69lh yoor. 222nd inue

Idaho'* Largcat Evcning' l\v tvs p a por


C»«A I —H*


Rain, cold slow


Israeli strikes pledged

_• Tftjy FALI.Sj^ Cold wcalher and rata harc temparartly stopprd or •iowed harveit of beans and sweet cero In the Magle Vaflty.

Don Youti, Twln FaDs franty agent, sald mud atopped Uic bean oad cors haneat.

Ile sald heaty machlnery has not heca able toget latoltelda. Youts sald (be weI wcatber tbouldo*! bort thr beans as long as tbe greuod and piania don’1 rera sin wet too Song.

Ucons tka! ha« c been cut and wladrowed have ta dry beforc harvcstlng-ran be Cinlshed. Youti sald the only problems that cauld be rnrountrrrd v*llh beans ls U the weather stoyed wet for a couple of wecks, eauslng a mold on the beans.

. Ile sald II Ihe cut plaats arc wet loo tong they inay have In bo tumed. .‘■'AlŁlŁiuaOY tUn iod jaoit Qt IhŁiinncriJirlllbc kack ln cgrraltoa.V

againsl terrorist foes

By United Pm* International Israeli Primo Mlnlalcr Cotdn Mc Ir sald today In Jeruialcm that Urnel would smltc terror-lsta "whcrevcr It can rearh them " And offlciol Calro Radio sald Israel In agreement with the United States to obout to earry out n large acale milltory

hr sold.

"iTfenT thlok Ile a dliastcr, but łf the wet weather. contlBues It eould cause probierni,** Youti sald.

Youti added that froat last nlfht wasal enougb to cousc any problem or dsmage; He sald there are still some f ardeji seed beans Ib the field greenfog, but slight frast will not cause any damage.

The J. R. fimplaf Co., lirykom. rerehed 127 truck lnedi or 15,001 bogi of potalftes M:-nday. Accordlng (o Don Hobrrfióń. fleTd maBaKer. lt was the bfggcst day ^er the company so far thla yeor..

wpsrwmrsgmr gyrtnwr Lcbanon.

Lebenese rtaldenta of the southem IMbancte city of SI<ton soki two laraell warptor»ef trokc the aound fcwrrtor ©ver the town today. They told UPI

_Ln BelruL Ihr ptoort-raroculiu

frócn the aea and hcaded for

Israeli -occupłed Syrlan tcrrl tary’ wtocrc Ihcrc wns a minor border Inddent thla momlng.

Calro Radio madę łts charge tn a commentalry and urged Arab ccuńtrtcs and peoplcs to be on maaimum alert. It cłtod rcporta from Belrut, Damascus and Tel Avlv jibniit lnn/r, Itraall mlhtory mot

itary mobllimUon near thr border and called the moblUui-tion "thick and unusual."

•*In Hght of aU thla. we can condude that Isroel.fo a^ec-mant-wtth 0*e United States, la on lta way to earry out large •cale -mUltary -operatlona ogalnst Lebanon ond Syria,**

the radio sald.

TTvc Bolrut ncwipaper An Nahar also reported an ln-creaae of laraell mili lary patrcls alsng the border and sald laraell workcri hed atepped ptddflg applea ot orcharda neor the border and 4k*i-thtomr cen-hulMliop--

peared from the roada ln that rtgton.

In Belmt. the French-ian-guage ncwipaper rortent le Jotir bald the Syrlan govcm-

mant hsd 1‘fted rcstrictloru ilrntln

agalnat Paleatlna g^errllU cperatiom agalrat- larael and. had rttn encouragad comman-

doi bascd tn Syrio to eacalote thelr attacka agalrat Israel It quoted unldentifled Syrlan oftl-ciala ln Damaacua.

Wart German Ambaaudor-dcsignaU ertng In Cgypllan affalra and denled Egyptlm chargei Ocrmany was nirtld-_ pUilr.y dlRctly in the Imple-

..mentation of a plan Uwolrlng tirael and the United States Mrs. Metr, In an addresi to the laraali Knetaet (Parli-fmtmrrrAUed' to dtooad gucrrilla rrurder of 11 laraeUa at tho Munich Otymplc Gamea«a

--aatd -the: tncidentrthrgatanwl^

Middle Eas*. peace efforla.

