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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places,
and incidents are products of the writerłs imagination or have been used
fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201



Copyright © 2009 by Anne Rainey

ISBN: 978-1-60504-352-4

Edited by Linda Ingmanson

Cover by Scott Carpenter


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic
publication: January 2009






Anne Rainey


For Connie, our official Goddess of Goodies. Thanks
for being such a sweet lady. You take the time to make friends with total
strangers, and thatłs something I dearly treasure. Iłm so glad you found your
way over to After Dark!


May 1997

Lancaster, Ohio


“I love feeling you against me, baby. YouÅ‚re so soft. I
canłt get enough of your satiny skin."

My eyes drifted closed as I heard his words of praise and
felt his fingers touching me beneath my panties. “Blake, please," I begged
shamelessly, “I need you inside of me this time."

Blake went still, then I felt his fingers beneath my chin,
urging me to open my eyes and look at him. When our gazes locked, he asked,
“Are you sure this is what you want, Ally?"

“Yes. I know I love you. I donÅ‚t want to wait anymore."

“I can make you feel good. We donÅ‚t have to go all the way
for you to come, baby."

“I know. ItÅ‚s wonderful what you do. When youkiss me down
there, I like it a lot. But I want to feel you deep. I want our bodies

Blake leaned back and closed his eyes. I was afraid IÅ‚d said
too much, that he was disgusted with me, but when he opened them again, it was
with new purpose. He unlocked his door and said, “Get out of the car. Your
first time isnłt going to be in this old clunker."

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I was so nervous
my entire body shook with it. I pulled the handle and left the beat-up black
Charger behind. Blake was in front of the car, waiting for me. When I drew
near, he grabbed my hand and led me to a more secluded spot in the woods. We
walked so long I was about to lose my nerve, but he stopped suddenly, and I
realized hełd taken me to a clearing. Clovers littered the ground, and the full
moon shone through the trees. It was romantic and beautiful, and I adored Blake
for being so sweet with me this first time. He turned around and kissed me. His
touch was electric. Itłd been that way since the first time hełd stroked a hand
down my cheek and asked me to the spring formal. IÅ‚d been head over heels ever

“I want you so bad, Ally. YouÅ‚re special. Never forget that,

I didnłt know why he felt the need to say that. I knew what
we had was different. Blake had dated other girls, but hełd never treated them
the way he treated me. We were in love. That was the difference. I knew in my
heart we were meant to be together.

“Take off your blouse. I want to see you."

I did as he asked. Blake could have anything he wanted from
me. As far as I was concerned, my body belonged to him. With shaking fingers, I
unbuttoned the pink silk and let it drift to the ground. He stepped forward and
unclasped my bra with a quickness that surprised me. I didnłt want to think
about how hełd gotten to be so good at unhooking a girlłs bra.

As he bared my chest, the night air rushed over my skin, and
I instinctively covered myself with my palms. I watched with heated interest as
he licked his lips and murmured, “YouÅ‚re so pretty, baby. DonÅ‚t hide from me.
Never from me."

Nervous, but willing to give Blake everything, I slowly
dropped my hands to my sides. His head came down. He clasped my left nipple
between his lips and sucked hard. I arched forward, feeling that zing of
pleasure between my thighs. Moisture pooled there, and I was shocked at my own
reaction. He licked and flicked my nipple, while his other hand came up to cup
and squeeze my other breast. I grabbed his head and held him against me. After
several long minutes of suckling and fondling, he released my flesh with a pop
and stepped back. He stared at my wet nipples, and I could have sworn he
growled. I couldnłt be sure, though. My own desire seemed to be buzzing in my

“Skim out of those jeans, baby girl. I want to see you in
the moonlight."

I was beyond speech. In that moment, I couldnłt have uttered
a single protest to save my life. As I slipped the button free and dragged the
zipper down on my designer jeans, Blake began to do the same. My one salvation
in all this was knowing he would be naked, too. IÅ‚d get to look at him. IÅ‚d get
to do more than fondle him through the opening of his fly. I pushed my pants
and panties down my legs and soon I was standing nude for the first time in
front of Blake Steele. His gaze roamed over me in an impassioned journey of
discovery. It was as if he wanted to imprint my body on his memory forever. It
was odd, but he looked almost sad.

His erection was bigger than Iłd imagined itłd be. I
wondered how itłd ever fit. My feet moved of their own accord. Soon I was
pressed flesh to flesh against my sexy boyfriend. His hands came up, cupping my
bottom in his big palms, pulling me against him. He rubbed his heavy erection
against my slick folds. I moaned at the contact. He chuckled and slowly drew me
down to the soft ground.

Clovers and grass tickled my skin. The cool night air had my
nipples pebbling hard. Blake covered me with his body and pressed against my
entrance. He didnłt move, just stayed on top of me, staring down into my eyes.
Finally he spoke.

“YouÅ‚re my sweet angel, Ally. Your blonde hair looks like a
halo framing your face." He paused a moment, just staring, then said, “What
wełre about to do Itłs different, Ally. Iłve been with girls, you know that,
but with you, itłs just different, thatłs all."

“IÅ‚m scared, Blake."

He stroked my face and smiled. “I know, but IÅ‚ll make it
real good for you, baby. IÅ‚ll make it memorable for both of us."

As he started to kiss his way down my body, I clenched my
legs together in confusion. “I thought you were going tobe inside me this

He grinned. “I am, baby, but I need to get you all soft and
wet first. It makes it easier."

“Oh," I mumbled. I was so naïve, and Blake was so sure of
himself. Thankfully he didnłt seem to mind. Before I could even blink, Blake
had started back on his sensual path. Once he reached my tight curls, he coaxed
my legs open, and then his mouth was on me there. His tongue was hot and
insistent as he flicked my tiny bud. He licked up and down, tasting me as hełd
never done before. It was as if he wanted to touch every inch of my private
flesh. It wasnłt long before I felt that familiar pooling of desire in my
stomach. My body arched upward, and I was suddenly drowning in heat.

Blake didnłt give me time to calm down. He moved over me and
slipped his heavy erection inside an inch. My tender flesh stretched to accommodate
the fullness of his invasion. I tried to push him away. It was too much, but he
started kissing me, gently enticing me back to that place I was a second ago.
My body started a slow climb. My hips twitched back and forth, all at once
edgy, wanting something, but unsure how to get it.

His lips moved to my chin then my neck. He sucked the skin
right over my pulse, and I knew IÅ‚d carry his mark on me the next day. I was so
proud to be his girl. I wanted his mark to stay on me forever. He drew back and
looked down at the reddened skin.

“Remember, this is special. WeÅ‚re special together, Ally."

Then he plunged deep and tore through my thin barrier. I
cried out in surprise and pain, but his fingers found their way over my little
button and he was very quickly taking me on a journey into womanhood.

Blakełs hard shaft moved in and out, slow at first, then his
thrusts grew more frantic. My own passion mounted.

It was like when hełd first licked me there, only better. It
was euphoric. I arched into him, rubbing my clit against his talented fingers.
He plunged one last time, and we both flew over the edge.

Several seconds went by as we lay there, Blake breathing
hard against my nape, my body deliciously sore. The moonlight bathed us in its
magnificent glow.

“I love you, Blake," I whispered into his hair.

He stiffened and lifted himself off me. The look in his eyes
wasnłt what Iłd expected. I thought hełd be happy. Hełd smile and say something
romantic. He didnÅ‚t. He just stared at me for a long minute, then said, “Come
on, I donłt want you to break your curfew."

Chapter One

Present day

Lancaster, Ohio


As I hit the save button on my latest, Grave Dealings,
and started to leave my chair, the little bell dinged, letting me know I had

“Unless itÅ‚s Janet, IÅ‚m not answering."

Janet was my agent. She thought my stories were marvelous,
and she thought I was a scatterbrain. She was right on both counts. I loved
Janet to bits.

But the email wasnÅ‚t from Janet. The name in the “From"
column sent a blast of cold air down my spine. How can it be? Too
shocked to click the email open, I just sat there, staring, transfixed by what
must be my imagination.

Blake Steele. There had to be more than one of those in the
world. IÅ‚d always thought the name sounded more like a hero in a book than a
real man. Too unreal to be believable. As it turned out, he definitely wasnłt
hero material. Just another guy stealing a girlłs innocence, then moving on.

“Click the little icon and open the damn thing," I told
myself. Then, with a sort of sick glee, another thought occurred. “ItÅ‚s
probably a virus. Wouldnłt that just be appropriate as hell?"

As the seconds ticked by, the room grew so quiet I could
hear the purr of my cat Shelby across the room. Normally, I didnłt notice such
things because Iłm too engrossed in my writing. But I wasnłt writing. I was
staring. Curiosity forced me to place my hand over the mouse and click. The
email sprang open and I sucked in a breath as I realized it wasnłt a virus. It
was also not some other Blake Steele, but the Blake Steele. The one who
tore my heart to shreds and left me a whimpering mess. I began to read. Hey, I
was an author. Curiosity ruled me.


Hi, Ally,

If you really are reading this then IÅ‚m shocked. I
figured youłd toss it in your trash bin, maybe even pin my address to your
block sender list. But, since you didnłt, I guess Iłd better get to the point,

IÅ‚m coming home. My business in New York is doing well
and Iłm coming back to Columbus to open a new branch. I didnłt know where you
lived, so I called your mom in Florida (Dad gave me their number). Donłt be mad
at her for giving me your email. I begged and pleaded. :) At any rate, IÅ‚m
coming home for good. Iłll be staying at Mom and Dadłs until I find an
apartment. I had hoped we could schedule a time to meet. Maybe catch up on old
times. Is it too callous of me to ask? Probably. Fuck. Anyway, if you want to
reach me, my cell number is attached to my signature. Call me anytime, day or


Btw, IÅ‚ve missed you.


Much to my dismay, I could feel my eyes start to water. “Ten
years later and he misses me? No freaking way!"

Now, all these years later, I knew why hełd looked so
troubled. Because he knew something I didnłt. He knew he was taking my
virginity and running. Hełd known there would be no second time. No sweet words
or promises of everlasting love. Hełd known. I hadnłt.

I stared at Blakełs cell number for an eternity. Then, I
dialed. Two rings and his deep voice came over the line. I was so shocked to
hear him after so many years all I could do was sit there. Hełd struck me
speechless countless times. Why should this time be any different?

“If no oneÅ‚s there, IÅ‚m hanging up," he said, obviously
getting frustrated at my silence.

“Blake," I forced myself to utter.

“Ally? Ally, is that you?"

Oh, God. I hadnłt known how hard it would be to hear that
voice. It all came rushing back like a bad dream. All the good times, the bad
times, that horrible day when hełd walked out of my life. In a rush of clipped
images, my relationship with him flooded my body and mind.

By force of will, I pulled myself together and answered,
“Yes, itÅ‚s me."

“Damn. I didnÅ‚t think youÅ‚d call. I didnÅ‚t really let myself
believe you would even read my email."

He sounded like he actually cared. I wouldnłt let myself be
sucked in this time, though. “IÅ‚m glad your business is taking off. It sounds
like you got everything you wanted when you left Lancaster. Howłd New York treat you?" Keep it friendly, civil. Donłt open the past. Donłt let him know
how much it still hurts.

“I didnÅ‚t get everything I wanted, but I did okay. New York was a pretty big shock after living in a small town my whole life."

