Educational & profcssional aims & scopcs:

Teaching about normal slracture of cells. tissues and organs. and fundamcntals of human fetal developmenl.

Lccturcs contcnt:

Histological tcchniąucs in optical and clectronic microscopy. and in histochemistry.

Organization of the celi: the struclure and specialization of celi membranes. structure and role of celi organelles (mitochondria. Gorgi apparatns. endoplasinic reticulum. ribosomes. endosoinal system, etc.), organization and function of the nucleus: celi cycle.

Structure and function of tissues (epithelial. connectivc. muscular. ncural).

Composition and function of the blood and lymph: hacmatopocsis.

Structure and functions of the organs in the alimentaiy, excretory. respiratory . reproductive, neural. circular and endocrine Systems; structure of the skin and its products.

Fundamentals of gametogenesis. fertilization, stages of the human fetal growth.

Laboratory practicals contcnt:

Practicing basie techniques of preparing and interpreting specimens with histochemical and immunochemical methods used in medical dagnostics; preparing and interpreting the blood smear.

Rccommended literaturę:

1. W. Sawicki, Histologia, PZWL, Warszawa 2000.

_Practice of medical analytics    |

Educational & profcssional aims & scopcs:

To implement knowledge on registration of diagnostic commissions and its proper documcntation: distribution of diagnostic samples and results of analyscs: operating of computerized information Systems in medical laboratories: operating of laboratory eąuipments: centrifugation of blood samples to gain semm or plasma: operating and inaintenance of automated biochemical and haematological analyzers; preparation of reagents. Solutions, buffers. dyes; writing and placing of commercial orders to medical equipment suppliers.

Laboratory practicals contcnt:

Practicals will be perfonned in the fully active diagnostic medical laboratories. Education of practical skills to enablc effective canying out the currently approvcd biochemical. haematological. microbiological and analytical diagnostics protocols. The skills covering also training into the strict team cooperation in particular departments of health care system.

Rccommcndcd literaturę:

1 .Skrypt wydany przez Katedrę i Zakład Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej CM UMK.

2.J. Tomaszewski. Diagnostyka laboratoryjna, PZWL. Warszawa 2001.


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