Stans says Democrats

charges 4pack of lies’

WASHINGTON cUPI»-Pbr-mer Commcrcc Serretary Mau-rlce H. Stans hos labeled o "acurrtlous pock of Uos" Democrotk: churgea he divcrted HM.OOC In Prcsident Nlioo'a campalgn funda to pay a aquad Of poHUcal aples and then dest/oyed the reords.

The chargca were lodged as the Dcmocralic porty naincd Stans. now NUon't campolgn tlnance chief, aa one of severa! new codcfcndontj ln a dvtl dumage suit atemmlng from tho Ullegcd ptugglng of LSe

cfflces of the Dcmocrotlc National Commttlee last Junc 17.

The DcmocroU sald the fivc men arrested ln the party bcodquorlcrs włth what poUcc described as bugslng gaar ln thalr posaoaston wora "pald •beret agenta*’ of the Commlt-toc for tho Re Elcdion of tho Prealdent (CRP). Thty eharged that Stans provtdad the mon ty for thla •‘polllicol capłonage aquad” ond ln fact -embarked upon o conspfracy” Urform tt. • The charges werc to be fłled

formally todoy with the US. Distrlcl Court herc ln the form of an omended complaln! In tbe d%1l suit. lodged ln June by former Dcmocralic National Chalrman lJiwrencc F. 0'&ricn agalnat tho men caught In tho hoadquarlers. 0'Brlen also upped the party’s dcmands for damagea from f l mJUlon to 13 2 mlllion.

MMr. 0’Brtcn’s allcgatlona agalnst me are o scurrilous pack of Iks and he knows U." Stopi sald In a atatement. ••They omount to nothlng morę

tłum a conlcmptiblf mancuvcr to uac the ccurt for hla own buae potitlcal purpoie-ond the American people will rccognlte

It.'* *

Stmllar horth uords cair.c fromaork MAcGrcgor. NUon't campolgn manager. He us.‘d OBrlcna allogatlona wero nothlng but "polUlcal llbcl and slandcr" and sald he would alop o countersuit for maliclous prosecutlon on tho Dcmocrala.

Sourcea doae to the Demo-crollc £nvcstlgotlon soldUHt 0'Brien‘a was the other

Crash victims nanieś released

TWIN KAUS - TNe names of (he five victlms in Monday lito<ar. iccldcni _aouUi_of Roger son havc been rckased Idaho State Polico-aald they “Bne-Joseph-Charka fcliapnun. 17, and his wlfe Georgia Glllls Chapman. 23. both Buhl; Gary William Smith. 21, and Gary |«. Rosę. - 20, both Glerua Ferry, and Mary Grtggs. 13. Buhl-The Chapmuns also hsd irom-NawYork..

vehic!c aport throwlng all (he out of the car, killtng them In-


Mr. ond Mrs. Cogaa both apparently hit the wlndshk.d of thelr car, acrtously lnjurtng both. Hiey are Tlited ln fair condltion In Moglc Villey Ho spito! today.

Cogan was płnncd ln hli car by the siec ring whccl oflg£ the •cddent

Acęordlng t


S(rop>OQ i(« off OWCO «tndłli«idi 1.0 doyt befo/e Aufu/no Ofrkti isami o b<t loo much.

|. Forccasl

North Carollnn and Texaa.

Thk acrtdent occurrtd obout 10 a-m. Monday. Thr car ln whkh the five de ad Kod been rldlng was heodrd north on Iłłghway 33 obout four mllea south of Rogeraon Tbe vehidc apporontly KU sand off the stouMor on tho rtght aide of the roed, swerycd beck onlo and octom the nor-__thbound lane Into the poth of o

Coanty Sherlff Pnu) Corder. the highway povtmcnt waa ap-porently dry ot the time of the •cddent.

Corder sald when he arr1ved •t the scene, the povement under the cors and bodłeś was stlU dry.. «

UNITU!) NATIONS (UPI>-U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldhclm cspresaed hope Tues-day the Gencrol Assembly would. takc atcw^lo prcvenL further ocla cl terrorisin and vtolcncc ogalnst cMUans **l am dccply worried aboul Uiese iiets," Woldbeim sald. "It ls for this rcaaon that I havc dec/ded to put this qucstion cn tha ager^la of tho asaombly a upPPmtng-{DO>-aoisU)n."

