pH for movemcni of /*. pcnctrans was 6.0. P csenatus movco equally w clJ ovcr a rangę of pH 5.0 to 7.0

•*0069 SANTO, G.S., 0'BANNON, J.H. Pathoge-nicity of the Columbia root-knot nematode (Meloldogyne chltwoodl) on wheat, com, oat and barley. Journal of Nematology (1981) 13 (4) 548-550 (En, 2 ref.] Washington State Unlv., Washington, USA.

In pot trials uslng inocula of 500 or 5000 M. chltwoodl ova, the total dry welght of InTected Wanser wheat, Boyer barley and PX 46 malze was lower than that of unin-fected Controls after 60 days. Park oat was affected only at the hlgher Inoculum level. Prodax and Nugalnes wheat and Jubllee malze dld not show significant growth reductlon although M. chltwoodl showed the hlghest reproductfón index on Pradax wheat. Malze 18 probably a better rotatlon crop than wheat, barley or oats for the susceptlble potato crop on the Pacific Northwest of the USA.

*0070 OLTHOF, T. H. A. Effect of agc of alfalfa root 4>n penetrafion by Pratrlencbus pcnetrans. Journal ol Nematology (1982) 14 (!) 100-105 [En. 25 ref.] Res. Branch, Agric. Canada, Res. Sta., Vineland Sta., Ontario, LOR 2EO, Canada.

Penetration of P. penetrans into young luceme root tissue (2 day) was aboui twice that in medium (10 day) or old (20 day) root segments. Age relaied difTerences were only significant in 3-week-old plants, not in 2- and one-week-old seedlings and were unaffected by cultwar used, substratum, inoculum density, length of ineubation period or temperaturę. Penetration into the difTerent aged root segments averaged 61% for females, 50% for 3rd-stage juveniles and 27% for males.

0 0 7 1 BROWN, D. J. F.; Luc, M.; PURBADl A description of sonie juTeoiles stages of Aiphinema rulgare (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea). Hematologia Mediterranea (1981) 9 (2) 205-210 [En, 9 ref.) Scottish Crop Res. Inst., lnvergowrie. Dundee, Scotland, UK.

X. vulgare L2, L3 and L4 and females are described ano ftgured from Zca mays, from W. Java, Indonesia. Body and spear length show a constant relationship and can be used for reliable identification. Hic homogeneity of X. vulgare populations is conftrroed and synonyroy with X. sctańae is rejected.

węgorka niszczyka (Ditylenchus dipsaci) na koniczynie czerwonej w Polsce. Hodowla Roślin. AkUmatizacia i Nasiennictwo (1977) 21 (6) 595-606 [PI. en. ru. 9 ref.) From ReferativnyJ ZhumaJ (1979), Fitopatoloeiya. 7.79.172.

Examination of 500 red clover plantations in Poland showed that D. dipsaci is widely spread throuchout the country but is particularly freąuent in the north.

0 0 74 RUDZYAV|CHENE, Z. (KUDZEViClEN£. Z. ) [The cffeci of crop rotation on the population density of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kiihn, 1857; Fiłipjet. 1936 on clover.) Acta Parasirologica Lituanica (1981) 19, 80-85 [Ru. en. li, 3 ref.) Inst. of Zool & Parasit., Acad. of Sci. of the Lithuanian SSR, Vilniu$, USSR.

Seasonal variations in the population density of D. dipsaci on clover were studied in the Lithuanian SSR. The numbers of D. dipsaci were determincd by the length of limę dunng which clover had been gTOwn in monocuhure. Short duration intervention crops did not prevent the accumulation of the nematode. The variatinn in total nematode numbers was determined by the dominant species. D. dipsaci, the 2nd dominant species, Panagrolajmus ricidus had no effect on total population numbers. Severe disease was o*oserved on some of the expcrimental plots

00 75 DaREKAR, K. S.; KaDaM. M. V.: AJRi. D S.: DORGE, S. K.. Occurrence of maize cyst m-matndc. Heterodera zeae in Maharashtra State. Journal of Maharashtra Aęricultural Universities (1981) 6 (2) !56 [En. 2 ref.) Mahatma Phule Agric. Univ., Rahuri — 413722. India.

Large numbers of H. zeae were found assodateć with Zca mays for the First time in Maharashtra State, India.

00 76MARUMINE, S.; SAKAM0T0, S. (Selectlon for resistance to the root-knot nematode (Melotdogyne incognlta) in sweet potato.) Kyushu Agrlcultural Research, Japan (1979) no 41, 47.

00 77GRIFF1N, G.D. The biology and control of parasitic nematodes on alfalfa. Utah Science (1981) 42 (4) 130-135 [En, 18 ref.] The pathogenicity, distrlbutlon and control of Ditylenchus dipsaci. Meloldogyne spp. and Pratylenchue spp. on luceme in Utah, USA are dlscussed. Other nematodes associated with luceme are litfted.

0 07 2 R UDZYA V|CHENE,    Z. [RUDZEVlCfEK£, Z. ),

LUGaUSKaS, A. [Nemat<»des and micromyertes in crop rotations of perenniaJ grasses.) Acta Parasitolopca Lttuamca (1981) 19, 74-79 [Ru, en, li, 7 ref.) Insi. of Zool. A Parasit., Acad. of Sci. of the Lithuanian SSR. Vilnius, USSR.

Farasitic ntmaiodes formed the most varied group of nematodes under perennial grasses grown on sod-gleyed sandy loam in the Litbuanian SSR. Ditylenchus dipsaci was dominant. Helicotylenchus multicinctus, Tyknchorhynchus dubiuS, Aphelenchus avcnae and Aphelenchoioes composticola were numerous. Intrractions were obscrved between fungi and nematodes The presence of sonie nematodes in the rhizosphere of cio\er and luceme encouraged the growth of fungi. Both nematode population and fungi were afTected by the preceedinc crop. by other components of the soil and by the vceetative phase of the host.

0073 Zakrzewski. J. [Orsertatinm on the occurrence. biolog}" and pathopenicity of Ditylenchus dipsaci on red clover in Poland. Part III. Occurrcnce of D. dipsaci on red dovcr in Poland.) Badania nad występowaniem, biologią i szkodliwością węgorka nis/czyka (Ditylenchus dipsaci Kiinn) na koniczynie czerwonej w Polsce. Cz.III. WyStcpowanie

007 8 KURT, L.A., SHESTEPER07, A.A. [The nematodes of luceme and clover.J Selskoe Khozaistvo za Rubezhom (1981) 5, 24-29 (Ru) The occurrence of nematodes on luceme and clover ls reviewed and the followlng species recorded:    Ditylenchus dipsaci.

Heterodera trlfolli. . H. galeopsls. Meloidogyne hopla. Pratylenchua sp., Tylenchorhynchus sp., Helicotylenchus and Merltnlus sp.

0 0 7 9 MDUSSA, F.F.; EISSA, M.F.M. Effect of pos t -ester gence Application of certain systemie nematlcldes on plant-parasltlc nematodes and malze yield in Nile-Delta, Egypt. Research Bulletln, Faculty of Agri-culture, Zagazig University, Egypt (1981) No. 409, 9 pp. [En, ar, 15 ref.] Pests & Plant Protection Lab., Nat. Res. Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.

Aldlcarb, carbofuran or phenamlphos (1.5 kg a.l./feddan) and oxamyl (l.44 kg a.i./feddan) were applled to a field in the Nile-Delta, Egypt, moderately lnfested with Crlconemoldes spp., Hoplolaimus aegypti.

99 Pratylenchus zeae and Tylenchorhynchus


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