*0061 LENNE, J.M. Reaction of Desmodium species and other troplcal pasture legumes to the root-knot nematode Meloldogyne jayąnlca. Troplcal Grasslands (1981) 15 vl)

17-20 Tfen, 12 ref. 1 Centro Internac. de Agric. Trop. (CTAT), Apartado Adreo 6713,

Cali, Colombia.    96

aJdicarb conccntration and nematode spccies. Yield incrcascs were Associated with aJdicarb treatments on red clovcr and tunoihy iniectcd with P. penetrans and P. crenatus respcciively. AJdicarb and fenamipbos caused cbangea in body sbape and actavity of femaJe nematoda; P. penetrans recovcrcd morę quickJy from the eflecta of fenamiphos than from aidicarb wbereas P. crenatus recovered morę quickly after sumiar exposure to aJdicarb.

#    0 04 7 0'BRiENf P. C. A study on the host rangę of Praty/encbus thomei. Australasian Plant Patbology (1982) II (l) 3-5 [En, 6 ref.] PI. Pathol. Branch. Dep. of Primary Industries, Indooroopilly, Q. 4068, Australia.

Inoculation of maize, soybean, nayy bean, sorghum, peanut and rhodes grass with P. tbomci in a pot experiment indicated that navy bean, sorghum, maize and soybean were good hosts of the ncmatodc. A list ranking the susccptibility of cvs. to P. thomei is g»vcn.

*    0 0 4 8 NGUYEN-THI THU Cuc New weed host of rice stem nematode Identifled In Yietnam. IntemationaJ Rice Research Newsletter (1982) 7 (3) 15 [En] PI. Protection Dep., Cantho Univ., Hau Giang, Vietnara.

The weed spccies Sacciolepis intecrupta and Echinochloa colona are reported as being hosts for Ditylencbus angustus in Mekong Delta rice fields.

004fc Jain, R. K.. Pathngenicity of łlclicon lenchus dibystera to Cenchrus ciliaris. Indian Journal of bicmaiobgy (1980, pub). 1981) 10 (2) 236-239 [En. 7 ref] Indian Grassland & Fodder Res. Insi., Jhansi, India.

Helicotylcnchus dibystera (at 0. 10, 100, 1000 or 10 000/ pot) was inoculated to 25-day-old seedlings of Cenchrus cibańs, cultivar IGFRI 3108, and in a separate experiment to 6 cuhivars at 10 000/pot. Afier 6 months. fresh and dry weights of roots and shoois in botb experiments were significantly reduced. In the field, 72 cu!tivars of C. ciliaris had high sod populations of H. dibystera.    RRJ 00 6 0 SlDDlOf M. R. Six new spccies of Coslcncbus Siddiqi, 1978 (Nematoda: Tyienchidae). Sematolocica (1980) 26 (4) 432*447 [En, de, 7 ref.) Commonwealth Inst. Helminthology. St. Albans, Herts, Herts, UJC.

Coslencbus turkeyensis n.sp. from gladiolus soi) in Turkey has 12 longitudinal cuticular ridges besioes the latcrał fields, a well developed postvu)val uterine sac and rudiroentary lateraJ m)val membranes. C. pycnocephalus n.sp. and C. muHigyrus n.sp. from cauliflower soils in Syria are recognized, respectively, by a stiongly sclerotized cephalic fraroework and by 22 longitudinal ridges cxcluding lateral fields. C. alacinatus n.sp. from maize and tomato soils in Portugal lacks lateral vulval membranes ano has the excretory porę at or near the oesophageal base. C. franklinae n.sp. from Nigeria and Ghana differs from C. cos tatuś, to which it is relaied, in having a body less than 0.5 mm long. a coniinuous cephalic region which is broadly rounded to truncate and narrower Jaiera) fields being 1/4 as wide as body. C. bisesualis n.sp. from banana soil in Nicaragua. is biscxuaJ and the smaDest (0.36 to 0.38 mm long) spccies in the genus. The new spccies are described and a key to diiTerentiate between the various nominał spccies is given. Ty/cncbus cancellatus Cobb. 1925 is reinsialed as Coslencbus cancellarus (Cobb, 1925) n.comb. A neotype has been designated for Coslencbus costatus (de Man) and Coslcncbus lycopersicus (Husain & Khan, 1976) s regarded as a spccies wouirenda.

