pim i k'i

Dear Mr. Lersky,

I ara writing to confirzn what I told you on the teląłhone this raorning,namely, t-hat arrangements have be en-madę with Mr. Pragier for the Executive Committee of the Polish Sociallst Party to attend at the House of Commons, tomorrow Wednesday at 12.0 noon, in order to meet representatives of the Parłlamentary Labour Party to discuas the Crimea Declaration, so far as it affects Poland. I understand that this aproint-ment is convenient to M. Arcizewski, and I hope very much lt will be possible for him to be in attendance.

The Meeting will take place in Committee Room Ko. 8, which has been booked in the name of Mr. Arthur Greenwood.

Yours sincerely,


The Political Secretary to The Polish Prime Minister,

18, Kensington Pałace Gardens, London, W.8.


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