_Ia. ceply_to_quejilions .ut a news ccnfercncc he soki the United NaUoris "cannot bc a

Armor blastcd

BRITISH SOLDIERS tospect danuged ar* mored car blews up by Stt-peund bom^ oa patrol daty Mir DangauieA. Nertkeni Ireland. Twe loldlert mert UUcd tastMtly and a thtrd dlid ta ter frem waaads reccUed la bUit <UPI)


niood aamplei hova boon aant—| II | l ll I ł to Boise to determlne sny 1 u UIIU

alcoho! content, Corder



_thbound lane Into the path of a    3

" vrtdWA*lvenby JaaaphCogan^ Jhebo^es of Smith and Rosa 11CP 0 VP(1 - South Pasadena,-CalU-. In the . *** Sr^TuźyarHMPg tn —*0^ ^--*^^***+ vd lanc.    Glacns Torry. Hio bodJos of tKa


•oulhbound lanc.

The rascltlng head-on coiUslon totc the norlhbound

other throe aro ot Wbite Mer-tuary, Twin Folii

Henry, Reds talk

MOSCOW (UPI)-fYesldcnt havc ao^lhcr ln rui senes of Nłion^eNofaduUac.Hciuy A.^rnectlngst wtth U Doe Tho. łdulnger. conUnued talki wllh chief NcrtK Vletiumtio negoU-* Sodęt Icaikrs today and added ^alor ot Ihe fAlil prace UlKs

to his tro-Ml agendo confcron-ces with Brltlsh and Freneh offlctoU en routo home the' lattec part of this week.

Klkslngef * thUl' wlU have touchod buei wllh America*! three major Europeon alllei elther baforo or liter the MoaftW ylalt. En rout* to

(Tho left open that poasibdlty on his arrtval bock In Pada fręm llonol ,Mcnday. *aying "you will hsee an answer ln o iswdayalWonany

plans.ł KlMlngtr and Tho havo hsd KCpr^at

mule spec to tor" nnd would hnvc to lako ndcquate mca-sures to ^forestoll further tcrrorlam and vtolencc.

— lic sald Uml not only Innecent civUlans but also a number of diplomots have been vktlms of ■uch terroriam.

BOISE (UPIJ - The Idaho Und Board today called for negotiations with the South Central HealOi Dlslrlct for leate of o pcrtlcn-of-tho-tuboroulou* hotptlnl ln Gooding.

But the negotiatlons would liurlode that the health district would siiumc . lho reiponslblltttes for • the malntoiunce or tho bultdlng whlch la now coatlng tho stote tome fiO.tOO o yenr to matntotn.

Tho hosplUl was phassd out yoora ago ind the sto to hal been trylng to dedde whot to do with

tha fadllty. *    ----

Gordon Trombtoy, stole land commlsalonar, uid the Idaho Land Do par tmo nt'a

. ..

Olij«‘c*l,s identity snid 4no meieor’-

TWIN FALLS — The "meteor" that flew os-er Kalli but mcntłi wsioT a meteor, ac-eonłlag !♦



II also uasiTt a mon-msde object, the reararrk group aaJd ln a stotemeat today,

. As a reaull. the objeet, wldcly reported from southem Caltfómla to the Borlkemmoat part of the Uolkd States, has aa Mrntity "uaknowB" to the group.

AJlrn Rent. Twin Filia, a kcal ipokesmaa far the retearck group. sald Tueaday the objeet was "nrlthcr^a meteor nor a matwnade objeet."

Hr talii thr ronclosł^iT wns reached ow the basls of isveral factors. locludlag "lho objaefa bcbiYtof. ęjtwłtotaa repnrts and a stotemeal from tbe North American‘Air Defense Com-mand that da mlaallrs, rewotariog aatelUtes or other spore vehlcles wYre dcc to pass aver this area ot the U me ofTKeJneMeat’." "

Bem sald thr orfacdiation was listing the objeet as "oakaown."

