Dr. Widyastuti, S.Si, M.Si


Research Inłerest:

Advanced ceramic materiał

Defense materiał (Bullet, Radar Absorber Materiał, Thermal Barrier Coating]

Energy & Industrial Production Management System Education :

Doctor Program ot Metallurgical & Materiał Engineering, University ot Indonesia (2009)


Karakterisasi Materiał (2019), Berpikir Kritis dan Metode llmiah (2018)

EHT = 20.00 kV Slgnal A = SE1    File Name = BAM 12.tif

WD = 9.0 mm Mag = 25.00 K X Sample ID = 0,3_


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□ Education Contact Person: Lukman Noerochim, Ph.D lukman@mat-eng.its.ac.idLukman Noerochim,
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U Si LUO, VI. TbC TVAU T)ej, Dr" OUdU C dQ[J

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