“But you managed. IÅ‚m not surprised. What do you plan to

“Get an apartment first," he said, sounding stressed. “IÅ‚d
thought to hang for awhile, but my parents are already driving me up the wall.
IÅ‚m too used to being an adult, and they still see me as their little boy."

“So youÅ‚re back already?"

“Yep. I got in last night."

His parentsł place was only a thirty-minute drive. It was
tempting to jump in the car and do a drive-by. Just to see if he really was
there. To see what he looked like after ten years. Had the years been kind to
him? I secretly hoped hełd gone bald and sported a potbelly.

“YouÅ‚ve been home all of one night and already youÅ‚re
getting antsy?" I hoped I didnłt sound bitter, but I couldnłt help feeling

“Like I said, IÅ‚m used to being on my own."

“Yeah, I can understand that."

“So, I was thinking we could hook up, talk about old times?"

“I donÅ‚t know, Blake."

“You never got married."

It was so far out of left field, I wasnłt sure if he was
asking or if he already knew. “No, I never married. You?" Well, I needed to
know, didnłt I? Did he have ten kids somewhere and a half dozen ex-wives or

“Nope, IÅ‚m single. You dating anyone special?"

“No. IÅ‚ve just been concentrating on my career, which leaves
little time for a personal life."

“Same here. But IÅ‚ve been rethinking a lot of things lately.
Somehow it all seems so lame."

“What do you mean?"

“Life is so short, Ally. We spend all our time trying to
make money and earn some sort of social status. We should be enjoying the time
we have."

Wow. He had grown up. Miracles never ceased. “DidnÅ‚t find
your happily ever after in New York?" I had to know if his big city plan had
worked out. I needed to know if it had been worth leaving me behind. I felt I
deserved that much at least.

“I found some things rewarding. Others disappointing."

He was keeping it vague. Fine, I could be vague, too. “IÅ‚d
better go; itłs been nice talking to you again, Blake."

“I want to see you, Ally."

“Oh?" No way was I giving him an inch. He deserved to

“Yeah. I was hoping you and I could go out to dinner or

“I see."

“Do you?"

“I think I do, yes." I paused, weighing my words carefully.
“But IÅ‚m not into taking a trip down memory lane."

“Not even dinner?"

He was pushing. Attempting to have his own way. Well, not
this time. “My schedule is pretty busy. Thanks for the invite, but IÅ‚m going to

“You know my number if you change your mind." The bite in
his tone told me he wasnłt happy Iłd turned him down. I wasnłt very happy,
either, but I couldnłt let him in. Not again.

After ten minutes of mundane conversation, we said our
goodbyes. He wanted more out of me; I could hear it in his voice. But I wasnłt
inclined to indulge him.


I pulled my Lexus into the grocery store parking lot and
found a spot. The only available space was at the back. Figured. Not that it
mattered. I needed the extra exercise. Being a writer, sitting for hours a day,
usually meant a little extra to love, especially in the rear. I turned off the
engine and checked my hair and makeup one last time, then left the car.

Ever since the phone call with Blake, hełd been in my head.
Invading my dreams. Slipping in under the cracks when I least expected it. Two
days after that call and I could still feel his deep voice in my ear. It was
crazy after all these years, carrying a torch for a guy who threw me away
without so much as batting an eye. Dumb. IÅ‚d already given myself a stern
lectureseveral of them. It wasnłt doing any good.

As the doors slid open, a draft of cold air hit me, cooling
my overheated skin in an instant. The dog days of August were in full swing.
The overbearing heat made me glad IÅ‚d worn shorts and a tank. I grabbed a cart
and forced my mind on my mental list of foodstuffs. It was Thursday and
tomorrow Heather was flying in for a visit. Since she lived in Florida, most of our visiting was done through email and phone calls. As wild as Heather
was, her trip to Lancaster was bound to wake up the sleepy little town. Hard
telling what shełd get into. Already I was getting jazzed. It was a rare treat
for me to play hostess, and I was aching to cook up something fun in the

As I imagined the dishes I planned to prepare, I wasnłt
watching where I was walking and smacked my cart into a wall. When I looked up,
my mouth fell open. Not a wall.


I tried to swallow, tried to speak, but there seemed to be a
rather large rock wedged into my throat. Finally I managed a squeaky, “Blake?"


We both just stood there, staring. It seemed neither of us
knew what to say. My heart sped to a wild gallop. Every feeling I ever had for
him came back like a monsoon. A floodgate tore open and the emotions poured
through. And, oh wow, hełd definitely aged well. Blake was gorgeous as a
teenager, but as an adult, he was delicious.

My body liquefied as I took in his long, muscled legs and
massive shoulders. His six-foot-plus frame filled out the charcoal-gray suit
like nobodyłs business, too. I noticed his hair hadnłt changed much. It was
still the same dark shade of espresso and tossed about as if hełd just stepped
off a motorcycle. Knowing Blake, he probably had. Damn it. Pornographic
thoughts slid around in my brain. I felt like a total perv.

A wave of self-consciousness came over me as I imagined what
hełd think of the way Iłd aged. Would he like what he saw? I watched him blink
his sexy blue eyes several times, then look me over. Slowly. When his gaze
rested once more on my face, I spoke.



His voice sounded hoarse, like a man turned on. I crushed
that thought and stepped forward, took him into my arms. “ItÅ‚s good to see you

Blakełs arms came around my waist as he hugged me tight.
Really tight. Almost as if he didnłt want to let go. I didnłt want to think of
that right now, so I pulled away.

“Parents got you grocery shopping already?"

He rolled his eyes. “MomÅ‚s been cooking up a storm. IÅ‚m
going to get fat if I donłt find an apartment soon."

“You have a ways to go before you have to worry about that."
He looked so damn edible I wanted to scoop him up and purchase him for dinner
tomorrow night!

He laughed. “Thanks, but between the errands and the
dinners, IÅ‚m starting to feel like IÅ‚m back in high school again. IÅ‚m waiting
for Mom to give me a curfew."

The mention of high school was what did it. I didnłt want to
think about the last time weÅ‚d been together. “Well, good seeing you again. I
better get moving." I grabbed the handle on the cart and started to move around
him. He placed his hand on my forearm. My gaze darted to his.

“You sure you donÅ‚t want to have dinner with me?"

God, this was too cruel. Seeing him. Wanting him. Walking
away from him. No woman was that strong. But I surprised myself when I said, “IÅ‚m
sure. Take care of yourself, Blake."

Then, before I could rethink my decision, I moved off,
leaving him standing there. My legs felt like rubber. My stomach ached. Being
the one to walk away wasnłt as satisfying as Iłd thought. In fact, it sucked.

Chapter Two

As I ticked off the last item on my list, I went to the
checkout. I needed to escape. When I reached my car, Blake called my name. I
popped the trunk and turned around to see him sprinting toward me, two bags in
each hand.

Without preamble, he said, “I couldnÅ‚t let you leave without
this" He leaned down as if to kiss me, and I gave him my cheek. He stopped an
inch from my skin. I could feel his hot breath, and desire rushed through my
body. He smelled the same. His scent threw me back in time. I shuddered. He
chuckled, kissed me briefly and straightened. “You always were a temptation."

I wanted to protest that ridiculous statement, but he looked
me over one more time and growled, “You look good, Ally. Real good." Then he
walked away.

He was several feet across the lot before my heart started
back up. Oh, God. This denial business was going to be a lot harder than IÅ‚d

I finished putting the groceries in the trunk, slammed it
closed and got in behind the wheel. It was his kiss that did it. An idea had
started to take shape the instant his lips touched my skin. Maybe I could give
Blake the date he so badly wanted. Only with a twist.

I smiled and reached for my purse lying in my lap. I found
my cell phone beneath a few receipts and a pack of gum. I hit speed dial two.

“ItÅ‚s your dime."

“Heather, itÅ‚s Ally."

“Oh, hi, sweetie. IÅ‚m packing for my trip, canÅ‚t wait to see

“I canÅ‚t wait to see you, either. ItÅ‚s been too long."

“I know. I love living down here, but I hate being away from
all my old girlfriends."

I dove right in, aware Iłd lose my nerve if I didnłt cut
right to the chase. “Hey, Heather, do you remember that time in Myrtle Beach when you and I drank that bottle of tequila?"

Heatherłs soft laughter reached my ears. Heather had a sexy
sirenłs voice and a body to match. It didnłt matter if you were a woman or a
man. One look at Heather and you thought about sex. Hot, sweaty sex. It was
that simple.

“How could I forget?"

“That was one wild weekend, wasnÅ‚t it?"

“It was the one and only time I could get you to let me play
with that voluptuous bod of yours."

My face heated at the forbidden memory of that wild summer
night. Unlike me, Heather was bi-sexual and not afraid to shout it to the
world. In fact, she took great pleasure in shouting it to the world.

“I was thinking maybe youÅ‚d like a repeat." Did I really
just say that aloud?

“No kidding?"

Heatherłs excited voice nearly had me backing out. She might
be used to having sex with both sexes, but I wasnÅ‚t. Still, I forged on. “I was
thinking maybe we could add a man to the equation this time."

“You have someone in mind, sexy?"

If any other woman had called me that, I would have felt
really weirded out, but Heather was different. Besides, when youłve tasted
another womanÅ‚s pussy, it sort of tore down a few barriers. “Yes, Blake

Heather whistled. “HeÅ‚s back?"


And you want to exact a little revenge, is that it?"

Putting it like that, I started to feel guilty. “Do you feel
terribly used?"

“Sweetie, you can use me any time. Count me in."

“YouÅ‚re sure? Because if you donÅ‚t want to, IÅ‚ll

“No way am I passing up another chance to get in your

We both laughed. Right there in the parking lot of Save A
Lot, Heather and I began to hash out a plan. Once we were finished, I felt
ready to call Blake.

I dialed his cell number, which IÅ‚d already memorized. Sad,
I know.


“Blake? ItÅ‚s Ally."

“Everything okay?"

“Sure, fine. I justwell, I wondered if you still wanted to
go out."


I took a deep breath and exhaled. “Yes."

“Any time, any place, Ally."

“My house. Tomorrow night," I blurted, afraid I would lose
my nerve if I didnłt get it out.

“What time?"

“Seven work for you?"

“IÅ‚ll be there."

I was about to give him the address, but the line went dead.
I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it. What did I just do?


“Man, those are tight," I mumbled as I stared at my
reflection. I turned around and inspected my butt one more time. If I bent, my
ass cheeks were going to give Blake a little peek. Perfect. The black tank top
showed off a tempting amount of cleavage, too. Leaving off the bra was a nice

IÅ‚d decided to leave my blonde hair down and took great care
in putting on my lipstick. The red creamy shade, guaranteed to drive men wild,
was aptly called Lady Danger. I did feel dangerous. This was going to be one
for the record books. Okay, maybe not, but it would definitely be the most
exciting, erotic thing IÅ‚d ever done.

I turned off the bedroom light and went into the living
room. Heather was sitting on the couch, reading my manuscript. I cleared my
throat and she looked up, then looked me over from head to toe. As the seconds
passed, I began to fidget. “Well?"

“DonÅ‚t interrupt me; IÅ‚m busy having an orgasm over here."

I laughed. It was such an outrageous thing to say, but
exactly what I needed to loosen up. “YouÅ‚re crazy."

“Yeah, but IÅ‚m hot, and you want my sexy bod."

