po88lbly resulting from the control of nematode predators. The root-knot nematode (Meloldogyne spp.) is recorded for the flr8t tlrne on clover from field plots in New Hampshlre.

08 20 BINGEFORS, S., 1961. "Sten nematode in luce me in Sweden." II. Resis tance in lucernę against stem nematode." Lantbruk8hogakolan8 Annaler, 27, 385-398.

The luceme variety Lahontan showed a high degree of resistance to Dltylenchus dlpsaci; reactions in suaceptTDTe an3 reelitant varieties were slmilar to those in red clover. The eelworas penetrated resistant plants and were found in cavities within them but no, or very little, multipi ication occurred in resistant plants. Many luceme varieties were tested for resistance, most being very susceptible. Lahontan, Nemastan and an introduction from Iran were highiy resistant while Kayseri (from Turkey) showed an appreclabie degree of resistance. Some samples of Provence and two varietie8 from Eastem Europę also showed some resistance. In field tests Nemastan and Lahontan were poorly adapted to Swedish conditions while Kayseri was falrly good.

0821    CHEN, T., KILPATRICK, R.A. 6 RICH, A.E., 1961. "Sterile culture technlques as tools in plant nematology research." Phytopathology, 51 (11), 799-800.

The authors describe a method for cultur-ing aseptlc Pratylenchus penetrans on seed-llngs of trłfollum repens growlng in nutrlent agar. The nematodes were steril-lzed by immerslon in a solutlon of 0.1% streptomycln sulphate and 30 p.p.m. malachlte green and the populatlon lncreased on sterile com roots before being transferred to the seedlings in the agar cultures. The method provides a pure culture techniąue for studylng actual damage to roots caused by nematodes alone. The effect on serial symptoms as well as on roots can be observed without disturblng the plants or the nematodes.

0822    McGLOHON, N.E., 1962. "Investigations of plant-parasltic nematodes assoclated with forage crops in North Carolina." Dissertation Abstracts, 22 (7), 2145.

Many plant-parasltic nematodes were found assoclated with forage crops. M. hapla falled to reproduce on any of the grasses tested for susceptlblllty to five 8pecles of Meloldogyne and other genera. The sultabllity of several other plant hosts for different nematode genera was lnve8tlgated and green-house tests deter-mlned the best soil for the reproduction of eelworas as well as their effects on follage and roots. Their feeding habits and vlablllty in varlous soils at different temperatures were observed.

0823GOPLEN, B.P. Alfalfa research in western Canada. (Abstract). In Twenty-fourth alfalfa improvement conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, 8-10 October, 1974. Peoria, USA; US Department of Agriculture. (1975) 32-34 [En] Res. Sta., Canada Agric., Saskatoon, Sask.,

Canada. From Plant Breedlng Abstracts 46, 1505, 1514.

Two varieties of luceme have been developed from Vemal and Lahontan with resistance to Ditylenchus dlpsaci and Corynebacterlum insidiosum: one is due for


* 0824GRIFFIN, G.D., ELGIN, J.H., JR. Com-parisons of pathology caused by Meloldogyne hapla on alfalfa selections. [AbstractI. Journal of Nematology (1975) 7 (4) 323 lEn] USDA, ARS, Crops Res. Lab., Utah State Univ., Logan 84322, USA.

Invaslon of Meloldogyne hapla larvae of cuttings of the lucerne selection M-4 from var. Vemal was 80% compared with 100% for the susceptible cv. Ranger, and 85% for a resistant control variety M-9. Soil temperaturę had only a sllght effect on lnvaslon of 3-week-old cuttings. Infection decllned after 6 days when 2-week-old seedlings of the resistant selection No. 298 were grown at 20 to 32 C. The resistant llne Nev. Syn. XX contalned only occaslonal larvae after 2 weeks' growth but no sign of attack after 6 weeks.

0826 HINE, R.B. Root and crown dlseases of alfalfa in the Southwest. [Abstract]. In Twenty-fourth alfalfa lmprovement conference, Univer8ity of Arizona, Tucson 8-10 October, 1974. Peoria, USA; US Department of Agriculture. (1975) 16-17 [En] Dep. Plant Path., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA. From Plant Breedlng Abstracts 46, 1505, 1509.

Mention is madę of a new luceme cultlvar with a high degree of resistance to Ditylenchus dlpsaci.

0826 MILLER, L.I. Susceptlblllty of Norman plgeon pea (CaJanus cajan) to certaln iso-lates of Heterodera glyclnes. [Abstract). Vlrglnla Journal of Science. (1974) 25, 51 (En) Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, Yirginia, 24061, USA.

0827 SIURHAN, D. [Investigation of Vlcla faba varletle8 for resistance to stem ee Iwona (Ditylenchus dlpsaci).) Untersuchung von Vicia faba-sorten auf Resistenz gegenuber Stengelalchen (Ditylenchus dlpsaci). [27th Int. Synro. Fytofarm. en Fytlat.7 Cent, 1975. Deel I.). Mededellngen van de Facultelt Landbouwwetenschappen Rljksuniversiteit Cent (1975) 40 (2, Pt. 1) 443-450 (De; en] Blol. Bundesanatalt, Inst. fur Hackfruchtkrankhelten und Nematodenforschung, Munster, B.R., Germany.

Tests were carried out with 7 biologlcal races and populatlons of Ditylenchus dlpsaci on 23 varleties of field and broad beans to determlne their susceptlblllty. 2 of the nematode populatlons were of the glant race from Vlcla faba in Morocco and Bavaria. No extenslve resistance was found but there were dlfferences in susceptlblllty and most varletles were non-hosts of some nematode populatlons. Nematode multlpllcatlon was generally less in field beans than in broad beans. There were obvious dlfferences in aggresslvlty and virulence between the nematode populatlons.

199 The rye race was the most aggresslve while


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