
\Wu8X III IssueS May 2018


Cooducted by the Energy Projekt on Dec 10.2017. Ut rloor, |VL Plaaa

Ihe propim mi klckslirted with i wdcome addKisbyY Krlshnan. wbogare a belef noK on the acthlties of the Energy Piojeh andthctrrlsloo to hm* afibhsł/a#. yr!xt In the yeus to co me.

Brief Nołc on the Speaker i In. V. Yogahkunur ind Mn. Sahiihlnl lusbind and wlfe. serre as wdlness co ich md ót&sss cccisuhmŁ \\>ge£fcunmr fc wcck-la om independent assocUK fcr Keibll Life Sitrtton. the workfsnusrfcer-coe nitrl-tlon carpooy. fcr 37 Team Th; canpany has cperattons incnerSC ccumrlrs.

Mm Ushi M. ts a yogi apert. tralned tfwjlaiulTini dmcfc md gdd medal te. 3>e was narded the tik cf Nslya M;LPr.:*i by the TN gorernment. and sh: t assoclUed with CTS and Velmnml Interna.

tlODll ScłlOOl.

Dr. B. Gineih Komar. MPhll. PhD. MD (Acn) tsdtrector of Rocts and v.1ngs Iscń-dctlls tralnlng organlzatloo'. He t ilso as-soclated wth the Department of Psychiatry. Raju Hospltai. T. Xagax Cfoennal He was the psychologa fcr the mens Indian cncket

Kun liom I0C0 to 2COI and womtns Indian crfcket team Iran 2000 to 20M.


Ln. V. Yogcshkumar

He girę in analyllca] audlortua) pretenti-tkon on perscoal and tamiły welin ess Corning the fdloMlng lepta

•    heallhrbteikńst and snack plans

•    welghl lossandguo

•    cfalld oulAttoo

•    heallhylltestyle

He tollowed tt up with in eidtlng qula pro-grim whldi was an eye-opener for all.


She tocfc all parttpanls through a session on joga. corerlng the hasfcs and ns

lirporlaiKe tn cur dalły Ures. and tcucbod upon the prcęhecy of Swa ml Vlrekantndi and unhetsil brctherteod: the« B coly one stłlglon. and that ts the reltgbn of husmnllr.

She ccaductcd t slmple breathlng extr-cłse. unohtng all pirttipants and generalną. a postne attttude. Sh; educated th; paittlpints on Ikw one could fcd the ln-ner radlatlon and derdcp ccocentritto by prictiang yuga and ts asanis. especlillr pmtpwi

Dr. B. Ganesh Kumar H; stan od off his presentdton wth an eihlliratlną pttfamaste of role-play wth btllooos—a greal inKractne sesston that enKrtalned all ihe pirtfcipanls— through wfefch he conreytd the Isnportanre of eniiranre. patkoce. persereranee. and qualltles rreyilrcd to so;cred as a sportsper-son. An oadlorUuil presentatlon wth dtp-ptngs from The Ksrite Kii ind on Roger Bannlstrr stressed pramce and leadershlp ąuilitki.

Ttoe milartsuil prescntatton oa Roger BannBter was a tre at for th; eyes and a great learntng eepertnee. Roger Bannlster set high standuds for hlmsefl. whtdt t«:ime btnehmirks for ethrr athletn to lmprorkse upon,- the Kit B histoty.

Iumnet Habiliss FreshOl Springbord

Hm aiM-minutę mile rccord was firsl adUered ln 19Sł by Rc^er Bmnfcter at 3t59.4. Hic "fcur-mlnule butler* has sina been breken by miny mile athletes and ls rww the tfmdnrd fot all mil: professtonil mldJle-Jlstm:e runners. In the list 50 years, th: mik reenrd has beto lowered by almost 17 ictccds ind aurendy stonds at Ł«.1X

Lasltit act lei*, a magle show was eon-diKled by Mayi. 11 was i spec Utuli r shew that kepi tł>e pottfclpints co thei r toes ind kłttbemawestruck.

A rc«e of tłurfcswas dełfraedtyr Vlncth Memeotos wtte gr.ro to all the speakers by Ushl Krtdmin.


Tbe workshop wis i gteit lOetactri-c session. inrciring all ihe partlclparts. It rtx*lvated Ihem ind rilsed thelr morale.

enauraglng łbem to set huh Oondirds for tbemselres, reach aew mile Stones, and keep pushtng hard to get the best resuks ir>d bet-ter tbelrcwnreccrds.


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