“Down, Heather," I scolded as I went to the kitchen to fetch
the wine IÅ‚d poured earlier.

Coming back into the living room, I handed a goblet to her
and sat in the loveseat adjacent to her. Forgetting I was supposed to sip and
savor the wine, I downed it in one gulp.

Heather leaned toward me and placed a soothing hand on my
knee. “ItÅ‚ll be fine, sweetie. YouÅ‚ll see."

“IÅ‚ve never done anything like this. What if I canÅ‚t go
through with it? IÅ‚ll feel like such a dolt."

“I wonÅ‚t let that happen. Once I get you warmed up, youÅ‚ll
forget all these silly insecurities. And IÅ‚d bet my favorite dildo that the
instant you see Blake in the buff, youłll be damn glad you followed through on
this little plan."

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “YouÅ‚re right. IÅ‚m just

Heather got up and disappeared into the kitchen. When she
came back, she was holding the bottle of wine. As she poured, she explained,
“One more glass will loosen you up."

This time I forced myself to sip. I wanted to be coherent
for this little rendezvous, not falling down drunk. As I was about to thank
Heather, the doorbell chimed.

“HeÅ‚s here," I whispered, as if he could hear me through the

“Let the debauchery begin," she whispered right back.

I laughed and went to the door. I twisted the knob and flung
it wide. Blake stood on my porch in a pair of tight jeans and a black t-shirt.
My mouth watered for a taste.

“You going to let me in?"

The words pulled me out of my lusty haze. I pushed the storm
door toward him. “Of course."

As soon as he stepped into the living room, his eyes zeroed
in on Heather. He frowned and looked over at me. “Uh, Ally, I sort of thought
this was going to be just the two of us."

I knew what he thought and was secretly pleased he was
disappointed at not spending time alone with me. “HeatherÅ‚s in town for the
weekend. She lives in Florida now. Do you remember her from school?"

Blake looked back at Heather. She was still seated on the
couch, her long, tanned legs crossed at the ankles, her gorgeous body encased
in a tight red tank-style dress. It landed well above the knees. With her dark
hair and coloring, Heather looked exotic and mysterious. For a second I felt a
little jealous.

Blake shrugged. “Sorry, I donÅ‚t."

I breathed a sigh of relief that Blake didnłt appear to
recognize her. Heather stood and reached a hand out toward Blake. He took it
and smiled, but it seemed forced. “I remember you. High school
quarterback, voted best smile."

Blake nodded and dropped his hand. “Those days are long

Heather was about to taunt Blake about the past. I could see
her wicked wheels turning as easily as if her face had broadcast it. In an
attempt to divert disaster, I interrupted. “Blake, would you like a glass of


I left the two of them alone to grab another wine goblet
from the kitchen cupboard. When I returned, Heather grabbed the bottle and
poured the wine for me, then I handed Blake his glass. We all took a sip. The
silence filled the room. It was now or never.

“Anyone up for a cool dip in the pool?" I asked.

“Oh, yes!" Heather exclaimed. “Exactly what I need. The
flight up sapped my energy."

“I didnÅ‚t exactly bring any swim trunks," Blake muttered,
his irritation evident. “I thought this was going to be a dinner for two. Not a
swim party."

I smiled and winked. “Learn to adapt. I do."

Some part of my heart was glad he was disgruntled. I knew
how it felt to have something so close, only to watch it slip through your
fingers with no warning and no way to stop it.

Heather and I exchanged looks, then we both set our glasses
on the coffee table. As if of one mind, we headed for the back door leading out
to the deck and the in-ground pool. The woods surrounding my property provided
privacy. No peeping Toms to worry about.

As soon as I reached the edge of the sparkling water, I
turned. Blake stood a mere five feet away, an unreadable expression on his
handsome face, arms crossed over his chest. I started to pull my tank top over
my head, and Blakełs eyes widened as he clearly realized for the first time
what was about to take place. I looked to my left and watched Heather slip her
fingers beneath the stretchy hem of her dress. She grinned at me. Together we
bared our bodies for Blake. I could feel the heat of his stare against my skin.
His total concentration. It invigorated me as nothing else could. Heather
touched my shoulder to gain my attention. I turned to her. She leaned in and
whispered, “ItÅ‚s time to tease that man into a horny stupor, sugar."

I laughed at her shocking statement. “YouÅ‚re wicked. Very

“Which is why you wanted me for this mission," she
whispered right back, then turned and dove into the pool. When she surfaced,
her hair was sleeked back, and water drizzled in tempting lines down her
delectable body. She quirked her finger at me. I glanced over at Blake one more
time. His eyes were so focused on me, I shivered from the intensity. I felt a
jolt run through my veins, as if his arousal caused little vibrations along the
wood deck. They coursed through my body and liquefied in my sex.

I wanted him so bad.

When my gaze sought out Heather one more time, her answering
grin was proof that she knew exactly what ran through my mind. Mesmerized, I
watched as Heatherłs wet hands came out of the water and smoothed over and
around her plump bosom. She licked her lips.

The decision was made.

I dove into the pool and swam toward her. When I broke the
surface, I was directly in front of Heather.

“Good girl," she praised, then leaned in and kissed me.

Her lips were soft and slick. It was naughty and stimulating
to have her skin against mine. So different from a manłs kiss. Sweet and
gentle. Loving. Heatherłs tongue came out and dipped between my lips. She
didnłt need to seek permission; I was already open and eager. I brought my
hands up to cup her face, as if to keep her from stopping too soon. As our
tongues mated, my pussy throbbed and tingled. The warm water enhanced my bodyłs

She pressed into me, slim arms coming around my shoulders to
pull me in for a deeper taste. I shuddered and surrendered to her mastery. It
was so easy and simple to forget everything with Heatherłs slick nipples
kissing my own. Our pussies were aligned beneath the surface of the water and,
with slow, practiced skill, Heather rubbed against me. I felt her dark curls
brush my golden ones. Heather broke the kiss, and my eyes flew open. Her brown
gaze, filled with need, excited me beyond measure.

“Blake has begun to take off his clothes," she whispered,
her voice hoarse from emotion and desire.

In my dizzy erotic fog, IÅ‚d forgotten all about him. I
whipped my head around. His electric stare teased along my nerve endings. He
seemed both pleased and angry. As I watched him, Heather dipped her head and
drew my nipple into her hot mouth. My mind scattered. Blake stopped pulling his
jeans down and watched as Heather bit and played with my left nipple, then
switched to the other. He licked his lips, his gaze once again pinning me in
place. In seconds, he was stripped bare and entering the water. He didnłt dive
in, but purposefully stepped off the edge and landed on his feet at the far

Heatherłs head came up. She smiled when she saw Blake in the
pool, coming toward us, stalking us like a great white. The intensity on his
face was as frightening as it was exhilarating.

Chapter Three

Blake stopped mere inches from Heather and me. He reached
out and flicked his finger over my right nipple. My heart tripped, and my pussy
wept for his touch.

“You shouldnÅ‚t tease a man like this, Ally," he growled,
“itÅ‚s dangerous."

“IÅ‚m not teasing you."

“Since when are you into threesomes" his gaze flicked to
HeatherÅ‚s face, then back to mine, “and women?"

Anger rose at his taunt. “YouÅ‚ve been away for a long time.
You donłt know a thing about me. Iłm not a little virgin anymore, Blake."

“Somehow I pictured you married with a passel of kids
yanking on your skirts. Not playing sex games with other women."

“Surprise, surprise," was my only reply as I leaned forward
and licked a water droplet off his chest. His hand came around my head,
clutching my hair in his large fist. I could feel his heartbeat beneath my lips
and tongue. It was wild and erratic. I lifted my palm from the water and drifted
it over his torso, abs, then lower. When I came into contact with his hard male
flesh, I felt hunger well up. For ten years IÅ‚d wanted another taste of Blake
Steele. Now he was here, and I wasnłt about to squander the opportunity by
thinking it to death.

I wrapped my fingers around him. God, I could barely get
hold of him, he was so large, so aroused. As I squeezed, he groaned. The water
rippled as Heather stepped behind me and began touching and stroking my
buttocks. Blakełs fingers in my hair tightened as he pulled my head backward.
Curious, I looked into his eyes.


He was looking for confirmation. He wanted the green light.
My heart swelled as I realized he wasnłt just diving in and taking what he
could. Most men wouldnłt ask when faced with two naked women ready to make his
every desire a reality. Theyłd jump in with both feet, and to hell with the

As I stared into those oh-so-familiar eyes, I found a hint
of the young lover IÅ‚d cared for so deeply staring back. It nearly made me stop
the game entirely. But I wanted this. I deserved it, damn it.

“DonÅ‚t deny me, Blake. Let the big questions go for now.
Just feel."

“Fine," he muttered, “but donÅ‚t blame me when it blows up in
both our faces."

I was about to ask what he meant by that, but Heatherłs
fingers drifting between my buttocks had the words drying up. I turned my head
and found her smiling. Her eyes dared me to stop her. I didnłt have it in me to
tell her no. Iłd always had a hard time ignoring Heatherłs natural sex appeal.
She was the only woman IÅ‚d ever been attracted to. At first, IÅ‚d felt
uncomfortable about that. After Myrtle Beach, I didnłt.

Maybe it was her body, so voluptuous and sexy, that made me
want to break all the rules. Although I suspected Heatherłs inner strength was
what drew me to her. She made me feel comfortable and free. Alive. She knew
what she wanted and wasnłt afraid to take a chance. I admired her.

To answer her unspoken dare, I pushed my bottom backward,
arching my back slightly. The action brought Heatherłs fingers into contact
with my puckered opening.

“YouÅ‚re exquisite," Heather breathed against my ear. “I
could eat you up, darling."

“I think thatÅ‚s my line," Blake murmured, and dipped his
head to suck at my nipples.

His tongue coasted over my drenched skin, licking and
biting. My body thrummed with excitement. Heather drifted her fingers up and
down before sliding her index finger deep inside my anus. I threw my head back
and closed my eyes, intent on living in the moment, to take what I could.
Heatherłs free arm came around my waist as she drew me back against her. Her
luscious tits pressed into my back. She rubbed the plump orbs back and forth. I
throbbed to have my face mashed against her supple skin.

As she kept up a delicious rhythm inside my ass, I wiggled.
Blakełs fingers were suddenly covering my pussy, his thumb flicking my clit,
fast and hard. I lost myself to the sensations bombarding me.

“Mmm, this pussy. I missed it, baby."

Oh, God, he couldnłt say things like that. Not now, not when
my guard was down. As his finger drifted into my tight heat, the hand Heather
had wrapped around my waist smoothed a path upward to clutch at my breast. She
squeezed hard and pinched my nipple. That electric touch went clear to my cunt.
Blake pumped me faster, his thumb working my little nub as Heather let another
finger join the first inside my ass. I felt stretched and filled by them,
surrounded in desire and heat. The sultry air and warm water only added to the
intensity of the moment. Without warning, my body climbed that jagged cliff.

I squeezed Blakełs cock hard, pumping him faster. Heatherłs
head came down, her mouth clamped over my shoulder, holding me still for her
invasion. It was too much. My body burned from the inside out, Blake growled
low then pushed another finger inside me. I flew apart, screaming out my
pleasure as both of my sexy lovers took me over the edge.

Blake pulled his fingers free, then ordered, “Move to the
edge, Ally."