Durlng 1978 and 1979, patches of stunted, chlorotlc and vllted planta developed In experlmental stands of D. gyroides and D. ova11 fol juro ln Colombia "TSantander de Qui-1lchao antł Carimagna). Many plants were defollated and dled. Large galls were found on the roots and neoatodes found in the gaiła and the soil were identifled aa M. jayąnlca; this is the first report of fT. ayanlca pathogenic to Desroodlum spp. Tn outh Arrerica. Surveys failed to detect M. ayanlca or arry other Meloldogyne spp. on e anod fum spp. and other plants at 17 pasture evaluation sites elsewhere in South America (Bollvla, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela). At one of the sites in Colombia, M. jayąnlca was wide-spread on several Desroodlum spp. and many weeds of the family Coorposltae; ft was not detected on native legumes (Including Desmodium spp.). Of 38 troplcal pasture legumes tested in glasshouse pot trlals, only 13 were susceptlble to M. jayąnlca. These Included 10 of 13 Desmodium spp. accessions:    Ca    1opogon tum mucunoldes,

Centroseaa hybrid and Ęacroptlilun. 5fTe list 5 wre only slightly susceptlble. Reactlons of 7 D, heterocarpon accessions varied from moderately susceptlble • to resistant. D. gyroides, D. ovallfolium and Desmodium sp. ClAT 336 were morę susceptl-ble. D. dlstortum. Leucaena leucocephala, D. heterophyllum, Puerarla phaseolofdesStylosanthes spp. and Zomla latlfolla were


*0 0 62Sard*>elu. s.: Krlsberc. L. R.; Goioe.w a. M. Corn cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae. in the United Status. Plant Disco.* (1981) 65 (7) 622 (En. 3 ref.) Den. of Botanv. Umv. of Maryland. College Park. MD 20742. UŚA.

Heterodera zeae was found in January 1981 in sam Di es ot soi! from comfieids in Kent County. Maryland. USA. this spccies wai kn jwn previous.ły only from India. Egcpt and ?ak>:ar    r 0 05 3 KhaS. E.: S*Ha. M.; Chawla. M. L. Two ne* spccies of Hoplolaimoidea (Tylrnchida: Nematoda) from India. Indian Journal of Semaioiogy (1980. pub). 198)) JO (2) 118*123 [En. 5 ref.) Di\. of Nematol.. Indian Agric Res. Insi., Neu Delhi-110012 India.

RotyIcnchoiócs imnar n.sp. from soil around maize and ScutcHoncma brabanum n.sp. from soil around palm ai Banc3lore. India, are described and fieured R. impar resembies R. iniermedius and R affinis but differs by hnvinp the smallest stylet in the genus (17 to 21 pim). an anleriorly Unraied vulva (V = 67 to 74%) and a post-rectal intestinal sac. S. brabanum resembies 5. brachyurum and S. bancalormsis bul can be distinguished by having a conoid trunrale lip region, sciMcllac located 2 to 4 annules anterior to anus, absence of aieolation in laieral field, style! 25 to 28 p.m and 0 — 16 to 19.

00 54 DUNBtER. M. w.; PaLMER. T. P.; ELLIS, T. J.: BE\'-crr, P. P. Field evaliiation of lucerne cultivars for Ditylencbus dipsaci (Ncmutoda:    Tyienchidae) and

Acyrtbosiphon kondoi (Hcmipteru:    Aphididae*. In

Proceedings of the Ind Australasian Confercnce on gra»lanJ insertebrate ecoiogy. Palmerston Sorth. Sew Zealand. 22-JC> May 1973. [Edited by: Crosby. f K.: Pottinuer. R.P.J. Welhncton. New Zealand: P D. Hasselberg, Govemmcnt Pnmer. 11980) 99-102 ISBN 0-477JR,o54-2 (En. 9 ref.| Crop Res. Div . Private Bag. Christchurch. New Zealand.

In New Zealand. 8 luceme culli*ars were tested for rcsistance to D. dipsaci and A. kondoi in soil already infected with bactcrial w»it. Cuitivars Washoe. Lahontan ard Resistador II showed zood resistancc to both wili and


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