


Hajeb Prep School 2017/201S Level: 8th Form


Mid-semester 1 English test n 2


C ' Teacher:

Bilel Zelfani


Name : ......................

..........................Class: 8th B..........

....... N° :




1)    Fili In the blanks with 8 words (there are 2 extra words) (4 marks)

students/to/compulsory/teachers/break/ years/start/ classroom/ morning/hours

The Japanese education system consists of six..............of primary school, three years

of prep school and three years of secondary school. Education is..............only for the

nine years of elementary and middle schools. Japanese children--------------school after

their sixth birthday. There are 30 to 40..............in a typical school class. Lessons

usually begin at eight thirty. Students usually stay in the same..............all day and the

teacher goes from one classroom..............another. On Monday, at the beginning of each

week, pupils attend the fifteen-minute..............assembly.

Lunch..............is 45 minutes and students usually have it in their classroom.

2)    Circle the correct alternative (4.5 marks)

I hate homework and studying, but I likc (go/going/went) to school to be with my f riends. I love the extra - (eurricular/curriculum/curricula) activities because there's no homework. I practice football and tennis after my (classroom/urtiform/lessons). I started playing football four years ago. It's a lot of (fun/loYe/break).

Drama is my favourite (homcwork/subjcct/food) at school. In drama classes you can become someone else. I want to become (a/the/an) international actor. My drama teacher is really cool I hate Spanish and Italian (bccause/however/but) I don't understand them and they are really (borcd/boring/borcdom) In my school at the moment, there's a (administration/asscmbly/compctition) that tests our dancing skills



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