Very slowly, as if she wasnłt quite ready to leave my body,
Heather drew her fingers out of my bottom. She kissed the spot on my shoulder
that shełd bitten, then moved away. Blake took the advantage and backed me
against the hard pool wall. His eyes blazed with desire. “Turn around."

I was so far gone I didnłt even question his instructions.
As I faced away from him, he issued one other demand, only not to me this time.

“Come here, Heather."

I was surprised when she did. Heather obeyed no one. As she
drifted through the water to stand next to me, I saw her naughty smile. It made
her appear sexier than ever. I wondered if Blake liked what he saw in her. Of
course he did; stupid question. Any man would take one look at Heather and want

“Sit on the rim and spread your legs. Nice and wide so Ally
has plenty of room to play."

The shocking image of my head buried between Heatherłs
thighs came to mind. My cheeks filled with heat. Heather saw it immediately,
though she only wagged her eyebrows and lifted herself to the cement edge. She
kept her gaze locked on mine as she spread her slim, tanned thighs. The wet
curls and swollen clit made my mouth water.

“Taste her, baby. Suck her pretty pussy while I have some
fun with you. I want to watch you go down on her."

I hesitated, staring at Heatherłs body. Streams of water
trickled down her smooth skin. Her eyes begged me to take her, to bring her
another taste of what shełd had on the beach that night so long ago.

“You told me not to think, just to feel," Blake coaxed. “Now
IÅ‚m telling you. Forget about right and wrong, just press those sweet lips to
Heather. I want you lapping up pussy juice while I fuck."

His words did me in. Those taboo, carnal words took me out
of myself and into the moment. I moved sideways and dipped my head to kiss
Heatherłs mound. Her hands came up and cupped my scalp, her fingers stroking my
hair in such a loving way I nearly wept.

“Lick me," she murmured. “Take us both there, sweetie."

I surrendered. My tongue darted out and swept over her
fleshy tissue, so puffy and wet. Her trimmed tuft of hair tickled my face as I
rubbed my lips back and forth. She pushed her hips upward, her bottom lifting
off the ground entirely, groaning in ecstasy. Her pleasure fueled my own wanton
needs. I lifted my arms out of the water and wrapped them around Heatherłs
hips, holding her still for the invasion of my tongue. The instant I tasted her
essence, my sex exploded. I could have stayed like that for an eternity, tongue
fucking her sweet, hot cunt. I drew my mouth away and stared at her there,
sopping wet and throbbing. I blew a draft of air over her clitoris, mesmerized
when she moaned and grasped my hair in a tighter grip. I dipped and sucked her
clit into my mouth. Heather shot her hips forward, nearly knocking me backward
into the pool.

“Oh God, Ally!" she shouted, coming in a rush all over my
lips and tongue. I licked her dry, then lifted my head and stared at her
satisfied expression. Her eyes were closed, her breasts heaving. She was
beautiful. I felt Blake against my back and I was suddenly embarrassed.

“YouÅ‚re so much more woman than I ever imagined, Ally. So
damn hot."

I hadnłt expected his words of praise, but it was exactly
what I needed in that moment. I turned my head and smiled. Our eyes locked, and
he slowly pushed his cock inside my pussy. Hełd gone only a few inches when he
paused and growled, “Come down here, Heather. Right next to Ally."

Heather lifted her eyelids as if coming out of a long
slumber and blinked several times. She looked at Blake. I could see the instant
she decided to do his bidding. Her eyes went drowsy with need all over again.
She slowly moved to the side, and slid into the water. Heather faced Blake
while my back was to him. I didnłt like that scenario. I started to wiggle
away, but Blake only planted his hands on the ledge, caging me in.

“No. Stay still." He looked at Heather and ordered, “Turn
around, show me that ass."

Heather licked her lips and swiveled her body around. She
thrust her ass toward him, the warm, clear water hiding nothing. I felt a wild
need to keep the two of them apart. It wasnłt supposed to go that way, though.
My head wanted this to be all about sex. My heart knew the truth.

Blake leaned close, his hot breath against my ear. “You
jealous, baby? Want me all to yourself?"


“Liar," he murmured. “You want me all to your greedy little
self. I can see it in the way your body stiffened. Guess what? I felt the same
way when I arrived, but you started this. You wanted this. Remember that

Then he plunged all the way inside my tight sheath. I heard
him emit a low growl, before he pulled all the way out and plunged in again.
His heavy length filled me, and my inner muscles pulsed to life. I flung my
head back and moved my hips in a little circle. His growl turned into a harsh
command as he said, “Stop or IÅ‚ll come, baby."

I didnłt feel like indulging him. I pushed backward, then
squeezed my pussy around his cock until we were both groaning with the
torturous pleasure.

Blake pulled out completely and ordered, “Open your eyes,

Curiosity had me obeying him. As I watched, he moved behind
Heather, his gaze holding me captive as he grasped Heatherłs buttocks and
pulled her open and sank his engorged cock all the way inside her hot pussy.
Heather cried out with pleasure. A muscle in Blakełs jaw twitched. His eyes
demanded I watch him fuck the exotic woman.

Equal amounts of anger and excitement flowed through me. I
wanted him to stop, but I couldnłt seem to pull my eyes away from the two of
them. The only man IÅ‚d ever loved and the one woman I secretly craved, locked
together in the most erotic of embraces.

Heatherłs teeth bit into her lower lip as Blake pounded into
her from behind. Her hands were planted on the edge of the pool, knuckles white
as she attempted to stay upright. As if some invisible thread pulled me toward
her, I leaned my head down and licked at her lips. Her eyes flew open, startled
and turned on at once. I could easily see her hunger play over her expressive

Suddenly I forgot my reservations. Heatherłs lips parted,
and I dipped my tongue inside, scouring her mouth, toying with her tongue. I
was so lost in the moment I hadnłt realized Blake was once again behind me
until I felt the head of his cock at my entrance.

I lifted away from Heather and turned to watch him. His eyes
were ablaze with arousal when he entered me a second time. His hand came around
my body to flick and tease my clit.

“Play with her, Heather," Blake commanded as he plucked at
my little nubbin.

Heather grinned and whispered, “My pleasure." She dipped her
head and sucked my left nipple into her mouth.

Her teeth scraped the hard peak, and I whimpered. My control
snapped. I wrapped my hand around her head to hold her against my chest.
Blakełs fingers kept up their pleasurable torment, and Heatherłs mouth took
great, drugging pulls on my breast. It all became too much. Blood rushed
through my veins. Blake slammed into my pussy once and expertly pinched my clit
at the same time.

I flew apart. “Yes! Oh, God, yes!"

My orgasm came over me in a blinding flurry. Currents of
electricity zipped through my every nerve ending. Then Blake shouted my name as
he bucked against me and took his own release. Heather lifted her head and
wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as little aftershocks pummeled my
body. Blakełs arms locked around my waist, soothing words pouring out of him. I
was too far gone to comprehend anything beyond the buzzing in my ears.

As Blakełs lips drifted over my back, I slowly came out of
the sexual euphoria. The ramifications of what IÅ‚d just done hit me like a
freight train. The aching truth that I still loved Blake forced me back to

I tried to straighten, but BlakeÅ‚s arms tightened. “Let go,

“No. I did that once. It was a damned stupid thing to do."

I wriggled, and his arms dropped. I straightened and turned
to him. “I want you to leave." When he stood there, staring at me with those
all-knowing eyes, I ground out, “Now."

BlakeÅ‚s gaze went cold. He was angry. “What game is this?"

“No game. ItÅ‚s been fun, but thatÅ‚s all it was. Please just

Heather wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I nearly lost
it. Instead, I stiffened my spine and waited Blake out. Finally he said, “I
came here to be with you, Ally. Only you. You wanted to make it more than that,
not me."

“IÅ‚m not blaming anyone. I just donÅ‚t want you turning this
into something itłs not."

“And what is it?"

“Sex. It was great sex."


I felt my face flush. “Think what you want, but leave."

Blakełs hard stare traveled the length of me, and I had to
control the urge to cover myself. When his gaze was once again holding mine
captive, I could see his mounting desire. He wanted me again. God help me, I
wanted him, too.

“IÅ‚ll leave, but this is far from over."

As he went to the edge and lifted himself out, I saw the
condom. I hadnłt even realized hełd donned one. I waited there in Heatherłs
calming embrace as he grabbed his clothes and went inside, then I turned into
Heatherłs shoulder and wept.

“Oh, God, I really screwed up this time."

Heather forced me to look at her. “Why send him away?"

“I love him. I still love him."

Heather frowned. “Then whatÅ‚s the problem?"

“He crushed me when he left for New York. I canÅ‚t go through
that again."

“I understand, but he seemed sincere. I donÅ‚t think heÅ‚s any
more over you than you are him, sweetie. Maybe you need to take a chance."

My heart screamed at me to go after him, but my mind was
replaying that last day. It was enough of a reminder. “I just donÅ‚t know. I
need time to think about all this and if hełs here, I wonłt be able to do

“Then I have another idea."


“Yeah, letÅ‚s go get dressed and hunt down some chocolate
doughnuts. IÅ‚m starving."

HeatherÅ‚s silly suggestion was just what I needed. “Yes.
Sugar is definitely what the doctor ordered."

We left the pool together and dressed. The rest of the
evening, we talked and laughed. The encounter in the pool was never brought up

Chapter Four

My doorbell rang, and I groaned aloud. “This better be
good," I mumbled as I scooted my chair backward. The knife scene IÅ‚d been
writing was coming along brilliantly. Having to stop when the story was flowing
so well was beyond frustrating.

I stomped to the door and flung it wide, then nearly
swallowed my tongue. Blake stood on the other side, leaning against the jamb, a
box in his hand. He looked as edible as ever. He had on a pair of jeans and a
white t-shirt. I wanted to lick him until he cried mercy.

Then I remembered my vow to keep him at armłs length.

“What do you want, Blake?"

“Great company. Nothing more than that, I swear," he
assured. He frowned and asked, “HeatherÅ‚s not still here, is she?"

At the mention of her name, my cheeks burned with
mortification. “No. She went back to Florida."

He seemed relieved. Which relieved me. I so did not
want him wanting Heather. “Then maybe you wouldnÅ‚t mind spending some time with

“I donÅ‚t know if thatÅ‚s a good idea." ItÅ‚d been a week since
our little pool party. Every night my head hit the pillow, I conjured up the
image of him and Heather making love to me. There, in the darkness of my
bedroom, was the only time I let myself remember it. During the day, I forced
those carnal images out of my mind and concentrated on work.

“No hanky-panky," he explained. “Just a movie. I even
brought Hitchcock."

I smiled despite my resolve. “You remembered?"

“I remember everything about you, Ally."

I didnłt want to go there, so instead I gave him a civil
smile and opened the screen. “Well, you do have great timing. DinnerÅ‚s ready."

He grinned that devastating ornery grin that got me every
time and stepped over the threshold.

“Have a seat while I dish up the chicken," I ordered, and
went to the stove.

“Can I help with anything?"

“Nope, itÅ‚s all under control. All you need is a big

“No problem there."

