leneration and tcction of the natural Irolipid coat of the skin

Targeted eńnulsion for intensiYG daily core of very dry body porte, e.g. face, neck, deavoge, hands, elbows, knees and fooł.; Reęommended also for łh© core of the enłire body if neoded. Technologically advanced ingrcdicnts - RELIPIDIUM®.'a.n,ręgenerating phosphohpids stimulatc reconstruction of the lipid layer responsible for proper hydration of the skin. Selected oils ond v©getable butters cnsure optimal lubrication of the epidermis without the feeling of oily residue. Penetrating ihc epidermis cffićiently, provitamin B5 retains moisture and accelcrates rogeneration. It lastingly removes the feeling of discomfort caused by exces$ive dryness.

In the in vivo * tests volunteers confinm: A 89% • softness and smoothness of the skin

B 90% - soothing irritation C 93% - rcgcncrotion of the epidermis

D 100%- deep hydration E 100% - intensive car©

* Tesfs carried oul on a group of 15 sotooted fornalu for fovr we»k» and łupsrrtłtd by dermołologitfs.

Method of uso: Apply onto cleonsed skin and genłly massage.

-- Ingrodionti (INCI): -

Aq.o. Gifyniporm.m Perki Bot ar, Gossypur. g Hfrokaum Sood Ot Por/li-u- Uqitdmv Gfooiyi Pcneo Grcl uir e Ot, Gt,osryt Storote. iGoprytc/Capń: Tńgfyecridp._S^ubfcnr, Crtfy) AWkA Gł/oerti, Pęł,fio-,tciH-l3, Pcł,nl,oir/W Mrrit;l«/$i»;<i-ct»; DrT>-H:oi>j. Tc«>pVe</ Actłate. PorfK:ńa’. Clii Of, A'br-,tón. CWftUucJ. Ci.OMC, FOV Soct-.m Bcrcętarridoprap^

PO Diwł.m CiiWtiu CnCMl-ae. ItjdwyzódYeos:

SaiUynl)C'>ęn;b, Sodijr ftrjta«, Ef Cite /'ód, Ptntjkno GI/ccJ, Potassiuri:

liyntoykj, ?oiKm.


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