FAA to build

TF air tower

TWIN FALLS ~ The Fcderol Av lotton Admlnlitration has dedded to construct an air control tower ot the Twin Falls

Qty Cpunty Alrpcrt.

Seal tle FAA offlctoli told

today prellminary fundlng has been opproved to oend an englnoorlng tran} to Twin Falls to deve!op piani for the

propowd tower.------

• The tower'a avontual eoagtnsctton and oporatlon


would bo paid for entlrely by tho FAA, accordlng to R. E. WallhUngor, chief of.the FAA S^aftló foćlHUea eatofcUsbncnt bronch.

Tha Initlal fundlng, 110,000. wtll pay for cnglnoerlrg to determlne tower lito ond «Ue.

and only unforeseen cutbacki ln noUonal    fundlng    would

interfere with tho tower*i complatlon.

Accordlng to WallbUnger. tha tower would not include radar faohUas. It would prlmirily.be.. o rodto<orwminlcatlona center, he sald %

Ile* sald typlcal tower helght for-aji-olsport suefa si Twto-FaUs* la betwecn 40 and 70faat He aald halght would be determlnad by.lta kaM " "

Accordlng to- BiU Powal. Twin Folb atrXw«X^W5 Coramlulan chalrman. the declilon to butld the tower was prompted by rlslng paaaengor loodlnga at the ilrport

FAA offlcais sald the tower

Sharing inches on

Public Affalra Officer Cliff Comtekćf the Sokttle PPA «aW-would bo msnnad li houraa day today construct len ci the tower by FAA 2rtwi varylng from cna

U part of the FAA's program to up to foor paraora.

to meetlngsso far.)

Klulnger wtll stop In l^ondon

___ ___ __ for aeasJorj Thuraday onj early

_UMCCW^iw ■M»-'.««UftrtJK>Ulny.. with HHlUh-prfflt raou&łMntfAttoiw-woitM

.German Chancellor    WUly MinUter Kdwanl Itfaih and . nol l,u« any parbon e< Ihe, tl SatUlUI Workrrt^Par1>;

Brandt ln Munich    . For«(*n SecreUry Sir Alac bulldlni undl the botrd daćldei u»da Je tri mi, U halillar »IUi

DouiluaioRie.He then piani to what It U solna ta do «rlth ttie    Dre«0<utln| Co. hr

go lo ParU. wllh dąprturej<)r JactlUy. -------- ,lr Urn*. NołWorh denled her

WoahlngtonltUFfiday er tarły llo. uld |hero would bo-r«qU(it (or aoaol tlne to Saturday afUraMlnj PempIdkr •ddlOOMl.cool cł .hełtlng tho    by t*m. G«*rf«-

-jgj^thąilbly la Duo Tho. ^(ttfltyJttpąrtliiiiirefoJcoiod.- McGovmh. (UPI) -----

\rUh tlmc

WASHINGTON (UPI)-Tha Sonatę mevod toward finał puujt today of a program to ahtro |34.l bllllon In (adaral rovanoci with tho itatoi and 30.000 locol govommenU ovor a


lin Waahlniton. the WhIU naaaa hlnted that whUe In ParU- Frtdoy to tonfer with Franch Pra*ld«nt.„Oo<irsM , J6ulng._r mlgW

_ Pompld_0u1_

Themawiurr. whleh U a key part of Pr*aW*nt Nlłon‘a loglaUUvo program, wu at* lacked tn Sonato debato Mon. day u both flacaUy Irrupontl-hU o, '1 dlacr imln s tory t agslrjl the big urban kUlos. —

tha blU*t iponaora tn defaating one ■mendmant ifler another, al-lowtng no algnlflciAt changaa ln tha proriilong draft ad by the Senato Flnsnce CommllUe.

r san. mann L«g;riwj:,

chalrman of tha commlttoe and floor manager ef the bid, rejectod miny of tha amend-menta u "iwgarmana," ir-gulr.g that they would n#ver be acceptod whtft thrbUl/ta Ukon to oorJaranoa wllh Ihe Itousa.

Look inside

. Gem ecóriomy *tronkr2 —— -----GOP blames AitdruttrS--^—

TF welfare mceting13


Fwr«, U,'


.Spor 10, 10-17


yaiiół u»ia<rrsri





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