eayer 25141 remalned an effectlve control agent 12 weeks after treatment.

0 0 6 4 GAROFALO,    F.,    1964. "Fenomeni dl

correlazlone tra Heterodera gottlnglana Llebscher e Fuaarlmn oxy8ponna (Sch.) Syn. et Hana nelluawlzzimento delle piante di plsello et dl łupino'1. Boli. Lab. sper. 088. Fitopatol., 27 (2/ ) 33-48. (English & French summaries pp.45-46]

06 6 8 GODECK, W. & FAYRET, E.A., 1965. "Ob-servaclones sobre la seleccićn de alfalfa realstente al nematode del talio." Revta lnvestnes Agropec., B. Aires, Serie 2, 2(3), 41-54, [English summary o.41]

The effect of AngulluliIna iDltylenchus] dlpsacl as a selectlve agent on luceme in 3 reglons of the Argentine was investi-gated. In flelds the effect was not rell-able and so pot tests were carried out. Ihl8 gave a selectlon index of up to 35% for the 4 years following germlnation.

0666 SEN, A.K. 6 JENSEN, H.J., 1969. "Host-paraslte relatlonshlps of varlous plants and hop cyst nematode, Heterodera humull". PI. Dis. Reptr, 53(1), 37=531 The host rangę of Heterodera htmull was found to be malnly ln the urtlcaceae but it will also infect sooe plants in the Cruciferae, Cucurbltaceae, Leguminosae and Moraceae. New host records are given for Fhaseolua yulgarls humulis, Ylcla ylllosa, Trlfollum repeną, Cucumls satlvu8~I Pi sum 8atlvum~^nd Braislca"nlgra.

0 6 67 CHAWLA, M.L., BHAMBURKAR, B.L., KHAN, E. 6 PRASAd, S.K., 1968. "One new genua and seven new specles of nematodes from India." Labdev F. Scl. Technol. Ser. B, 6 (2), 86-100.

The following new nematodes are descrlbed and flgured from Delhi, India. Leptonchulus lndlcua n.g., n. sp. from tap water Ts sioilar to Chitwoodlus spp., differing in the shape of tł*e spear extension and in havlng unpaired gonads and an unfringed anterlor vaglnal area. Tylenchorhynchas cactl n.sp. from soli around the roots of an unnaaed cactus dlffers from T. acutus In the anterlor locatlon of the excretory porę and poster lor locatlon of the phasmld. T. delhiensls n.sp. from soli around the roots of Anona~"iquamosa dlffers from T. nu dug by lts shorter stylet and oesophagus, poste-rlorly located excretory porę and absence of maies. Trophurus lndlcua n.sp. from soli around the roots of A. aąuaaosa Is distlnc-tlve ln lts smali bo3y and spear slze, dls-tinct hemlzonld and posterlor locatlon of the vulva. A key to Trophurus Is given. Males are not recorded from any of the specles so far descrlbed. Aphelencholdes del-hlensls n.sp. from soli around the roots of Anona sguamosa dlffers from Aphelencholdes trlylalls, 3TT dactylocercus, A. saccharl and A. cocrpostlcola ln havlng the mu ero centrally located on the tali. It also dlffers from the flrst 2 specles ln lts longer stylet, well developed post-vulvar-uterine sac and hlgher 'o' valve, and from the last 2 specles in the posltlons of the nerve-rlng and excretory porę. A. Indiana n.sp. from soli around the roots of Cosaypltm lndlcum dlffers from A. compostlcoia, AT

saccharl, A. dactylocercus and A. trlvlalls ln the shape of the tali and lorm of the mucro. A. teres n.sp. (females only) from soli around the roots of G. lndlcum, dlffers from A. chanaelocephalus'by havlng a post-vulvar”uterine sac and from A. longturus by the smaller post-vulvar-uterlne sac, the posltlon of the nerve-rlng and the smali er number of inclsures ln the lateral field. A. parascalacaudatus n.sp. (female only) from sol\ around the roots of Cynodon dactylon dlffers from A. scalacaudatus andA. slnghl ln the absence of knobs ot thickenlngs on the stylet.

06 6 8K0SHY, P.K., 1967. "A new specles of Heterodera from India." Indian Phytopath.


Heterodera cajanl n.sp. Is brlefly descrlbed from Całanua cajan, VIgna slnensls, Glyclne raax, Flsum satlvum/ yic1a satfvaPhaseolua aun£ P. aureus, FI ćalcaratus and FI aconltłfoTlus In InJla. The new specles Is close to H. trlfolll. differing only ln some body measureoents of the 2nd-stsge juvenlles. A detalled descrlptlon ls to be published.

06 6 9 VIGLIERCHI0, D.R. & CR0LL, N.A., 1968. "Host resistance reflected ln differentlal nematode populatlon structures." Science, N.Y., 161 (3838), 271-272.

Axenlc cultures of callus tlssue from onlon, whlte clover, red clover and luceme were used as host materiał for the garllc race of Dltylenchua dlpsacl. It was found that goo<ł host materiał Borę a nematode populatlon wlth fewer males than poor host materiał.

0 6 7 0 BINGEPORS, S. & ERIKSS0N, K.B., 1968. "Some problems connected wlth reslstance breedlng agalnst stem nematodes ln Sweden." 2. PflZucht.,    59    (4),    359-375. [German

8ummary p.373.]

Technląues for rearing Dltylenchus dlpsacl Inoculum ln callus tlssue cultures and Yor inoculation and reslstance testing in the laboratory are descrlbed wlth red clover and luceme. Red clover seedllngs Inoculated wlth tap water suspenslons of the nematode became infected. Repeated lnoculatlons dld not inerease the degree of lnfection. Nematodes from callus cultures seemed to be as effectlve an inoculum as nematodes collected from infested flelds. D. dlpsacl populations from red clover in cTifferent parta of Sweden showed only sllght differences ln pathogenlclty.

0 6 7 1 LUNDIN, P.} J0NSS0N, H.A. Weibull'8 Vertus, a luceme variety wlth high reslstance to stem nematodes and Yerticillium wilt. Agri Hortlque Genetlca (T975V 1TTI/4) 17-32 [En, de]

An account ls given of the development in Sweden of the luceme varlety Vertus whlch is highly resistant to Vertlcllllum albo-atrum and Dltylenchus dlpsacl. The new varlety Ts based on the Fletni eh type of luceme and can be grown in areas sultable for thls type where Vertlcllllum wllt and stem nematode are comrnon.

0 6 7 2 AMOSU, J.0.; TAYLOR, D.P. Stlmulation 179 of growth of red clover by Tylenchorhynchus


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