06B7 ELMILICY, I.A.,    1968. 'Three ncw

specles of the genus Meloldogyne Goeldl, 1887 (Nematoda: Heteroderldae). Nematolog-Ica, 14    (4),    577-590. iFrench swanary


Meloldogyne deconlnckl n.8p. was found on Fraxlmi8 excels~lor ln Belglum. M. litoralla n.sp. was found on Llgustrum sjTI In France. M. otelfae n.sp. was found on Puerarla "jąyanlca and Coffeae rohuśta ln tfie ĆongoT They can be dlstlnguTshed From other known descrlbed specles by the peri-neal pattern of the female, the lateral field of the małe ln M. deconlnckl and M. litoralla, the long stylet and morę poste-rlor posltion of the dorsal gland orlflce ln female and małe of M. deconlnckl and by the elongated stylet knobs of the małe ln M. otelfae.

0 65 8SHER, S.A., 1968. ,fRevlslon of the genus Radopholus Throne, 1949 (Nematoda: Tylencholdea)." Proc. helolnth. Soc. Wash., 35 (2), 219-237.

The genus Radopholus ls emended and R. slmllls, R. lnaegualls, R. neoslmllls and R. wllllamsl redescrlbed and figured. 7 new specles are descrlbed and flgured, and a key to the genus provided. The dlstrlbutlon and morphologlcal characters of Radopholus are dlscussed. R. vangundyl n.sp., assoct-ated wlth Eucafyptus sp., Acacla sp. and grasses from Vlctorla, Australia, ls simllar to R. neoslmllls dlffering ln the hemlspherical shape of the female lip, the morę taperlng tali and the hlgher unannu-lated małe lip region. R. magnlglans n.sp. from grasaes and Eucalyptus sp. soli ln South Australia, dlfłers from R. yangundyl ln the long consplcuous oesophageal glands and ln the absence of males. R. trlllneatus n.sp. from grass and Euca 1 yptus sp. soli from New South Wales, Australia, dlffers from R. maanlglans by the 3 Inclsures of the lateral field ln the female, and the morę anterlor vulva. R. rotundlsemenaus n.sp. from grass, Eucalyptus sp. and Acacla sp. from Vlctorla, Australia, dlffers from R. lnaegualls ln havlng round sperms ln the spermatheca, fewer Inclsures ln the lateral field and usually a shorter stylet. R. vertexplanu8 n.sp. from grass, Eucalyptus sp., and Acacla sp. from Vlctorla, Auśtra-lla, dlffers from R. wllllamsl by the longer tali wlth terminal annulatlons and ln the absence of males. R. nativus n.sp. as soclated wlth Cannlcliaella monrolCelmlsla sp., Danthonla sp., "pracophyllum sp. and Seneclo bellidlodes from Sprlng-field, f/ew ZealanJ, dlffers from R. neoslmllls and R. yangundyl by lts longer stylet, the absence of sperma ln the spermatheca and the absence of males. R. nlgerlenslą n.sp. assoclated wlFh AndropogorPtector-um and Imperata cyllndrlca from 1badan Provlnce, Nigeria, ls dlstinct ln havlng phasmlds ln the posterlor part of the body, a shorter stylet and prominent vulval 1lps. Ali these new specles are from natlve habltats ln the areas descrlbed.

06 6 0 FRANDSEN, K.J., 1965. 0bservatlons on the attack by populatlons of Dltylenchus dlpsacl on stratna of red cloverSuom. maatal. Seur. Fulk., 107, 18-29.

Populatlons of Dltylenchus dlpsacl collected from red clover TIT dlfferent localities ln Denmark showed varylng

lnfectlvlty on several red clover varlet-ies. However, the yarlatlon ln reslstance wlthln the clover stralns exceeded the yarlatlon of the nematode populatlons. In a few cases, slgnlflcant clover straln nematode populatlon interactlons were found, but were not conslstent; and dld not lndlcate a posslble occurrence of speclflc races of red clover nematodes. The yarlatlon ln lnfectlvlty between nematode populatlons ls an lndlcatlon to the plant breeder to use nematode lnoculum conslstlng of an adequatc number of dlfferent nematode populatlons when testlng and selectlng for reslstance.

0660 0TEIFA, B.A. & TAHA, A., 1964. "Slg-nlflcance of plant parasltlc nematodes ln malze deterloration problem. 1. Nematode specles lnvolved ln the syndrome of dls-eased plants." Tech. Buli. Bahtlm exp. Sin, Egypt agrlc. Orę., No. 73, 16pp. [Arabie sunnnary pp.15-56]

In a survey of the nematodes assoclated wlth wllt of malze ln Egypt the pathogenlc nematodes found were ln the genera Criconemoldes. Longldorus. Hellcotylenchusl&lcycllophora, Para^tylenchus. Xlphlnemus, Rotylenchus, Trlchodorust lVlenchorhynchushłopiolalmus and Pratylenchus. P. zeac was the most common specles and ls probably the maln cause of the deterloration of malze crops ln Egypt.

0 6 6 1 GUPTA, N.K. & GUPTA, J.C., 1967. "On Hellcotylenchu8 lndlcus Siddlql, 1963 (Nematoda: HoplolalmldaeV, a phytoparasltlc nematode ln the Punjab." Res. Buli. Panjab Unlv. Scl., Year 1966, 17 (3/4), 221-222. Hellcotylenchus lndlcus Slddlqi, 1963 ls detalled; fcltrus slnensls and Cynodon dactylon are recorded as lts hóst In Ludhlana, India.

06 6 2 0TEIFA, B.A. & TAHA, A., 1964. "Slg-nlflcance of plant parasltlc nematodes ln malze deterloration problem. II. Incldence of root rot caused by the root-leslon nematode, Pratylenchus zeae Graham." Tech. Buli. Bahtlm exp. Stn, Egypt. agrlc. Org., No. 74, 26pp. [Arabie sunmary pp.24-26]

The symptoms and hlstopathology of Pratylenchus zeae on Zea mays ln the United Arab Republlc are descrlbed. Malze varlet-les Nab Elgamal, Early American and Glza baladl were not reslstant to Infectlon but showed less damage than varletles Single Cross 14 and Double Cross 67 whlch, al-though they had fewer nematodes ln them, showed high levels of root and stem rot. Vapam (metham sodlum] at 40, 70 and 100 gal. per feddan gave good control of the nematode and lncreased crop ylelds.

06 6 3 IARJAN, A.C.,    1865. ,rRejuvenatIon of

nematlzed centlpedegrass turf wlth Chemical drenche8." Proc. Fla St. hort. Soc., Year 1964, 77, 456-461.

Crlconemoldeą cltrl and Pratylenchus scrlbnerl on Eremochloa ophluroldes ln pots were controlIe3 By 3renches 57 Nemagon, Dlazinon, Bayer 25141 [Dasanlt], Zlnophos (thlonazln] and Nlagara 9227 ln Florlda, U.S.A. In plot tests wlth E. ophluroldes Infected wlth P. goodeylT Trlchodorus 178 chrlstel and Hemlcycllophora parvana. only


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