Good morning! It9$ Sunday, Octyber 26,1975

7 Uf yoor

Mapie Vallpy\ Homo /Vrir«/>a/>#»r TWIN FAILS, IDAHO

'•••*• • • • re • .t








Amytłca'* " Farnrite Fntrruiiiimrnt •#i Fuli _— Culur




successor nained

MAOR1D (UP1) — GenerslJiilmo Franclico Franco. 82. itrtcken by two major hcart attacks Ina week, recctod lbe lait rttcsof the Roman Catoofie Ourch Salurday. Doctor* ukf his condlUon vm dctertoratlng by U» Ngir.

Franco’* famlly gathered at hU bcdslde In D Pardo pałace and medlcal ezperts aaid the end rmatbenear.

A medlcal buttetln wid (hal Froncoa eon* dilloo at 7p.m. II p.m. EDT) had •'regUtered a

Med-ćal ezperta sald that the ołd icłdkr. vktcr ot Spało’* tloody cłvll war and IU one-man rukr for nearty 40 ytan. «u flghtlng and

Mag his Ust bsttk for wrvlvil. ......v

They aaid beatb probabły woułd come b a matter of boura, pavtng the way for the transfer of powtr to Prtnct Juan Carios óe Sorbon. T7J Fraaco'8 talfnatod aocrnur who la to bccome $paln*i nnt klag b 44 yean.

The buUctln apeke of **lncreulr>| ccngtstlve

Kaarf ' (nHilM11 ‘mm A •    Wl/T ”Km«

alow and progresśWe tei^waUtm."..... ' -

Two auUwjuenl modJcal bulJetlns uld Franco'i rondltlon remilned tae urw. A bulletla al lt:IOp m. Saturday (6:10 p.m. EDTI uld “Ihe dtalc^ coodJUor. of ihe chief of itatc.

rwmlMyliiWw^y"    _    ■    -

"Ha bas rated peacefully. He mabUtas hli vlUl functloni, hU Jevel of eococlowness continua ncrmal.1'

A buUetln Utued at 3 a.m. Sunday (10 p.m. EDT Saturday i coitałned ilndlar Information. Ofnclal (ourcts uld no further bulleUos woułd be Ucued ualU daybrtak unlesi there wu a change In the eenera]lsalmo'i ccodltlon.

hYart"(ailure" and _0ila" hTd Been oggravattd by fluid In the lungs. maklng breathlng dlfflcuH. dlłteniUn of ihc abdomen and temporary tntcłllna) paralyil*.

A hlghly placcd govemm«nt offklal uld the Caudlltooould “dte at any momtnl."____

The entlre cablncl and Juan tarlw JoSfT Franco'* famlly ta the pałace to wali tor Uie death of the man who came to power by wtnnlng one of the Noodtasl clvt| war* In modem hUtory.

Wben the lalett grave rew* wu broadeut. tbouunćt of Madrld dtltens alrcomed out 16 El Pardo. about elght mile* frcm the clty.blbcking thehlshway to the paltce wlth trafflę.

yon belle ve a Jaws ’0 Lantern?

U ycu want to glvo your Jack ’0 Lantem • real Wfe Uda yur, try the c*rrlng tochnl(jue uaed by Dave Kordoa, Chicago. Koretoe etto had (be courage lo płrt hU Jawa *p Leatems next tohlacwlmrnlngpool.    *

Sehools will o pen in Boston

By SHANE OTfEttJL Ttmeałf ears Wrlter

BURLF.Y - For the flrsf Ume cKlet In Ca ul a County muat prlnt batlofs In Spanlsh. as weII as BMpb,

CWIes In the courty face the umc blllnguo! btllol requlrrmcnt as Cassla county. occordłng to Młchael Corlcy. altomcy/or ihe Clvl1 Rights -Bar

BOSTON (UP1) - School Sopt. Marton Fahey losisU cJaaea will proceed u usuaJ Mcnday at South Boston High School (ksolte an outbrtak of v^ołence Frtday.

-I wlfl ttA cloae setołs.’* ihe uld. Ml włU not tolerate Inslde or outiide Influenco aceking to dose schools.) wUl prwecjte Cboaewbo


bltck and wbite studenta at the school fed to the arres^j of 15 studenta and left aevtral othen Lnjured It was the worat disturbanoe slnct the cłaaaea opened Sep*. 8 under a Meral coort deaegrtgallon order.

Johnny Cash very tlred

WASH1H ĆTW VuŚ'l-■ ĆÓBOtry^itfWeitOTi singerłóhiwy' Cash łs eztremely U rod and hu had to canoe! plan* to perform

Egyptlin Presideut AnWar Sada t, It was onnouhcod Saticday.