I grabbed a potholder and spatula, then went to the table.
When I looked up and saw Blake sitting in one of the oak chairs, emotions
swamped me, nearly choking me. He looked good sitting at the head of my table.
Crazy as it was, it was nice seeing him there, waiting on dinner. As a
teenager, Iłd dreamed of the exact image. My ambitions werenłt huge back then.
I only wanted to be Blakełs wife, keep his house and make him happy. Those days
were gone. I forced the pain down and dished out the chicken breasts and green

“Can you pour the wine?"

“Sure," Blake said. “Everything smells terrific."

“I enjoy cooking, but I donÅ‚t do much of it. ItÅ‚s tough to
make a gourmet meal for one."

Blake pulled my chair out and helped me sit. He was being
such a gentleman. I hadnłt remembered him being that way before. Then again,
hełd only been a teenager. For the first time, I wondered if I was being too
harsh on him. Wełd both been so young when we were dating. He was a grown man
now and obviously not the impetuous boy he once was. Still, I wasnłt making any
changes to my plans.

Blake dug into his chicken and for several minutes, we ate
in silence. Once he was halfway finished, he started in with questions.

“So, you said on the phone that youÅ‚d been concentrating on
your career. What do you do for a living?"

The wine glass I was holding froze in mid-air. “YouÅ‚re

He frowned. “Uh, yeah."

I thought for sure he knew I was an author. Apparently not.
“IÅ‚m a suspense author."

“For real?"

“Yep. I write under the name, A. L. Ryan."

His eyes fairly bulged. “Damn, IÅ‚ve read your books! YouÅ‚re
good." He squinted at me. “I never put it together, though. Why not use your
real name?"

“You mean Ally Ryanaldo?" He nodded. “I didnÅ‚t feel that fit
the right image for a suspense author, so I changed it a little."

“YouÅ‚re a New York Times bestselling author. IÅ‚m impressed."

“Thanks. I have a website, an agent and an editor whoÅ‚s been
breathing down my neck to finish my latest manuscript."

“IÅ‚ve been to your site. I liked the excerpt of Grave
Dealings." He paused then said, “You donÅ‚t have a picture of yourself on
there or I would have noticed."

“No. Most of my readers think IÅ‚m a man. I let them think
what they want. It seems easier for them to imagine a man writing about death
and crazed killers, rather than a woman."

He looked at me for a moment, then murmured, “I donÅ‚t know.
I think if you put your picture on there, youłd get a whole slew of new

I laughed. “IÅ‚m flattered, but IÅ‚d rather they read my work
because the writing is enthralling, not me."

“ItÅ‚s nuts, but I feel like asking you for your autograph."

We both laughed and went back to eating. As we finished off
the last of the wine, Blake stood and started clearing away the dishes. I
watched in silence as he rinsed each one with care. My eyes were drawn
downward. The jeans molded to his buttocks and hips as if custom made. He had a
world-class ass. Suddenly, I didnłt care about my plan to keep him at a
distance. He was here now. We both wanted each other. As I watched him, a new
plan took shape.

I pushed back my chair, drew up behind him and wrapped my arms
around his waist. Blakełs entire body went rigid. I kissed his spine, enjoying
the solid strength of his muscled back. He smelled of fresh linen and man. A
heady scent. When he turned and leaned down, I closed my eyes. His lips were
soft and warm, coasting over mine in a gentle mating dance.

He slipped his hands around my waist and drew me in close. I
could feel his erection pressing into my belly, and I wanted to let loose a
moan, but I held myself in check. Barely. His tongue drifted over my lower lip,
and I opened on a sigh. He slipped in, growling his approval at my submission.

I wanted him so bad.

Every touch of his tongue to mine drew moisture to my
vagina. There was so much I wanted to do to him. I wanted to taste his cock. To
suck on him until he begged for mercy. I wanted to ride him, hard, and drive us
both over the edge.

Blake pulled back, his eyes blazing with arousal. “I want
you, baby. This has been the longest damn week of my life. Donłt send me home."

He sounded so desperate. I understood, because I was just as
greedy for him. “I want you, too."

He closed his eyes briefly and let out a deep breath. “Thank
God," he muttered. “WhereÅ‚s your bedroom?"

I stepped out of his arms. “First, I want to prepare a few
things. You can wait in the living room."

“YouÅ‚re killing me, Ally."

“Please. IÅ‚ll only be a few minutes."

He sighed and left the kitchen. I strode to the refrigerator
and grabbed a can of whipped cream, before heading to the bedroom.

A few minutes later, I was ready for him. I walked into the
living room and held out my hand. He rose to his feet and smiled. When his big,
calloused fingers laced through mine, I quickly led him down the hallway. As I
reached the bedroom, I went straight to the bed and switched the lamp on its
dimmest setting. When I turned around, Blakełs eyes were still on me. I
trembled at the wild gleam in his gaze.

Hełd never been like this before. In a heartbeat, I knew Iłd
seriously miscalculated. The man standing in front of me was an adult male with
an adultłs needs and wants. And Heather wasnłt here this time as a buffer.

Blake came to me and stroked my arm, bringing gooseflesh to
the surface. His gaze touched everywhere at once. “When I saw you touching and
playing with Heather it was the most beautiful thing IÅ‚d ever seen. But IÅ‚m
glad to have you alone. Youłre so much prettier than I remember." He looked me
over, stopping on my breasts. “Your breasts are bigger. Damn, just look at you,
baby. I could gobble you up right now."

I didnłt know what to say. For a moment, I just stood there
and wallowed in his praise. It was good to hear compliments from him. The deep
tone of his voice turned my blood to liquid lava.

“Before things get too carried away, I wanted to ask you

“Anything, Ally. You can ask me anything you want." He
seemed to think about that statement and added, “Except no more threesomes."

“Will you let me experiment a little?"

His eyebrows shot up. “Again?"

Instead of explaining, I reached over and picked up one of
the scarves tied to the bedpost closest to me and waved it in the air.

“You want to be tied down?"

I shook my head. “No. I want to tie you down."

Blake licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair. He
eyed the bed, then pinned me with a suspicious glare. “This isnÅ‚t some sort of
trick, is it?"

It was my turn to frown. “What do you mean?"

“You donÅ‚t plan to exact some sort of revenge by tying me to
your bed and then leaving me there to rot why you go off to have sex with

I laughed. “No. Nothing like that. She really is in Florida. No worries there."

Still he hesitated. “You know me. I like to be in control.
And I really want to touch you. If Iłm tied down, I wonłt be able to. That
would really suck."

I held firm. “This is the way I want it, Blake."

Several seconds passed, before he said, “For you, baby, IÅ‚ll
do it."

I sucked air into my lungs as he started to strip out of his
shirt. Some small part of me had hoped hełd say no. Iłd be off the hook. But he
was submitting. I was so out of my league.

As he pushed his work boots off and unzipped his jeans, my
eyes fairly bulged out. His cock was much bigger than I remembered.

Oh, my.

“Undress for me," Blake demanded as he sat on the edge of
the mattress.

Staring at his nude body caused moisture to pool in my hot
center. It was incredible to watch him sitting there. Waiting for me. I felt a
power like never before. I wanted to make him squirm a little first, though. I
wasnłt about to make this easy on him. Even though it was tempting to swiftly
strip out of my shorts and tank and sit on his fat cock, that wasnłt the way
this was going to play out.

Stepping away a few feet, I turned around and gave him my
back. My sandals went first as I slid my feet out of them, then I bent low at
the waist, pushing my jean-covered ass in his face. I could hear him hum with
pleasure. It urged me on. My fingers trailed from my feet and ankles, then to
my calves. I stroked the twin columns of my legs slowly, deliberately. As I
straightened, I slipped my fingers beneath my tank and slid it upwards, baring
the lower half of my torso.

“More, baby. I need to see you or IÅ‚ll go insane."

I laughed, feeling devilish, then slipped the tank over my
head and tossed it to the floor. I cupped my heavy breasts in my palms and
flung my head back on a sigh of pleasure. I massaged the aching peaks with
great care, my body so keyed up I could barely stand. All my erogenous zones
were on full alert.

“Turn around."

I was tempted. Blakełs voice was a whip of command. The deep
sound had me shivering like a schoolgirl. “Not yet," I managed to say.

“You were never like this before," he grumbled. “You always
gave me what I wanted."

My fingers plucked at my raspberry nipples as I attempted to
answer him coherently. “I know. But IÅ‚m a big girl now. This time, itÅ‚s not all
about you."

“It was never just about me," Blake argued. “And the
threesome sure as hell wasnłt just for me. You craved it as much as I did.
Admit it."

I turned my head and looked right into his eyes when I
answered him. “I did crave it. I wanted you and Heather."

His smile was predatory. He looked like a tiger ready to
pounce. “Then come here. Let me make you feel good, baby."

It was hard to stand firm, but I was intent on proving my
point. “No. Not this time. This time, IÅ‚m in control," I reiterated.

I heard the mattress springs creak, and then he was there.
Right in front of me, drinking me in with his gorgeous baby blues.

Chapter Five

“YouÅ‚re being very naughty, baby." His gaze zeroed in on my
hands still playing with my nipples. “Fuck, just look at you. YouÅ‚re so damn sexy.
My sweet angel. I could slip to my knees right now and lick you dry. Youłd like
it, I know you would."

I shook my head. “YouÅ‚re not following the rules. This is my
show. Youłll be a good boy and sit back down."

“Or what?" he taunted as a calloused finger touched my cheek
and stroked.

“Or IÅ‚ll send you home right now. You wonÅ‚t get a single
taste of my body if you donłt do as I say."

Blake ran a hand threw his hair and groaned. “Jesus, youÅ‚re
killing me."

“No, IÅ‚m showing you how a grown up Ally Ryanaldo likes her

BlakeÅ‚s gaze shot to mine, all at once furious. “YouÅ‚ve done
this with other men?"

My answer was immediate. Hell, I wanted to torture him with
sex, not drive the man into a jealous frenzy. “No. To be honest, my writing
takes most of my time. Other than talking to the characters in my books, IÅ‚m
pretty much a recluse."

He looked at me for another few seconds, then smiled. “IÅ‚ll
sit back down and follow your rules."

As he went back to the bed and sat, I wanted to sigh in
relief. I didnłt get the chance.

“But after youÅ‚re done proving whatever it is youÅ‚re trying
to prove, itłll be my turn. And I wonłt be slow and gentle either, little

“I know," I whispered as my fingers went to the button on my
shorts. Once I had the fly open, I slithered them down my hips and thighs. They
fell to the floor and I stepped out of them. I smoothed my palms over the
sensitive skin of my hips and over my buttocks. I squeezed both plump cheeks,
before sliding my hands around to my front. I bent at the waist, showing Blake
every inch of my pink sex and tight anus. His wild, untamed sounds fanned the
flames of my own desire. I let my fingers caress my pussy lips. Soft, feathery
touches teased my entrance. I slipped one finger deep into my wet passage and
pumped several times, before pulling my finger out. I stood back up.

“Let me taste it," he ground out. “Please, baby, IÅ‚ll be
good and sit real still, just give me that wet finger."

Hearing him plead fed my ego and drew more moisture to my
hot center. I turned around, beyond denying him, and walked on shaky legs to
the bed. He pulled me between his thighs and nudged my entrance with his cock,
showing me how hard I was making him. How much he wanted me. He wrapped one
hand around my right wrist and lifted it to his mouth. He lowered his head and
sucked my finger into the dark, wet cavern. His moans tickled my skin. His eyes
closed as he sucked every bit of my essence. I had to reach out and grab his
shoulder with my left hand to keep from falling.

