faunistika anteckninger om tradskalbaggar

[Faunistic notes on tree living beetles Coleoptera]. Entomologisk Tidskrift 104(3):75-79. (ec hb).

Eunstrom. Benct. Broder Bejer-Petersen. Kari l^orr-TYNIEM1. AND SlCMUND TVERMVR. 1974. lnsect pests in forests of the Nordiccountries 1967-1971. Annales Entomologici Fennici 40:37-47. (cn).

Ehrenberg. Carin Eklundh 1954. Almsjukan, historik ocli atgarder for framstallning av mot sjukdomen resistenta almar [Dutch elm disease]. Svenska SkogsvardsforeningensTidskrift 52:35-41. (cn ms).

♦Ehrenfels. Joh Mark Judtmann 1838. Der Borkenkafer ais Gegenstand der Nationaloko-nomie. Okonomische Neuigkeiten und Vcrhand-lungen, Prag 1838:225-227. ().

Eibl-Eibeskeldt, Irenaus. 1960. Das Zedernsterben auf den Bermudas. Kosmos 56(11):469-470. (cn).

ElCHELBAUM. F. 1903. Die Larven von Kylechinus pilosus Btzbg. und von llylastcs cunicularius Er. Allge-mcine Zeitschrift fur Entomologie 1903:60-70.


__ 1905. Dic Larve von Cryphalus grothii Hagd.

Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche lnsektenbiologie 1:248-250. (ay).

Eichhoff. Fr. 1834a. Fernere Beobacbtimgen uber das Verhalten des Fichtenborkenkafers llylesinus piniperda. Allgcmcinc Forst- und Jagdzeitung 1834(5): 17-20, (6):21-24, (reviewed in) (8):23-25. (lib).

*__ 18341). Zur Geschichte der Forstinsecten. Oko

nomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen, Prag 1834:425-427, 474-480, 524-527, 571-574. ().

Eichhoff. Wilhelm Joseph 1864a. Kleinere Mit-tbeilungcn: Bostrichus coryli Perr. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 8:401. (tx).


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