34. Logistics centres in Poland (or in other country) - benefits.
35. Outsourcing in logistics management - strategy or restructuring method?
36. Logistics management and e-business.
37. Logistics and environmental protection - principles, strategies and management methods.
38. Reference models for logistics supply chains (e g. SCOR).
39. Benchmarking in logistics management - application in practice.
40. Green logistics - what does it really mean?
41. Logistics networks - examples and perspectives for development.
42. Cooperation forms in logistics management - supply chains and networks.
43. Law regulations for international transport (e.g. EU countries).
44. Law regulations for logistics to protect environment (green logistics).
45. Accounting, controlling and financial analysis in logistics.
46. Logistics management in specific branches - peculiarity, similarities and differences.
47. IT in logistics management - decision support systems and software tools.
48. International logistics in production and distribution - examples of systems.
49. Effectiveness of logistics chains - methods and instruments of measurement.
50. Logistics as a profession - education, certification, job requirements.
51. Individual proposal for logistics issue/topic.
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