When he drew it back out again, his eyes opening, watching
me with so much intense need, I wanted to crawl into his lap and fuck him.

“You taste better than I remember. YouÅ‚re addictive. You
always were hard to resist, baby."

“Not so hard, apparently," I tossed out. Damn, I didnÅ‚t mean
to go there. Not now. Not when I was standing naked between his thighs and I
was so close to getting everything I wanted.

“Because I left you?" he asked softly.

It was too late to take back the words, but I didnłt have to
give him everything. I didnłt have to tell him how much hełd hurt me that day.

BlakeÅ‚s voice was soft and gentle when he whispered, “It was
harder than you think."

I wasnłt going there. It was a can I wasnłt ready to open.
Instead, I stepped back and ordered, “Up on the bed."

Blake hesitated as if he wanted to talk about the past, but
I closed my fist over his cock and squeezed, stopping him. “Be a good boy and
get up on the bed so I can play."

“Lick it first," he growled. He wasnÅ‚t allowed to direct me
and he knew it. Just as I was about to tell him no, he spoke again. “IÅ‚ll do as
you say, lie real still and let you tie me down, but first I want that sassy
mouth of yours to lick my cock like a big, juicy Popsicle."

I laughed. “YouÅ‚re outrageous. You just donÅ‚t get it, do you?"

He reached out and flicked my nipple. The small gesture had
my pussy clenching with need. “I get it just fine. But I think I deserve a
little something before IÅ‚m forced to lay spread-eagle, totally at your mercy."

He did have a point. That was Blake, always figuring a way
to get what he wanted. Besides, I was so hungry for him. It was a win-win

I leaned forward and swept my tongue over his bulbous purple
tip. Silk over steel, a delicious combination. I took in a drop of precome,
suddenly ravenous for the salty flavor, then ran my tongue down the heavy
length. I felt his fingers sifting through my hair as he held my head against
him. His words of approval turned me on even more. He was a fully aroused man,
and I wanted to suck him into oblivion. But not just yet. There was too much to
do before any of that took place.

I licked one more time, kissed his throbbing tip gently, and
moved away. Neither of us said a word. Blake stroked his thumb over my bottom
lip once, his eyes unreadable, before he moved to the middle of the bed. He lay
down and spread his arms to the sides, his legs widening. A smile of
satisfaction lit his face. Somehow I felt as if hełd effectively turned the
tables on me. It wasnłt fair that he was so good at this and I was such a
novice. I wondered if he could tell that I was way out of my league. I wanted
him to think I was a wild vixen. A siren intent on driving him wild with lust.

I moved to the end of the bed, took one long, silky scarf,
and tied the ankle closest to me. I went to the other and did the same. After I
was sure the scarves would hold, I placed one knee on the mattress, then the
other, and crawled toward him. Careful not to let our bodies touch, I grasped
his right hand in mine, wrapped the silk around it and tied a knot. His gaze
never left my face. There was so much heat coming off him, I felt scorched. It
didnłt seem to matter that I hadnłt touched him; he was still a blazing inferno
of need.

I moved around him and tied his other wrist securely. As I
sat back, I stared at my handiwork. Vibrant colors of purple, red and green
held him immobile. I could do anything. Be anyone. I could suck him dry or sit
on his face and make him lick me until I screamed. Every fantasy IÅ‚d ever had
of him rushed in.

Damn, this was going to be fun.

Several seconds passed. I couldnłt move or speak. I just
stared at him on my white eyelet comforter. His huge bronze body, so muscled
and ripped, tight abs and sexy hair. Those intense blue eyes staring right
through to my soul. His massive erection tempting me to play. The sound of
Blakełs low chuckle drew me out of my lusty musings.

“Did you tie me up so you could stare at me?"

I leaned close to his face and whispered, “No, I tied you up
so I could do this"

Then I kissed him. His lips parted and he slipped his tongue
out, licking at the seam of mine. I opened and let him in. He scoured my hot
mouth as if starving for the taste of me. His desire fueled my own. I rose up
and straddled him, planting my hands on either side of his face so I could hold
him still for my kisses. He tasted of hot, spicy man. He growled in protest
when I released his mouth and trailed kisses down his chin and neck. I sucked
the flesh there eagerly, marking him as my own. Lower, on his collarbone, I bit
down, and he cursed. I laughed, knowing he was enjoying my strokes and nibbles.
My mouth went farther south as I flicked and toyed with his left nipple, then
the right. He shuddered beneath me and begged me to move lower. I gave in to
his pleas and tasted his muscled belly. I love a manłs sexy stomach. Especially
Blakełs. I dipped my tongue into his button, and he pushed his hips upward,
nearly unseating me.

I lifted my mouth away and demanded, “Stay still. YouÅ‚re my
sex slave and you donłt get to come until I say."

He narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth, but said
nothing. As he lay there waiting for me, I smiled. I had Blake Steele under me
and ready to make my every fantasy come to life. My pussy dripped with pleasure
at the notion.

I moved lower and rewarded his good behavior with another
lick to his cock. I watched from my position as he closed his eyes and let a
small, satisfied smile slip over his face. When I sucked him into my mouth, he
jerked and opened his eyes again, then lifted his head to watch. I took him all
the way in, sucking gently, then out again. When I used my hand to pump him
while I sucked his heavy sac, he stopped pretending to maintain control and
bucked against my face. I put both hands on his hips, forcing him to hold still
while I took my time pleasing us both. His musky scent drew me like a cat to
cream. I popped his soft scrotum out of my mouth and licked lower, tasting the
sensitive skin between his balls and anus. He jerked, hard.

“What the hell?"

I looked up the length of his body and witnessed the war of
desire and uncertainty on his handsome face. “I want to do something different
with you. Will you let me?"

“IÅ‚m not sure about this, Ally."

Like any heterosexual male, he was balking at the idea of
enjoying anal sex. “ThereÅ‚s nothing wrong with it. And it doesnÅ‚t make you gay
if you like what I do to you there." He still hesitated so I added, “Do you
trust me?"

To my surprise, he nodded.

I continued.

As I held his gaze, I licked my finger, wetting it
thoroughly, then slipped it half an inch inside his tight opening. Blakełs
teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed to dark slits of desire. I pushed in a
little more, watching for signs of discomfort or indecision. I saw only need
and hunger and a fierce desire to take over the reins. I wouldnłt let him do

At least not yet.

I shuffled around, getting more comfortable, and started a
rhythmic pumping inside his ass. At the same time, I lowered my mouth onto his
heavy length. I laved him, delirious from the flavor of his dripping tip.
Pushing in and out with my finger, sucking his cock deep into my mouth, I
slowly but thoroughly fucked him. I pushed my finger deeper still and drew his
cock farther down my throat. I swallowed his entire length. He flexed his hips
and growled my name. Finally, I knew it was too much. He was too close to

I pulled my finger free and slipped his cock out of my
mouth. He moaned, pleading for me to finish him off. I wasnłt ready for him to
come. As soon as he did, hełd leave. I needed more time with him. Maybe a
decade or so would do it.

“I have more planned. IÅ‚m not nearly done with you."

“IÅ‚m not sure IÅ‚ll survive much more, baby."

I laughed and stood on the mattress, then walked toward the
head of the bed. He watched, his attention absorbed. His gaze touched me
everywhere at once. I stepped over his shoulders and slowly lowered myself onto
his chest.

He smiled when he realized what I wanted from him. “Come on
up. IÅ‚m hungry."

“I fed you a gourmet meal already. You think you deserve

“I deserve dessert," he explained. “At the very least."

I lowered down a little more and let him inhale my womanly

“I remember your flavor," he hissed. “Your golden curls
framing paradise. So damn sweet and so fucking addictive."

I wanted to fling back a smartass comeback about him leaving
after wełd finally decided to go all the way, but it wasnłt time for nasty
remarks. For the first time, I didnłt want the past to intrude. This moment was
for my pleasure. Nothing was going to interfere. Not even my own bad memories.

As our gazes locked, Blake leaned up and kissed my clit. His
eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as he flicked his tongue out and swiped it
back and forth over my swollen pussy lips. I moaned and pushed farther into his
mouth, forcing him to tongue fuck me. He obliged and probed my sopping
entrance, sucking my juices into his mouth. Pleasure spiked, and I flung my
head back and closed my eyes, reveling at the feel of Blakełs generous lips and

He tortured me with his probing stabs, as thoughts of his
huge cock doing the same thing slammed into my mind. He tickled and bit at my
clit, driving me higher still. I pulled back suddenly and ordered, “Purse your
lips for me." He never questioned my command, only silently obeyed. I smiled
down at him as I propped my hands against the headboard and rose up and down on
his face, circling my hips and rubbing my clit over his puckered mouth, taking
my own desire against his face. Blake watched, tied and helpless, eager to
please me. It was suddenly too much.

My body pulsed and spasmed as blood rushed to my hot cunt. I
flew over a jagged cliff right into oblivion, screaming his name over and over.

I would have collapsed had I not been on Blakełs face.
Instead, I rose up entirely, then lowered to my knees next to his torso. His
worshipful gaze never once left mine.

“Let me go, Ally. Untie me now."

Chapter Six

I wanted to protest, to keep up the pretense that I was the
one in control, but we both knew the truth. The instant IÅ‚d agreed to have
dinner with him, hełd assumed control. Without a word, I untied his hands, and
he leaned up and untied his own ankles. I wasnłt given the chance to think
about my decision as he grabbed my waist and threw me to the mattress, then
covered me with his body. I moaned, and his lips curved in that same predatory
way I remembered as an enamored girl.

“YouÅ‚re mine, Ally. YouÅ‚ve always been mine. I walked away
from you once and it was the biggest mistake of my life. IÅ‚m not leaving this

Oh God, why did that sound so good? Why did I still want him
to love me? My heart broke hearing those words spoken in such a possessive way.

Sanity came back, barely, as I whispered, “I never agreed to
anything more than this one night."

He leaned down and kissed me. It was soft, fleeting.
Tempting. As he rose a few inches, I could swear I still felt the heat of his
lips against mine. I hoped IÅ‚d always feel it there. Maybe it would make saying
goodbye easier.

“You were made for me. That night, in the clearing, I wanted
to say the words back to you. I wanted that so bad I nearly lost it when you
looked so sweet and pretty in my arms."

Damn him for bringing it up now. He knew IÅ‚d have to ask. He
knew I needed to know. “Why, Blake? How could you leave me so easily after what
we shared?"

“You thought it was easy for me?" he bit out. “I wanted to
stay. You were my world, damn it. But I needed to make something of myself. If
IÅ‚d stayed in Lancaster I never would have known the truth."

I understood some of what he said. It made sense. We were
both just kids, and if hełd stayed, I might not have had the spine to create a
career as a successful suspense author. Had he stayed, things would have been a
lot different. Then the last of his statement hit me. “What truth?"

“That you mean more to me than any amount of money or
success. None of it means jack shit without you. I swear, Ally. I couldnłt give
you the words before, but IÅ‚m giving them to you now." He kissed me one more
time, then said, “I love you, Ally Ryanaldo."

Oh, God. He did fight dirty. Way too dirty.

I wasnłt ready. Not yet. The wound was still too raw. To get
his mind away from thoughts of love everlasting, I pushed my hips upward,
directing his attention to where our bodies still ached. His erection flexed
against my swollen flesh. My pussy pulsed to life. He smiled and pushed inside
me, slowly. I tensed at the invasion.