Fint Lady Betty Forrfi preaa aocreUry. Shetla Wcłdenfeid, aaid the WUte Houm was notlfied of Caah'a dedskm Frfday nfght and that do doe dae had boen Imjiedfyeł to replaoe hlm at the

Bas crash kllls chlldren

HIYERSONbEREKD, South AWca. (UP1) - A bus. I7’ichookM(Jren and taachers crashed bło Ihe” BCBdemd r1vtr Saturday. ćrownlng many of the paasengen. poike of Walą uld.

They iałd^KOpipłele Ust of the passenger wta not yet availabk but accord^fU tarły rtporta 20 pupUs and teren teachen dbd. Ten chfldrtn rMe raciied by teama of police and commerctal dłren from nsarby coaaUl v U lagę*.

School dSstricts. water dlatrkU ar-d any other pollllcal subdlrlslons In Caub musi prlnt SpanUh and gftgłtsh bollols In the futurc. loo. Corlcy saki aN deUrmlnatlons arc madę on a county basls and all subdlrlsions wtlhtn the

CM My UJM e.AfAnl Ir. I kal Atim 1«-« >1 /


Caisla County uill bc orderod nexł ueek to provkJe Spaniih balio)* In lis cłecttan*. ac-eordlnj to the Burtau of Ccnsus. That deslgnotton will appły to firc dtles In Canto County.

All flve havc munldpal elecllons Nov. 4. Jint nlnc day* from now. Yct nonę have recdved any offldal -litformattan-regardlng: -the^bnrogual balloł recjuircmcnU.

_Icdwlcally._Jhe .county»an*. lis. pollllcal-sut>dlvlslons are rwjułred lo (umlsh the SpanUh-language bolidy from Ihe dale of notlflcatlon, COrJcyuld. . ‘.

But ho odmltlod II moy bo Imposslblc In somc


I nalane es for a Nov. 4 dectlon because ot the time log between notlflcatlon and Im-pkmenlotion. He uld those pollllcal entttłes wou|d łust have to ••make do.*’ Indlcallng there woułd probabły bc no prosccutłon.

Howcver. the cliła of BurJcy. Oakley. Dcclo. Alblon and Malta all %rlll be under the same bllingual rrąulremrot for fulure elecllons as ^auliCcunly^jtłlLlhtCiłsli.

Dlstrlct. the varlous hlghwoy dlstrlcts. ccmctery and llbrary * dlstrlcU and otber połltkot cni U les wltbl n Co w la Count y.

**Our ha Ilot s are alrtady prlntcd'* satd Moyor Chuck Shadduck Frlday. ł,We cvtn have somc ttbiscfatce wici    nimost

Impoulble lo gel them (Spanlsh languoge hallots»prlntcd by cktlton day.'*

Shadduck sald hc had rtcelved “no w ord from anybody" on bJIngual baltots. Burley U Ihe only Caula Coue.ty lown wlth a sUeablc Meilcan American populatlon

The other four citles In the county have practlcally no Meakan-Amerlcons wtthln ibe dty boundartes.

The ctnsua burtau could not offer a break* “down óf nałlonamies and language ultHIn ciTy populallons.

HowesTr. report* Indkatc only ooe Meatcon-American lo' Malta and •‘probabły not moro tbin one famlly" In Oaktcy.

Americans not optimistic about their lives, futurę

Taro back yonr eloeks

. WASHINGTON (UPl) — H’i that Umc sgaln. if ycu havts'l turoed your doc* back ytt, do linów.

Tb* natlcc return* to standard Ume at 2 cm. Sunday. and


mtoulfiUooalyoo to arttbero fortran! lastiprlng.

crUis, tbe United SUl* b pnee agalft on Us pennanenl eeheAiie o<-aU maiths ęo da/tlght tlme. tU mcarth* on *Uo-

dard ■.'yv-:*5v    'V" v    .    • *

i,;V Am'f^nn>ł A r



LOS ANGELES T Americans. who for generatłons have betn rkling an cconomlc waoe -ol rlalng eapecuUons. confidcnt that cvery ytar -will be beller than the łasi. havo taperieoccd a-lubstanUal deollne Inopdmlam about the futuro duringthe laal year.

Inflatran. the opparonl tnabtllty of the country lo 8oIve Its cconomlc probierni, and a forobodlng that the energy crlils will mcan a permancn - step backward-for-the^7i*tlon‘s itandard of llvlrg. hove madę tnroads Into Amerlcana* cortldcccc. . eipeclatlons and saplratlor^

For tho most parł. acoordlng to Intenrlcws wlth moro thkn 00 fsmlllet In 12 ctlics, and a naOooal turvey of \,W persona' aOltbdes and a^rfndłOMLramml^flacd by The New .Tlmaa. Americonj nut eapect. Ihe futuro lo

■Ume itact im. wkeit th* flrtt łorvpy wal mad*, mott American* wy they

•ald tacy capcctcd lo changc In taefr sto ndard of llelng ovcr the ne*t fUe ytar*. Thls .was on Incrcasc of II per ccr.tage półnl* slnćc ApriJ of lostycor.

