
Biochemistyr & Biophysics

Educationai & profcssional aims & scopcs:

Introduction to the fundamentals of biochemistiy and biophysics.

Lccturc content:

Thennodynamics of biological processes. First ad second thermodynamicai principles and their appliations to biological proccsscs. Third thermodynamicai principle. Chemical potcntial and blood plasma diffusion. Noneąuilibrium thermodynamics. Transport problems. membranę transport, filtration and ultrafiltration. Electric charge transport. Physical foundations of bioelectricity. Oxyreduction potential. Bioenergetics. Fundamentals of molecular biophysics. Basic types of biological macro-molecules. Physical methods of imestigation of macromoleculcs. Biophysics of the celi. The sense of hcaring. The car as information transimtting system, sound wave, the organs of speech. The sense of vision. Optical system, the eye, resolution. energetics of the process of vision. stereoscopic vision. eyeglasses. Biophysics of circulatoiy system. Blood viscosity: work. power and efficieny of the heart: hydrodynamics. Biophysics of the respiratory system: lung ventilation mcchanism: work of the respiratory system: gas exhange

Laboratory practicals:

I    .Concentration celi.

2. Electric potential imestigation.

3. Membranę transport: diffusion. osmosis.

4. Pulfrich efect.

5. Lambert-Beer law.

6. Liquid flow im estigation.

7.Sound velocity determination with acoustic resonance.

8.Hoppler's viscosimeter.

9.Surface tension.

10.Organie celi.

II    .Specifc heat determination.

12.Determination of the linear gamma radiation absorption coefficient.

13.Im estigation of gamma radiation statistics.

14.Investigation of gamma radiation spectrum: contamination measurement.

15.Slokes viscosimeler.

16. Physical foundations of electrocardiography.

17. Microscopc. Brownian motions.

18. Physical foundations of ultrasonography.

19. Lenses.

20.Optical detennination of difffusion coefficent.

Rccommended literaturę:

1 .S. Miękisz. A. Hendrich, Wybrane zagadnienia z biofizyki. Volumed. Warszawa. 1998.

2. M. Bryszewska. W. Leyko. Biofizyka dla biologów. PWN. Warszawa, 1997.

3. F. Jaroszyk. Biofizy ka. PZWL. Warszawa. 2001.

4. J. Terlecki. Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne z biofizyki. PZWL. Warszawa, 1999.

5. F. Jaroszyk, Biofizyka. Podręcznik dla studentów. PZWL Warszawa 2001.

6. M. Kapuściska. Fizyka. Podręcznik dla studentów farmacji. PZWL Warszawa 2001

7. B. Sędzia. Materiały do ćwiczeń z biofizyki i fizyki. PZWL Warszawa 2001


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