“You havenÅ‚t had very many lovers, have you?"

It was humiliating to admit, but Blake was always too good
at getting at the truth. “No, only a few." Boy, what an understatement that was!
IÅ‚d been with a total of two, including Blake.

He pushed in a little farther. “IÅ‚m glad. ItÅ‚s been driving
me crazy imagining other men touching you this way. Ever since that night, IÅ‚ve
wondered and imagined all sorts of scenarios. You were so responsive, so sexy.
The thought of other men witnessing thatwell, it drove me nuts."

Suddenly it was too much. Anger welled up, and I smacked his
chest. “You donÅ‚t get to feel that way, damn it. You left me. All rights you
had to my body were null and void after that."

Blake had the good grace to wince. “I know, baby. IÅ‚m a
selfish ass, but I canłt help the way I feel. You were mine then and youłll be
mine again. Mark my words, this isnłt a one time fuck." He flicked my nose with
his finger and said, “Get that through your thick head. IÅ‚m not an easy man to
get rid of when I see something I want."

“And IÅ‚m not a pushover anymore."

He laughed. “You dragged me into a threesome a week ago.
Just now, you tied me to the bed and had your wicked way with me. I can definitely
see youłve changed!"

I pouted. “But I had other things planned for tonight."

His eyebrows shot up. “Other things?"

I pointed to the bedside table, the one farthest from the
door. I knew the instant he saw the whipped cream and leather whip because his
eyes changed, darkened. They had a delicious gleam that stirred my blood.

He leaned over and grabbed the whip. “What have we here?"

“That was in case you got out of hand."

He shook his head and traced my chin with the leather. By
the time hełd reached my nipples, I was a quivering mess. So much for driving him
mindless. I was right back where I started. A boneless heap, willing to do
anything Blake asked.

“You are a wicked woman, Ally Ryanaldo," he whispered. “Very

I couldnłt really deny it. In that moment, staring up at
him, I felt wicked. I wiggled my hips, and he got the hint. He pushed forward,
slipping in another few inches, then he pulled out all the way and did it all
over again. I arched upward, my heart pounding out of my chest, my body on
fire. He leaned down, licked the upper swells of my chest and sucked the skin
into his mouth as he thrust all the way in. I screamed, desire swamping me.
Blake pounded in and out, hard and fast. His fingers began playing with my
clit, and I spiraled out of control and started my own frantic movements.

He made a sound deep in his chest and lifted up, his cock
slipping free. “On your hands and knees, baby," he commanded.

I nervously bit my lower lip and turned over. Impatient
hands lifted my middle, forcing me to my knees. He held my buttocks still and
thrust into me from behind. He lowered himself over my body and kissed my
shoulder and spine. “YouÅ‚re my angel," he murmured. “That wonÅ‚t change. It will
never change." He pumped hard and fast, fucking me with frantic movements. His
balls slapped my clitoris as I flung my head back and bucked against him.

“YouÅ‚re so fucking tight around me. Damn, I missed you."

“I missed you, too! So much." I hated myself for admitting
it, but I couldnłt hold the words back. I was too open, too vulnerable. Blake
knew it and took advantage.

He pushed in one more time and stayed there, our bodies
locked together, his sweating torso covering mine. The scent of sex permeated
the air. “IÅ‚m going to make you come all over my cock. Then, when weÅ‚re
through, youłll be mine. I wonłt be walking away again. No matter what you say,

I was beyond coherent speech. I held myself still as he
pounded my pussy. His hand came around me and he started to toy with my little
nub. He rubbed and squeezed it and I moaned. Pleasure. So much pleasure. I
wanted to drown in it. As he plucked me one more time, strumming me like an
instrument, I burst wide open, flooding his huge cock just the way he wanted.

To my utter shock, I felt his palm come down hard on my left
buttock. I gasped. The slap stung my flesh. I wanted to protest, but my pussy
wept for more.

“You deserve that for tying me down," he whispered against
my ear. Then he picked up the leather whip and swatted me three more times. The
flesh of my ass burned. I moaned, overcome by more pleasure than IÅ‚d ever felt.

“Tell me you wonÅ‚t try this little game on me again. Say

“No. I liked you at my mercy."

Another sharp swat from the leather, and I yelped. My
buttocks grew more tender with each strike of the whip. All the blood in my
body seemed to have headed south. I couldnłt have imagined Iłd enjoy something
so wild. But I was. I wanted to say something ornery, just to get him to spank
me again.

“You make me crazy," he hissed. “I want to kiss you and
punish you at the same time." I felt his fingers stroking my burning flesh.
“Your pink ass looks so pretty. I could fuck you like this all night." He
thrust forward, once, twice and suddenly we were both coming apart. Blake
shouted my name and filled me with his hot seed.

I collapsed to the mattress, my body spent, heart racing. He
fell on top of me, his own breathing ragged. As he smoothed the tangled hair
from my face and kissed me, I cried. He saw it immediately and I wanted to
shoot myself. This was not how it was supposed to go.

“What is it, baby?" he said, anxiety in his voice. “Was the
whip too much? Fuck, Iłm so sorry, please donłt cry."

I shook my head, the tears coming harder now. As if someone
had left the gate unlatched, I began to weep uncontrollably all over my pretty

Blake pulled out of my body and gently turned me over.
“YouÅ‚re scaring me, Ally. Please tell me whatÅ‚s wrong."

“I d-donÅ‚t m-mean to cry all over you," I stuttered. “ItÅ‚s
just too much. Seeing you again. L-loving you."

BlakeÅ‚s gaze narrowed in suspicion. “You sure I didnÅ‚t hurt
you, angel?" I shook my head. He smiled, tenderness in his beautiful features.
“I think I understand. You think this will be like it was ten years ago. That
IÅ‚m going to take off and leave you?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. I couldnłt face him.

“Ally, look at me." I forced my eyelids open. He leaned down
and kissed me. A gentle peck meant to soothe. “ItÅ‚s like I told you. IÅ‚m
opening a new branch of my software company in Columbus. IÅ‚m staying in Lancaster. IÅ‚m not going anywhere, baby girl."

It was too good to be true. Surely I was dreaming. “What
about New York? Youłre the owner, you canłt just move."

“Exactly, IÅ‚m the owner. I can do whatever I want." He
shrugged. “Besides, I can make a few trips a month and deal with any problems
that might arise."

He moved off me and immediately I wanted him back. I missed
his warmth. When he lay down beside me and wrapped an arm around my middle then
a leg over both of mine, I felt better. I felt protected.

With his head propped on his fist, he explained, “I knew
when I saw you again that IÅ‚d made a mistake by putting money before love. IÅ‚ve
lived a good life in New York. I wonłt deny that. But it wasnłt a full life. It
wasnÅ‚t you." He paused. “At first, I thought if I found a girl with blonde
hair, thatłd kill the ache in my gut. It didnłt. Then I thought maybe it was
your pretty hazel eyes. It wasnłt long before I realized nothing was going to
fix my problem." His lips kicked up at the corners. “You see, I was still
pining for this pretty angel who gave me her innocence in the middle of old man
Millerłs woods. Right there, under the moonlight, she stole my heart."

I was so afraid to believe him. “You mean that?"

He winked. “I mean it. IÅ‚ve regretted leaving you. Some part
of me knew it was pride keeping me away. I wanted to come crawling back, beg
for your forgiveness, but I couldnłt do it. I needed to prove I could stand on
my own two feet. I needed that, Ally. Please understand," he pleaded.

I did understand. In some way, I knew IÅ‚d been just as
prideful. Just as stubborn. And so I gave him the truth. “I could have gone
after you."

He frowned. “What?"

“In the very least, I could have written you, Blake. When
you left, I suspect it was more than my heart you stung. The blame isnłt
entirely yours."

He kissed my forehead and declared, “We were young and dumb.
We arenłt either of those things now."

“No, this time IÅ‚m an adult and I know exactly what I want.

He gave me that ornery grin that always revved my engine and
growled, “Come on up here, baby, letÅ‚s seal this deal with a kiss."

Who was I to deny him? I pushed him to his back and
straddled his hips, then reached for the whipped cream. “I have a better idea.
Letłs seal this deal with a lick." I squirted the sugary confection down the
front of his chest and laughed when he sucked in a breath.


He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me close as he
whispered, “You have a naughty streak in you, Ally girl."

“And you love it," I murmured. My tongue darted out and
licked him from sternum to belly button.

He groaned. “I love you, angel. And this time, itÅ‚s

I looked into his eyes and said the words back. “I love you,
too, Blake. IÅ‚ve always been your girl."

He framed my face with his hands and kissed me. Hard.
Possessive. Within seconds, we were both hungry for each other again.

The rest of the night, we played with the whipped cream,
taking turns eating it off each other. When his turn came, he squirted the
white fluff all over my buttocks and licked me clean, soothing my sore flesh.
In our own way, we were content to spend the next few decades showing each
other how we felt. And I knew that if I lived to be a hundred, IÅ‚d never get
enough of Blake Steele.

As a young girl, IÅ‚d been spellbound by him. As a woman, I
was so deeply in love that it seemed impossible to breathe without him near. In
that moment in time, it was all so clear to me. What IÅ‚d felt as a teen was
nothing compared to what Blake and I would have for the rest of our lives.

About the Author

To learn more about Anne Rainey, please visit http://annerainey.com. Send an email to Anne
at anne@annerainey.com or join her
Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Anne! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rb_afterdark

Look for these titles by Anne Rainey

Now Available:


Haleyłs Cabin

Touching Lace

Tasting Candy


Coming Soon:


Turbulent Passions

Taking friendship to a whole new level


Touching Lace

© 2008 Anne Rainey


Lacey Vaughn is tired of being dumped on by men. Itłs clear
she needs help in the ways of seduction. Over cappuccinos, Lacey shares her
worries with pal Nick Stone. Being the good friend that he is, Nick offers to
give Lacey a few pointers in the ways of sexual pleasure. From his first
touch, Lacey forgets all about lessons. Now all she wants is more of his
luscious body and skillful touches.

Nickłs craved Lacey for months. Hełs done watching her waste
herself on losers. Itłs time she saw him as more than the dreaded good friend.
HeÅ‚ll do nearly anything to have the little spitfire all for himself. 

But in order to get Lacey past her insecurities, Nick will
have to put it all on the lineincluding his heartand pray he doesnłt lose her


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Touching Lace:


Lacey was yanked from her dream world and brought back to
the world of the living with the ringing of her phone.

“Damn it," she muttered as she reached over and nearly
shouted, “Hello?"

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?"

“Nick?" she squeaked. Her face flushed deep with the thought
of where her mind had been all night long. She still vibrated and pulsed with
heat. She hadnłt had a wet dream like that since her teenage years. Not even
then were they so vivid and perfect.

“Yeah. Did you sleep well, baby?"

“Like a rock." Well, what could she say? That sheÅ‚d just let
him have her body as if she was a sex slave and he the almighty sheik?

“Really? Because you soundagitated."

“Yep, really." She lied with alacrity then sat up and got
out of bed. Sliding her feet into her fuzzy happy face slippers, she headed
toward the kitchen and coffee. “Was there something you wanted at" she looked
at the clock on her microwave, “seven thirty in the morning?"

“I dreamed about you last night, Lace."

