0 0 20 COATES- BECIŁFORD. P. L. Influence of temperaturę and initial popuJatioa density od populatioo derelopment and pathogenicity of Tylencborbyncbus agri oo Trifoliuia pratense and Poa pratensis. Nematropica (1982) 12 (I) 15-20 [En. 5 ref ) Dep. of Bot., Univ. of the West Indies. Mona, Kingston 7. Jamaica.

At initial deosities of 0 to 10 000 Tylenchoryncbus agri/ pot and temperatur es ran gin g from 22-36'C the ratę of population increase was faster at lower densities and at higher temperatures on P. pratensis and Trifolium pratense. At 30 and 34*C and fluctuating temperatures (23-36’C) plant weigbts decreased with inereasing initial nematode densities. If shoots of T. pratense were clipped during growth, plant weight was decreased with the higher density of Tylencborbyncbus agń at 22 and 26*C.

0 02 1 Coates-BECKforo. P. L.; Małek. R. B. Influence of time oo population derelopmcnt and pathogenicity of Tylencborbyncbus aspri on Trifolium pratense. Pos pratensis and Tridcum aestirum. Nematropica (I9$2) 12 (1) 7-14 (En. es. 5 ref-1 Dep. of Bot., Univ. of the West Indici Moru. Kingston 7, Jamaica.

In a 12 month glasshouse study begun m Dcc cm ber. populations of Tylencborhyncbus agri reached manmum levels on winter wheat in May and in July on P. pratensis and Trifolium pratense when numbers were between 50 and 100 times the initial density of 2000 nematodes/pot for the wheat and forage crops respectively. Dry weights of clippings of the grass and clover were less in inoculated pots between May-July. Tylencborbyncbus agri had no apparent harmful effect on a first crop of wheat but in a sccond sowing in pois containing high populations, stature and total dry matter were decreased.

Meloidogyne mcognita (Kofoid & Wbite, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 era plantuj as de hibridos de Saccbarum sp. In Trabalhos apresentados a V Reuniao Brasileira de Nematologia, 9-1) fevereiro de 1981, Londrina, PR, Brasil. Publicaęao No. 5, 1981. Piracicaba, SP, Brazil; Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia (1982) 41-50 (Pt, en, 10 ref.) Univ. Fed. Rural de Pemambuco. Recife. Brazil

Pot trials on 19 hybrids of Saccbarum inoculated with about 20 000 ova or larvae of M. mcognita showed that although galling was high in some hybrids, ali were tolerant to infection. Hybrids CB 45-3. Co 997 and CP 51-27 were inoculated with 4000 ova, and the developraent of the infection monitored at 5-day intervaJs and compared with a susceptible tomato variety. The 3 hybrids were poor hosts.


Tylencborbyocbus microconus njsp., T. crassicaudatus leriterminalis n_subsp. and T. coffeae SiddJąi & Basir, 1959 (Nematoda: Tylenchida). Sysrematic Parasitology (1982) 4 (3) 257-262 (En, 6 ref.) Commonwealth InsL of Parasit., 395A Hatfield Rd., Sl Albans, Herts, ALA 0XU. UK.

T. microconus o.sp. from around the roots of Acacia auriculiformis from Birbhum, West Bengal, India, is described and figured. It is cbaracterized by having females 0.46 to 0.65 mm long with coarse body annules, spear 15 to 18 /im long, short conoid taił with 10 to 15 annules and smooth terminus. T. crassicaudatus leriterminalis n.subsp. from soil around banana, mango and Artocarpus integrifoba from West Bengal is distinguished from T. c. crassicaudatus by lackiog transverse striae in the lip region. The description of T. coffeae is amplified.

00 2? Shaama, R. D. [Susceptibility of cowpea ces. to Meloidogyne jaranie*.] Suscetibilidade de cultivares de caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) ao nematóide Meloidogyne javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood. 1949. In TrabaJhos apresentados a V Reuniao Brasileira de Nematologia. 9-13 ferereiro de 1981, Londrina, PR. Brasd. Publicaęao No.S, 1981. Piracicaba, SP, B raził; Sociedade Brasileira de Neratologia (1982) 159-169 (Pt. en. 21 ref.) EMBRAPA/ CPAC. CP 70.0023, 73.300 Planaltina, DF, Brazil.

