London Po
I. ON DON, Feb. 15 <fP) — Tomasz Arciszewski, Premier of the Exiled Polish GoYcrnmcnl; ln London, di>-daied tode.y that Polane! wtU “never summdor to śł&yóry and a new pertitlbń donc her by Hic Allles,” and expr«5SCd mdlguuUon at the .suggestion that UUś adminLsLraUon was wlihoufc power (o act.
The 07-year-old Prltne Minister closed ». 43-mimitc presr. c-Onferencc blast RKftinst Ruaaia whe-n a reporter asked: “Does this govevn-mont in London propoae to do auy-Saing except talk?’’ .
"MOltE THAN TALKINC Arciszewski’# eyes blazed and his voicc was rrdsed as he shot baek: "Of course, you may think these expressiorui of oplnion by this gov-ornment aro snperflnous. but umler lh« orders oF this governmenŁ urc Important forces fighting on land. seit and ln the Air — and that is morę tłum talking.”
Then he rosę and walkod ultcrlng words lii Pollsh. After the oonfnsion a spokesman translated:
“The 1’rfme Minister says we wam ihe frlendshlp of Russla and goot relatlons willi Russła, that wc hav< uo other posslble designs agninsi llie Sovicł, and that all we want from Ruśsia is freedom and indc-pondom-e."
In connection with. tlie troop.1 lundor the London gove'mmeht, a dispatch flhowi Romo r.odny reporter that General Władysław Anders, commander of Polish łrnops III Kały. haci is.sued an order of the ćjy oppeaUng ui his men to rnain-taln dl-scipline despite “this heavy blow wlileh the Polish causc has surfered'' ln the Oninea confcrenco decisious.
Arciszewski accused the Big Three of ĆUctfttOrial acts and sald that Brltaln aud the United States may be disilliialoued by Russia “in ihc very ncar futurc.”
Ho f-aid tlmt liir. Rwnunen: wonld not resign becausC of the Crimoa demions. “3f we rosigrteti it would mcmi ae/jeptjng the dicta tes of ćorcign powers," he addeti.
Tłie Polish uiition. he said. "does not bcliere in the words of Russiu wlien she promises Irce dcmocraey for 1‘oland."
His goyennuent. he sald, docs not behwe that If .soino new peoplc shoukl be intiuded in the proposcd new govemmcnc. it wonie! be riy morę Irce than the gyyernmcuts ln Lublin and Rumunia."