That stopped her in her tracks. Could he be serious? “Uh,
what sort of dream?"

She heard him chuckle. “Let me put it this way. You werenÅ‚t
exactly sitting in a rocker knitting, if you know what I mean."

Her body liquefied at his words. Well, crap. Like she didnłt
know what he was talking about. Her insides had twisted with lust all night
long. “You said youÅ‚d give me time to think about this."

“You had all night."

“I was sleeping all night."

“I was, too, with you, moaning and quivering and coming all
around my cock. I didnłt want to wake up from that."

“Oh." He laughed again, making her snap at him in turn.
“What time are we working out? IÅ‚ve got a lunch date, so itÅ‚ll have to be
either before or after that."

“With who?"

Nickłs laughter had ceased. Now he sounded downright
furious. What was that about?

“No one you know," she said mysteriously, intent on finding
out more about this new side to her best friend. Nick the predatory male, the
sexy lover, was a foreign notion to her.

“Is it a man? Because I thought we agreed to be exclusive."

Oh my, the man had a rather intriguing jealous streak.
Interesting. Pulling out the glass pot, Lacey began rinsing it and decided to
put Nick out of his misery. Even if he had dragged her away from the best
erotic dream of her life.

“I havenÅ‚t agreed to anything yet. But, no, itÅ‚s not a man.
Just Patty and Mary. So, donłt go all caveman."

“Little witch," he snarled, but his voice did calm, she
noticed. “How about four oÅ‚clock we meet at the gym? WeÅ‚ll work out together
and you can give me your answer then."

“Yeah, that works for me, I guess." Then something strange
stirred in her belly as Lacey wondered what Nick had planned for the day. “What
are you up to today?"

“IÅ‚m going to the office for a bit. ThereÅ‚s a big client
IÅ‚ve been finessing and I want to take one last look at my sales pitch before
Monday comes around. After that, I plan to annoy your brother for a while.

She heard him take a sip of something, probably coffee.
Their mutual love for the dark brew was always something they had had in
common. Then his words registered. He was meeting with her brother? Today? For
some inexplicable reason the idea gave her a start.

“YouÅ‚re going to see Merrick?"

“Uh, I was considering it. Is there a problem?"

Lacey wondered if there was a problem. He and Merrick were
good friends and had been for quite awhile. Guys talked, didnłt they? Would
Nick tell Merrick about the new twist in his relationship with her?

Then, as if reading her thoughts, Nick made a tsking sound.
“I donÅ‚t kiss and tell, baby, you know better."

She did know better and she was a rotten friend for even
thinking he would. “Yeah, sorry. But Nick?"


“What if things get all muddled? IÅ‚m really scared," she
admitted in an uncharacteristic show of uneasiness.

“I know you are, but I wonÅ‚t let it get muddled. You only
need to trust me, baby. Everything will work out fine. You need a boost of
confidence in the bedroom and IÅ‚m going to give it to you. Simple as that,

Lacey tucked a filter into the basket. “I donÅ‚t know. I
still need to think about this."

“You always think everything through so thoroughly," Nick
reflected with a hint of an indulgent smile in his voice. “I can still remember
the time you decided to cut your hair. It was always annoying the hell out of
you and getting in the way of your workouts. I wanted so badly to tell you to
leave it long. I wanted to have a chance to see it lying against your perfect,
naked body. But then you took the plunge and did it anyway. I grieved over that
hair. I sat in my house, alone, and drank a six pack as I imagined us having
sex with nothing but your hair covering you."

“I never knew. God, I swear I never knew." How could she
have been so blind? There was so much more to Nick. Lacey had the uncomfortable
notion shełd been seeing her friend in black and white then suddenly someone
flicked on a plasma screen and everything took on new dimensions.

“I know. We were friends, sweetheart, and whether you cut
your hair, dyed it pink, or wore a Mohawk, it was a decision you had to make
for yourself. In the end, it worked out fine, because I can still imagine
fucking you, only now your hair isnłt in my way."

Lacey clutched at the phone and groaned aloud. “Nick, you
are seriously driving me crazy with all these little bombs you keep dropping on

“Four oÅ‚clock?" he asked, hope and tenderness in his deep,
sexy voice.

She sighed and gave in. “Yeah, IÅ‚ll be there."

They hung up, and Lacey was able to move again. She went to
the freezer, her hands automatically reaching for the coffee she couldnłt live
without, and wondered again what on earth she was thinking by not flat out
saying no to Nickłs outrageous proposition of sex lessons.

Then she remembered her dream. Despite how dumb it might be
to mix her friendship with sex, she was probably going to end up saying yes.

She could never choose between them. Until they both chose


The Boys Back Home

© 2008 Sierra Dafoe


Even as a young girl, Cassie Jordan knew the rules: one man,
one woman. Especially in rural Idaho. But how can she choose between blond,
kind-hearted Kyle Watson and dark, sensuous Alan Caine?

She can't. Not even when she discovers the two handsome
cowboys in bed together and is convinced that neither of them cares for her at
all. That discovery sends her running all the way to Chicago and into the arms
of another man. Now, with her wedding fast approaching, itłs time to return to
Preacherłs Bend to sort out her tangled emotions.

Now that Cassiełs back in town, Kyle and Alan are determined
to do whatever it takes to keep her there. As far as they're concerned, therełs
only one place on earth Cassie belongsin their arms.


Enjoy the following excerpt for The
Boys Back Home:


How could he hold her like this,
damn him? How could he touch her so gently when she hated him? Hełd
broken her heart, he and Alantheyłd torn it between them like two puppies with
a sock, leaving her with nothing but ripped, tangled shreds.

Why wouldnłt he let her go?

Kyle was saying something, but she
was shrieking too loud to hear him, her fists flailing at his chest, his
shoulders, struggling to break his grip on her. She screamed as he swung her
upward, scooping her unceremoniously into arms that felt suddenly like steel
bands, pinning her to him.

He carried her into the parlor and
lowered her onto to the sofa. Immediately Cassie sprang back off it, trying to
get past him.

“Cassie!" Grabbing her arm, he
shoved her back down, pinning her bodily to the cushions. She arched below him,
screaming, fighting against the hands clasping her shoulders, the legs wrapped
tight around her own.

“Cass! Damn it, Cass, breathe!"

She glared up at him wildlyand saw
him staring down at her, panting, his eyes wide and shocked. Like a cord
snapping, her rage broke, running out of her like water through sand. She
sobbed, feeling all the grief and hurt shełd kept so long at bay wash over her,
seizing her as ruthlessly as a tidal wave.

Nothing was safe. Nothing held its
shapenot Kyle, not Alan, not the world. Nothing.

Ten days after that night at Big
Bluełs, Meredith Jordan had suffered a fatal heart attack. Cassie, who had
moved through those ten days wrapped in a numbness so deep shełd honestly
believed she wasnłt really that hurt, had found the last tenuous strands of her
childhood torn away, leaving her with nothing but a hollowness she knew shełd
never be able to fill.

Now she cried, feeling the warm
weight of Kylełs body over her like a blanket, his arms shifting around her to
hold her close. It wasnłt his fault that he wanted Alan. And he did love
her. He did. Hełd even been there for her at her motherłs funeral, if shełd
wanted him, if shełd even so much as lifted a hand

The parking lot hadnłt, in fact,
been the last time shełd seen them. Shełd spotted them at the cemetery,
standing together far back in the crowd, their faces pale and somber. But by
then shełd been too far gone to even care. As the first shovelful of
half-frozen dirt had thudded down onto the casket, shełd turned on her heel and
left. Before the sun rose again on Preacherłs Bend shełd been a hundred miles
east, heading for Chicago.

Sliding an arm around his neck, she
hugged Kyle apologetically as her tears finally slowed. His chest heaved with
sharp, rasping breaths. Realizing only then how badly shełd frightened him,
Cassie turned her head to whisper “IÅ‚m sorry" in his earand froze as his
mouth, hot and demanding, closed on hers.

For a moment, her mind went
terrifyingly blank. This couldnłt be happening. It couldnłt. He didnłt
want her. Hełd never wanted her

Then she was kissing him back with
a frenzy that stunned her, pulling him to her with a desperation shełd never once
felt with Richard. Kylełs hands stroked her face, her arms, her back as their
lips locked together, tongues darting hungrily into each otherłs mouths, their
bodies straining together as if starved for the contact.

Kyle pulled back abruptly, staring
down at her in shock, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His silvery blue
eyes seemed to burn into her, wide with questions, doubts
andunmistakablydesire. Groaning, he bent his neck to seize her mouth again,
his tongue diving deep between her lips to taste her, devour her. She arched up
against him as his hips pressed down, rubbing his cock right against the place
that ached for himthat had always ached for him.

How many nights, how many years
had she dreamed of this? Practically whimpering with impatience, Cassie tugged
Kylełs shirt from his jeans, sliding her hands under it to feel the hard, solid
ripple of his abs. He kept his mouth tight against hers as he unzipped her
jacket and unbuttoned her blouse, his fingers shaking, his eyes closed as if
he, too, could barely believe what was happening. Hesitantly, he brushed his
hand over the lace of her bra and she cried out, moaning into his mouth,
holding him tighter as he squeezed first one breast, then the other with
growing assurance.

Like teenagers, they rubbed against
each other, legs intertwining, hips pistoning fiercely as they fought to press
their bodies even closer together. The bulge of his erection strained against
her clit, and he panted in her ear, his fingers finding the taut nub of her
nipple and squeezing it over and over until she was writhing beneath him, her
thighs wrapped around his hips, her hands scrabbling madly at his heavy
sheepskin jacket. She dragged it off him, hungry for the feel of his body
against hers, and felt him stiffen in sudden doubt or fear.

He couldnłt stop nowhe couldnłt!
With wanton desperation, Cassie buried her hands in his hair, dragging his
mouth back down to hers, kissing him until something inside of him, some last
hesitation, crumbled like sand. With a harsh, wild sob, he thrust his tongue
deep into her open mouth and dragged her tight against him.

Fumbling, eager, they tore at each
otherłs clothes. Kyle hugged her to his chest with one arm as he worked her
coat off with the other. Cassie didnłt even bother with the buttons of his
shirt as she yanked it over his head, taking the white T-shirt beneath with it,
and tugged his belt loose. Then she dropped her head against the arm of the
couch, panting.

Bracing himself on his arms, Kyle
looked down at her, his pale, piercing eyes drinking in the sight of her. Her
blouse hung open; her breasts, cupped in her white lace bra, heaved with each
breath. His gaze traced them, his pupils widening, and Cassie studied him just
as avidly.

She hadnłt seen him shirtless since
he was thirteen, his lengthening body still all sharp angles and seeming
half-finished. Now she stared wonderingly, transfixed by the width of his burly
shoulders, the solid curve of his collarbones, the firm swell of his chest
flecked now with soft blond hairs. His nipples, small and tight, brushed
against her palms as she slid her hand over his pecs, following the smooth rise
and fall of his ribcage down to the taut muscles of his abs.

Groaning, Kyle bent his head,
kissing the curve of her breasts above her bra, then raked his teeth lightly
over one lace-clad nipple. Herpussy, already soaked with arousal, throbbed
hungrily, and she pressed against him, sliding her hands up his back, feeling
the heavy muscles beneath the velvety skin. Burying his face between her
breasts, he murmured, “Cass Oh, Cass."


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Itłs all about the story










Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult




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