Of 12 V. unguiculata cvs. grown in pots inoculated with 30 000 eggs and larvae of M. javanica. only V-4 Alagoas. IPEAN Y-69-S252 and Jaguaribe showed good tolerance after 55 days. The rest were susceptible or highly susceptible.

* 0023 StiARMA, R. D.; MEDEIROS, A. C. DE S. (Reaction of some sweet sorghum genotypes to Meloidogyne jaranica and Pratylenchus bracbyurus..] Rcaęócs de alguns genótipos de sorgo sacarino aos nematóides, Meloidogyne javanicaPratylenchus bracbyurus. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira (1982) 17 (5) 697-701 [Pt, en, 9 ref.] CPAC, EMBRAPA, Caiza Postał 70.0023. CEP 73300, Planaltina, DF, Brazil.

In Brazil 16 Sorghum bicolor genotypes were screened for resistance to M. javanica and P. bracbyurus m a greenhouse at 25 to 28 *C Evaluations for root galls, egg mass development of Af. javanica and finał populations of both nematode species in soi! and in root and plant growth were madę separateiy for eacb Container 54 days after inoculations. Genotypes BR 601, CMS X S 733, BR 502, SART, CMS X S 734 and BR 503 were bighly resistant; BR 501 and CMS X S 719 were resistant; CMS X S 735, BR 500. CMS X S 623, CMS X S 516. BR 602 and CMS X S 603 were moderately resistant to M. jaranica. AJ1 the genotypes were susceptible to P. bracbyurus except SART, which was moderately resistant. Out of the 4 genotypes CMS X S 734, BR 503, CMS X S 719 and CMS X S 732 tolerant to P. bracbyurus, only genolype CMS X S 732 was also tolerant to M. javanica.

0 024 MOURA, R. M. DE; LEITE, M. C. DA C; WaNG SENG Lano [Parasidsm of Meloidogyne incognlta oo Saccbanun hybrid seedlings.] Estudos sobre o parasitisrao de 93

0 0 26 Ram NaTH; Dwiyedi. R. P. Effect of root-ku ot nematode on derelopcnent of gram caused by Fnsarium oiysporum f. ciceri and root rot by Rhizoctonia sp. Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Patbology (1981) 11 (1) 46-49 [En. hindi, 9 ref.) Dep. of PI. Path., Chandra Shekbar Azad Univ. of Agric. & Technology, Kanpur, India.

Inoculation of gram with Meloidogyne and Fusarium or Meloidogyne and Rhizoctonia caused wilt and root-rot syraptoms (o be ezhibited earlier and to a greater extent than when inoculated with either fungus alone. The role of Meloidogyne in the pathogenicity of Fusarium and Rhizoctonia is discussed.

*00 2 7 Smukła. V. N.; Gaikwad. S. J.; Buldeo. A. N. Two new records of root-knot oematodes. Indian Phytopathology (1981) 34 (3) 404-405 (En, l ref.J Dep. 0f Plant Pach., Coli. of Agric.. Nagpur. 440 010, India.

Meloidogyne incogjiita is reported for the first time from Teramnus labialis and Ruellia prostrata from Nagpur, India 0 0 2 8 PONTE, J. J.DA; Franco, A.; Leal, O. B. (New wild hosts of root-knot nematodes.) Novos hospedeiros silvestres de nematóides das gaihas. In Trabalhos apresentados a V Reuniao Brasileira de Nematologia, 9-13 fevereiro de 1981, Londrina, PR, Brasil. Publicaęao No.S, 1981. Piracicaba, SP, Brazil; Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia (1982) 21-23 [Pt, en, 3 ref.) Cent. Cienc. Agric., Univ. Fed. Ceara, Fortaieza, Brazil.

Meloidogyne hapla on Tephrosia cinerea, M. jayanica on Altemanthcra polygonoides and M. incognita on Crotalaria striata are recorded from Ceara, Brazil.

0 0 29 £r£Nkelde, E. Ya. (Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne hapla on clorer.) In Gallovye nematody scJ'skokhozyajstvennykh kuPtur i mery borhy s nimi. (Materiały simpoziuma, Dushanbe, 25-27 sentyabrya 1979 g). Dushanbe, USSR; "Donish" (1979) 64-65 [Ruj

In a field test, M. hapla reduced tbe grecn yield of cIover by some 30% in the first year and the number of galls inereased from 24 to 476/10 g root.


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