Yohsne I | loue 5 | Mas-2016
we lic hipps lo rrach oot lo ycu throagh the* columrj tokc oflen ind Ihui hase thos changcd the perlodlcity of thli news ktter lo be ąuirlcrty. łba hc^s ui keep ycn infermed of the yśod went wr do fcr Ihe scolety Ihrough Ihe Energy Procki - cour-im cf good wc«k sou do al ihe crfice - fre-ipenUy.
Greet the New Stan
Under our Passloo Fuadtng Pros,run. rf.
feettse Ictcuary. 2016. we hast ukoi Iwo morę chess ptasen - who a-m betng tnlncd U Vl)iy Anand CheŁs Acadony. (hcnnal -under our wlng.
• klaster R. BalaJI. a dus IX fiudent freer. the Ydirsnul greup of tchook. hu bccn Idenuhed u a good canńialr u he came fmt In the Ihiruvallur dis tndchestoumunrmfcndcr li). Wllh fcctlcr coachlng and etposure lo san-cus lournaments. he can be groomed tnto a fme player. ssfach u s>hcte Ihe Energy Pnfckt cottks ta
Ms X Sanny*. also a pr oduct ofYdarn -mai Schocds. is zn eiceflert find of the Tern Fncrgy Pro)drt. she as a fint yar undcgraduale studott at MOP Vaah-nar Co&gr for Wcenen. Chcnnal. She rtpresecłcd Ursll Nada in the NaUteial Team Oper. Cheu Char.ptcr.shtp Ccc Wcenoi hdd i'. Ehubaneshwar and her team ćnishcd thlrd. Her oeher acharre racnsare
•Her college sean wen the Inter c;oł-legtatc Chcą (hampkenhp held al MOP Vasfcna» Coflegr. Chcnnal (Feb 17/18)
•She p* the firn pnie tn the 31*
Rachael Paranlolhy Open Chcu R>ur-nament for YWancn (Nchre sudum - Feb 27/28)
•Secured the fina pnąc in the State leieł Open Meet (under 25) hdd al Salem •won the WCC Roang Iłcphy
'Cd the Best Waman Player award tn the 2“* Adra FIDH Open Raimg Itmr-naraenl (West Bengal March 16-20) •Cd the Bca Wcenin assanl In the Cufarat Internationa! Open rouma-mer.t (nrtth a cash award) hdd at Vado-dara (May 1-5)
•Flnuhed sltlh tn the llmil N*du Stale Tburaament (Wtunen) held at Ihlru-saror (May) and wu selected to play tn the National B Chea Champfcnshlp •In the same toumiment s*an the first prete in the Błtacheu Chanpiondię
ShetsonlhertghttncktoachlCTcmarc laurek. and Tcxn Energy Prefekt wuhcs her all thcbetL
Mr Harikrishnan, Ix>ng DUtance Runu er:
Mr Itnkflshnan of |avsadu (Ycbgtrt) i lllls Is a hrit star postgraduale student al isbmlah College. Yintyimhadl. Our Program adopled hlm frten March. 2016. R wu
dumg the seccnd ytar cf ha o ikr pa da-itlo n whcn ht aoaiknuDy had an cępor tur.ity to reatoe hu Uknt tn kng dłUancc ranni ng. stt« then he hasbcen ancocntly Minrnngthegpldmedalm 5 km and lokm raco u the coBcgc and oenrsity inris. Ile Is presenlly the Ininidual Champion (Uh ktlcs) of ihlrus-aScrar L'wveroty. ile ha-i
lo urark part tsne In i depanmental storę U VarByarnh*± In the c-ienings tn cedcr lo mect his ctpenses for partldpatlng tn the varxus raco (hal: marathons). Recendy, he
• Camc seccoi tn Ihe METZ Eon for Creen Italf Marathcm <21.1 km) heid In Chcnnal on 20 March 2016 and psi l ash awird crf Rs 5000 (wllh i timing cfOI:l«l«)
Seccrcd the firn pnie In the Ydagjn ltlili truł Marathcn and gol Ra 7000 as aaaward
• RecrSYed the fc-slh prue «n the Nufchaya Mtdnight Marsh co hdd at Bangafore co Apnl 30 behtnd Kcnyaa kog disaace runners »ho occspled the tirst three pofliłcets tn the nura tfcon and half tnarathon (wllh a timing 0*01:13:40)
His drearas are big. and Team Energy Pro-)ckl ts ccromnicd lo bdpeig hen chasc md reahre those dreara.
Our stars at Amnet s Annual .Mect
tn Ansnels Annual Day Mect hdd co 14 May 2016. Mr PC subramantam. COO. in troduccd M(S Vlnoth and Srtkartth of Team Energy Projekt, snkanth. afu? gjytng a gtst of lhc Inetgy PrcOełls inlUaUYCs. tnłjo-duced the sewn candldales (2 candldales cculd not make tt that day) wt» are sup portad by the PrWckl tn variom dłsclphnes (chos. athlctks, Wu Shu. key board) to the tbunderc-ss apjUusc o* the audknec Ihe candldales wyc ompły OTennhcfcned by lhc reccgnltlcn md applause they rocelsed Mr Aashtsh. our foundar. ccprcssoi his Msh that he waiki Itke to we 20 25 such candt dales nest year.