"The model tank car was the most interesting event. It helps the loaders to undersland what they are dealing with on on everyday basis and helps to keep the issue ofsafely at the forefront."
- Angela Kellum, Transportation Specialist, Federal Railroad Administration
In total, 237 attendees participated in dassroom and honds-on training regarding hozardous materiał raił shipments, tank cors, emergency response and railroad procedures. Attendees intluded FRA, TSA, DHS, Coast
persońnel and other localcSd shipfws. * Koppers plant personnel were also able to meet and interact with emergency respondeis and other outside agencies that may be called upon during an emergency situotion. These events also provide
"An awareness of the haiards, and also providing insighl on what to do ifthere is an event, could greatly benefit not only the regional emergency senices, but also the landowners and fadlities that adjoin the land that the raił lines cross."
■ Gregg Peterson, Fitę Morshol Inspector, Houston, TX
various agencies the opportunity to visit Koppers become morę familiar with Koppers facility locotions facilities, meet plant management teams and and operations. ■