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^ jupyter Lorenz Differential Equations (autowied)

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Exploring the Lorenz System

In this Notebook we explore the Lorenz system of differential equations:

x = a(y -x) y = px - y - xz ż = -pz + xy

This is one of the classic Systems in non-linear differential equatk>ns. It exhibits a rangę of complex bohaviors as tho paramotors {o, P. p) aro variod, including what aro known as chaotic Solutions. The systom was originally dovolopod as a simplified mathomatical model for atmospheric convection in 1963.

In ( 7 | x interact(Lorenz, N-fixed(10), angle-(0.,360.),

or-(0.0,50.0),p-(0.,5), p-< 0.0,50.0))


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A fuli tutorial for usmg the

In [ J: tzatplotlib inline

import pandas as pd import nuspy as np import matpiotlib


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