By Susan Terpoy, Norfolk Southern I PhansbyMiMSMmr
Participants learned about the different types of crude oil, induding the tank cors used for crude utions. Closs
o, New York, New Jersey, Virginia,
communities or organizotions.»
] 0 I TRANSCAER® today -
THISIS top-notch," scid Joson Hudgens, a firefighter and paramedic from Akron, Ohio. "We were on a 52-ocie facility in the desert, and they ignited o fire to create a real-life situation. We could feel the heat and use the hoses to spray foam. You can't do thot in a dassroom. You con't do this anywhere else."
Hudgens wos one of 126 first responders from 11 States atross the NS network who took part in one of three Norfolk Southern-sponsored crude-by-roil emergency response closses this yeor ot the Associotion of American Roilroods' Security and Emergency Response T.oining Center (SERTC) neor Pueblo, CO. The training is part of NS' efforts to prepore emergency personnel in the event of a crude-by-rail incident.
from damoged roił cors and incident command scenarios during a simulated 20-car derailment ond fire.
The training is port of the freight raił industry's
raił training ond tuition ossistance to 1,500 first responders during 2014. Norfolk Southern prouided tuition, travel and expenses for