And. (ora silit smali bul tacrcoslnanumbcrof Amertcan*. tac uaumed nallo»l blrthrlghl of ristaR cxpcctaltan* - some mlghl coli It the American Drcam — ha* bocn rcptoccd by o tcnscof folllngcipcctaltons.

There ore pockcls of relotWcly high opUmltm -about-tac-luture.-mołlly-among the-bet ter educaled. better pald - the pcople wbo eam - '313,000 or more a year. who cen atill offord two ctre and pęrtwp* a yaeatton ta Europę. They are pcopte who. (oh the mott port. ore finały esUbltshcd In a Job wita a promlslng futuro and who have been unalfected by the recessfcM.

n •'*    ’.•*• -^.Opfnloń,4*S.;C .w %

Ram. (;Ooler sportf. 10-20. j

.Voll?5. ^

ot »vtp*.JuJd (hdr opflmtam **».& OT hasdtcrasaad. • *    “:v>s*    • •    .

Almo*t« per cen! of taa pooplo qiw*Uoo«d ta tac prełecl wney. taken Jn eariy Sęplcmber,

■jj( ■ .    '■ :

acute ompng those who earn lass taoń 37.000 annually, bot K la *Uo high wtthln familie* . whóae artnual :fncom** rangę from Sł0.00d to SisIbOO - alevef wKarafUlnnejit-w-ni ttseif r5nMTtm>KtiK-Dwsjm»r kmg-agor a level at -whlch. because of tana\lon. It ha* bećome Ipcreałlngly dlfflcull fo make end* mett.    —L*


a TF power elite

By GEORGE WILEY Tlmes-Newt wrlter

TWLN FALLS.-r .A Tlmes-Ncws ttirvcy seggest* there Is a loosely kult leidbnMp cJrlc In Twln Fali* County.

The leadcnhlo ktcud:

* Comłsts of obcut 80 pmccis out of tbe cour.ty'* pepjlation of more llun 40.000

-    U* members are neorly all men

-    They tend lo be llfetlme or long-llme resłdents of Ihe count v.

-    They are wtH recegnUed both by other tnflucntla) pcople and by the generał publlc.

The Tlmcs-Ncws opplled a Mldcly used survey tcchnłque to flnd Influentlal perionj. The suwy ttuero/rtM opinmig-oroTwgri mTMirrrro about wbo I* reolly Influentlal.

Elghty-elghl persons considcred to bc In* flucrilpl In the courty were asked by (he Times-News to IU! the na mes of len penom they felt were Influrntlol.    /    . *

CWces wercJ nol to be raTrlc!ed by"racł. retlglon or se*; and no deflfiltlon of kfluenllal waiprovkkd.    .

Flfty of the 88 person* conUctcd lor the . s«rvcy rtphed. All 50 retumed compJrle list* of 10 Influentlal na mes

SurprUłngly. neorly all names menOooed , _ wtre concenlwied In thls group. wtlb eoch of the.

80 person* belng meiUloncd on a mlnlumum ol IwolUts.    J

group óf 80. and eoch of these names werc mentloncdonlyoncc.

Of the 80 Influentlal nomes mcnlfcned ot Jcast (wice. only three pcople werc comkłcred In-. fluenUol enough lo appear on one thlrd of the 50 llsts.

* Another U names appearrd on one flfth o(the IWs.

In other word*. the three moU rocnUoncd names d»d not appear on a solid majority of the IłsU *

In a second survcy. the Ttmes-New^ has trted to leam U the overoge T«in Falts resłdent knows the names of the » sapposedly Influentlal pccplc In Ihctr communHy.

Tbe results of thb sursey Indtcale thal the mosl-Influentlal pcople In Tulu Folls county arc wcll known to Ihe generał publlc. ‘

(OofiUnuedonp.7) .    .



. TOKYO (UPII - The ilrenglh oTSe Śoriel Union'* PacUlc iuval fotce )a ouirtrfpplng that

mlUUry clrolea, a Tokyo newtpaper uld SuadJiy. . , . V

Tbe Tokyo Shlmbun newtpiper uld placnera -“to JbpilfTfiłenie agency uld tbe Sovlet* havt_

“ łurpaiłtd U>o UćflW S&Ueln number ofISpT"“ lotal toooage, end aubmartoe *trer-gth Ja Uw- ..

WesternPaetfle.^-1. jy '• “ •'

.The American N*vy *UII boi da an ad7inlage Inalrcrafł łtrength. the paper uid.


l- i-o



•    ...    t. i. •    • c

• • •    - • |M .    •    •••)•»•«• .w . I


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