US-C per litre
Subsidies (49-85 US-Cents)
The retaJ price ofGasoineisat toast as hfch as the prico for crudo Ol on tho worid martwot and bcfcw the phce tovd ot the Itoited States.
Noto: The fuel pnces ot the United States are svorage cost-covoring rotaJ pncos nci mdustry margin, VAT/satos tax and net. appr. 10 US-Cents tortho 2 road funds (fodora! and stato). Th<s fuel price may be considered as the International minimum benchmark for a non-subsidised road transport pofecy; though not yot covonng oidomal costs for health and onwonmental damages.
High Subsidies (up to 48 US-Cents)
Tho retai prico ot Gasobne cs betow the prico tor crude Ol on tho wjrid market.
Taxation (86-141 US-Cents)
High Taxation (142 and morę US-Cents)
Bonchmark Lino:
Retail Price ot Gasoline In the United States 86 US-Conts/Litro
Bonchmark Une:
Retail Price of Gasoime in Poland = 142 US-Centa/Litre
Rotaii poco ot Gasotae ts at toast as high as the prtco ot tho United States and bdow tho prico ievei ot Poland.
Noto: In November 2014. Gaso'no prices in Poland woro tho lowost in EU-28. Pncos in EU countries are subject to VAT. spoofc fuel taxes as won os ot hor country spocie dut)OS and taxes. The EU sets minimum taxation rates for fossil fuels.
Tho rotai pneo o< Gasoino is at toast as high os tho poco tovd o* Pdand.
Noto: At these teveis. countries aro otfoctivoły using taxos to genorato revenues and to oncourage onergy effetoncy in the transport sector.
Bonchmark Une:
Price ot Crude Oil on World Market i 49 US-Cents/Litre (= USS 78/Barrel)